"Eh? Zoro, you didn't chop them up just because the food they cooked was not to your liking?"

After listening to his companions' explanation, Luffy realized that he had misunderstood Zoro.

"Hello...Ike said before, this is a bounty hunter's lair, which means everyone here is an enemy! Didn't you listen?"

Sanji took out the cigarette that Ike gave him, lit it, took a puff, and asked speechlessly

"Eh? Did Ike say that? Luffy looked confused.....Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates fell silent............

I didn't bother with Luffy anymore. After all, if Luffy could be obedient, he wouldn't be him anymore.

Ike told them about Alabasta, Crocodile, and the missions given by Sengoku.

After learning about the next itinerary, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was a little confused.

After all,....The Seven Warlords of the Sea are really far away from the East China Sea.

But when Ike said that Hawkeye was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Zoro immediately wanted to fight.

Sanji and Luffy's expressions also became serious.

And Usopp was horrified, he thought of the battle between Hawkeye and Zoro.

In Usopp's view, Zoro is already as strong as a monster, but even Zoro still has no power to fight back against Hawkeye............

"Oh? So....Vivi is the princess of Alabasta, so she is very rich?"

After listening to Ike's story, Nami's eyes suddenly turned into Bailey's.

Seeing this, Vivi shook her head and said,"Although our Alabasta has a large land area, most of it is desert, so our Alabasta is not actually very rich. To be precise, it should be very poor."

"Oh!"Hearing that Alabasta was very poor, Nami no longer had the idea of making money. After all,....The country is almost ruined, and it is not fair to take advantage of it.

Unlike the original Nami, the current Nami is more aware of her identity as a private navy....If there is an opportunity to make a lot of money, she will also become a pirate........

Nami was not very worried about this trip to Alabasta.

After all, there was a regular navy admiral to back them up.

And as long as they sneaked into Alabasta quietly and found some evidence to hand over to Marshal Sengoku, the Straw Hat Pirates would have little to do with them next. Just when Nami had this idea, two strange creatures came out from nowhere and stood on the roof.

These were the two mascots of Baroque Works, one was a sea otter and the other was a vulture.

Although they were two animals, they had human intelligence and code names. They were direct subordinates of the boss Crocodile.

Mr13 and Mr Friday.

Mr13 held a paintbrush and a drawing board, and in just a few seconds, he drew portraits of all the Straw Hat Pirates present.

Seeing this, Vivi's face changed. If these portraits fell into Crocodile's hands, the difficulty of the mission would instantly increase a hundred times.......

Just when they finished drawing the portrait and were about to escape, Ike made a decisive move, threw the Toyako in his hand, and directly knocked Mr. 13 and Mr. Friday down from the sky.

Vivi was relieved to see Mr. 13 and Mr. Friday being knocked down.

These two guys are special snitches. If they go back, the information about the Straw Hat Pirates and Vivi will definitely be delivered to Crocodile. It will be difficult to return to Alabasta safely at that time.......

Ike did not kill the two creatures, but instead planned to capture them as pets.....Such smart animals are rare.

Moreover, they are well-trained animals with reconnaissance and intelligence capabilities.

Ike plans to give his camera to Mr. 13, and he will be responsible for recording the entire battle. Then Ike can save these precious videos. He took out two large iron cages and locked them up........

"Ike...What should we do with these two guys?"Zoro pointed at Mr. 5 and Mr. Valentine who were tied up and asked,"Should we kill them?"

In fact, Zoro was also trying to scare these two guys. It was against Zoro's way to attack those who were powerless.

Although the Straw Hat Pirates knew that Zoro was joking, Mr. 5 and Valentine didn't know.

"Everyone....Don't...Don't kill us, we are still useful!...We can join you!"

Mr5 was already in tears. He really didn't want to die.

""Who wants a booger-nosed man like you!" Ike said speechlessly.

Then he thought for a moment and said,"Put it on the boat! We can leave it to Smoker and the others to deal with it when the time comes."

Hearing what Ike said, Mr. 5 and Valentine were relieved.

At this moment, Ike suddenly thought of something,"Oh, right....Sauron...This Valentine has the ability to change your own weight, you can use it as a dumbbell."

Ike's words also made Zoro's eyes light up.

The weight of the dumbbell he is using now is not enough. It would be nice to have a dumbbell that can adjust the weight freely, but it is a little too soft and may be uncomfortable to lift.

"Forget it! Although this woman's ability is useful...But it's too soft."

Ike didn't expect that the great Zoro could be so kind to women........

After discussing everything, everyone planned to board the Golden Merry and leave.

At this time, Weiwei's guard captain Ikalem came to everyone and said,"Princess Weiwei, I won't go with you!"

"I will go back to Alabasta alone and inform the King of everything we have investigated."

After hearing Ikalem's words, Ike didn't wait for Vivi to speak, and directly helped her refuse.

"Forget it. We are not sure whether Baroque Works has sent assassins. It is too dangerous for you to go to Alabasta alone."

Ike knew that if Ikalem went alone, he would explode on the spot.

Although he did not die and was saved by Robin,...There is no need to let a good man like Ikalem suffer that.

After hearing what Ike said, Ikalem thought about it for a while and agreed........

Just like that, the Straw Hat Pirates added four more people and two more animals.

They are Princess Vivi, Ikalem, Mr. 5, Mr. Valentine, Mr. 13, and Mr. Valentine.

It has to be said that after adding four more people, the Golden Merry was a little insufficient.

So....Ike directly locked Mr. 5, Mr. Valentine, Mr. 13, and Mr. Valentine in his cozy little house.

After being locked in the cozy little house, Ike controlled every move of the four guys, and there was no possibility of escape from there.........

Just as the Golden Merry had just left the port of Whiskey Peak, an explosion was heard not far away.

Everyone looked in the direction of the explosion and saw that the ship that Ikalem had prepared earlier had exploded on the spot.

Seeing this, Ikalem's face turned pale.

If Ike hadn't stopped him, Ikalem would probably have become wreckage in the explosion.

Thinking of this, Ikalem came to Ike, bowed deeply and said,"Thank you very much for saving my life, Sir Ike."

Ike smiled and waved his hand to indicate that it was nothing.......

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