After being knocked away, before he could even get up, he pointed at Ike and Luffy who suddenly appeared and shouted to several navy soldiers,"You bunch of rubbish, take them down!"

Under pressure, several soldiers had no choice but to take out their guns and pointed them at Ike and Luffy.

Seeing this, Ike took out the letter of appointment from the private navy without hesitation.

"Put down your guns. I am Admiral Ike of the civilian navy. I am here to investigate Colonel Monka for exploiting civilians and abusing his power for personal gain!"

Ike's words stunned several navy soldiers.

They naturally knew what the admiral's position was, but....What is a private navy?

However, when they thought that the other party was here to investigate Colonel Monka, the soldiers' expressions did not change, but they were very happy in their hearts.

They had been exploited by Colonel Monka and were exhausted physically and mentally. What they did every day was not to punish evil and promote good, but to help Monka's family oppress civilians.....

This made them feel a little sorry for the navy uniforms they were wearing.

Several navy soldiers did not consider whether the private navy was a navy, but put down their guns one after another......

On the other side,

Luffy and Coby have learned from the little girl the details of why Zoro was tied up here.

After listening to the little girl's story, Coby's faith collapsed a little. His dream was to become a navy admiral, but....He didn't expect that the righteous navy would do such a bad and indiscriminate thing.

Instead, Luffy laughed after hearing what happened.

"Zoro, come be my companion, and become a pirate with me!"

Zoro sneered when he heard this,"Do you want me to go with you to burn, kill, plunder and become a scum? Stop dreaming!"

As a pirate hunter, Zoro naturally has no good impression of pirates.

At first, he became a pirate hunter just to earn bounties to eat, but after doing it for a while, he found that pirates were really a group of lawless people, and killing them was no psychological burden for Zoro.

At this moment, Ike, who had already negotiated with several navy soldiers and tied up Berumeber, came over.

He walked up to Zoro, took out the letter of commission from the private navy, and said to Zoro,"Zoro, as long as you sign this letter of commission from the private navy, you will be a member of our private navy!"

"Navy? Isn't that pirates? Aren't you guys the same group?" Zoro asked curiously.

"of course....."Before Luffy could even utter the word"pirate", Ike grabbed him and whispered in his ear,"Idiot!"....Didn't you notice that Zoro was reluctant to join the pirates? Let's first let him join us as a private navy!"

"Oh? Ike, you are really smart!"

After praising Ike, Luffy put his hands on his waist and said,"Yes,...Private pirates....Oh, that's not right....It's the navy!"


Without looking at Luffy, Ike looked at Zoro and said,"What do you think? As long as you join us, your punishment will be over!"

Hearing Ike's words, Zoro did not answer but looked at the little girl who was looking at him innocently.

Seeing this, Ike also knew what Zoro was thinking, and he continued,"Don't worry! Since we are here, we will take care of Monka's matter."

Hearing what Ike said, Zoro raised his mouth and said,"It's not impossible to join you, but I also have my own ambitions!"

"I want to become the world's best swordsman.....Because of you, I can't fulfill my ambitions. I will chop you off with my own hands!"

Luffy laughed and agreed.

Ike said as he used the wind blade in his hand to cut the ropes that bound Zoro.

"Ambition brings motivation!"

Just as Sauron was untied, the gate of the training ground was opened again, and then the highest commander of the base, Colonel Monka, walked in with dozens of navy soldiers.

"who is it....How dare you run wild in my territory!"

Mengka has a huge iron chin and a huge axe in one hand.

Because of this feature, he is called Axeman Monka.

Several soldiers who had surrendered to Ike trembled when they saw Axeman Monka.

For them, Monka is the nightmare that shrouds the entire town of Shields.

At this time, Ike walked over and took out his private navy commission again.

When Monka saw the seal of the Navy Headquarters printed on the commission, his heart trembled.

He knew best what he had done in Shields Town. If he was caught, he would definitely be imprisoned for life.

Thinking of this, a cruel look appeared in the eyes of Axeman Monka.

Regardless of whether the boy who claimed to be a private navy in front of him was a real navy, Monka would not let him leave Shields Town alive today.

"Humph! Impersonating a senior naval officer, damn it!...."

After saying that, Axeman Monka took two steps back, let the soldiers behind him out and said,"Shoot these people to death!"

Seeing this, Coby and the little girl turned pale with fear.

Zoro, Luffy and Ike looked at the navy soldiers with guns expressionlessly.

"hehe....."Zoro smiled and said,"Your private navy is useless!"

Ike heard this and smiled awkwardly,"That...Regardless of whether it works or not, this guy will not let us go, so let's just do it!"

At the same time, a group of navy soldiers had already opened fire, but Luffy blocked all of them with his body and bounced all the bullets back.

"It's useless! It's useless!"

As Luffy spoke, he had already cleared a large number of navy soldiers with a rubber whip.

Seeing this, Monka said solemnly,"Is he actually a devil fruit user?"

"Everyone, give up your guns and kill them with your knives!"

Ike would not watch Luffy fight alone, he rushed forward with violent airflow wrapped around his hands.

"I just want to know if defeating the navy will deduct justice points?"

Thinking of this, Ike randomly knocked a navy soldier away. After finding that no justice points were deducted, he also let go.

In just a few breaths, all the navy soldiers in front of Monka were knocked down by Ike and Luffy, leaving only Monka, who was isolated and helpless, and Berumeber, who was tied up and could only make"wuwuwu" sounds.

"Monka, you are under arrest!" Ike said righteously.

"Arrest me? You don't have the right...I am Meng....."

"Before he could even utter the word"Ka", Ike used the roar of a sky dragon to knock him away.

When Monka was defeated, Ike also received a notification of the arrival of justice points.

There were two points in total, one was the ten justice points gained after defeating Monka.

The other was the fifteen hundred justice points gained for saving the entire town of Shields.

Ike did not expect that just by defeating Monka, he could actually gain such a rich justice point.

"really...Defeating the scum navy is also a just act!"

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