Just as the Golden Merry was about to leave the tributary of Whiskey Peak and enter the Grand Line, a somewhat sexy voice sounded on the second deck of the Merry.

"It's great to be able to escape from the senior agent!"

"Oh? Is this considered running away?"

Ike asked with a smile.

At this time, everyone also noticed a woman who suddenly appeared on the second-floor deck.

The woman was wearing a sexy women's cowboy outfit and a purple cowboy hat. She crossed her legs and supported her cheek with one hand. She always looked at everyone with a faint smile on her face.

The person who came was none other than Nico Robin.

Seeing this sudden appearance of the woman, everyone was ready for battle.

Robin glanced at everyone present, then used the power of the devil fruit to knock down the weapons in everyone's hands, and finally looked at Ike who was the first to discover her.

"You are the only one on this ship who has no ill will towards me. May I ask, why is that?"

Nicole Robin, who has been on the run since she was a child, is very sensitive to the ill will of people around her. After all, she has a bounty of 79 million Baileys on her. If she didn't have this ability, she would have been captured in exchange for the bounty.

Because of this, she was a little curious why Ike had no ill will towards her.

Hearing Nicole Robin's question, Ike smiled and said,"Of course it's because you have no ill will, so I have no ill will either!"

Nicole Robin smiled even brighter when she heard this, and then she took out a permanent pointer and said,"This is a permanent pointer that will allow you to bypass the small garden on the next island."

After saying this, Robin threw the Perpetual Pointer to Ike, who took it and handed it directly to Luffy, because Luffy was the captain of this ship.

Luffy and the others already knew through Vivi and Ikareem's explanation that the woman in front of them was Crocodile's partner.

Similarly, the reason why Vivi was able to investigate that Crocodile was the man behind Baroque Works was also inextricably linked to the woman in front of him.

Vivi guessed that her every move was calculated by this woman, and it was probably this woman who told Crocodile that his identity was exposed.

Vivi didn't understand what Nico Robin wanted to do, so she felt indescribable discomfort facing this woman.

After Luffy knew that the woman in front of him was an enemy, he crushed the Perpetual Pointer without hesitation.

And said,"Don't decide the direction of this ship!"

Ike was not surprised by Luffy's behavior.

There is a theatrical version of the original work, in which Luffy obtained a permanent pointer to Raftel, but at that time Luffy still did not choose this permanent pointer that could directly make him the Pirate King.

Although Luffy was moving towards his goal,....This process of running towards the goal is what makes him happiest.....

Seeing Luffy's action, Nico Robin smiled and planned to leave.

Originally, Ike was going to stop Robin directly.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seemed a little unreliable.

If Ike really forced Robin to stay, would Robin still sincerely join the Straw Hat Pirates?

In the original work, Robin did join the Straw Hat Pirates just to have a temporary place to stay, and she didn't really have a sense of belonging to the Straw Hat Pirates.

After the Sky Island arc, Robin began to gradually integrate into the Straw Hat Pirates, and even in the later Judicial Island arc, in order to prevent CP from hurting Luffy and the others, she chose to give up her life and freedom.

So....Ike feels that it is better to keep the original plot when facing the problem of companions boarding the ship........

Just after Nico Robin left here on the giant turtle, Zoro came to Ike and asked curiously,"Why didn't you stop her?"

Ike smiled and said,"My chivalry doesn't allow me to take action against a lady."


Zoro looked at Ike speechlessly and thought to himself,"Do you think you are a pervert? I saw you didn't show any chivalry when you beat up that Mr. Valentine."

Zoro knew Ike didn't want to say anything, so he didn't ask any more questions.......

The next question is to decide the route of the Golden Merry.

Ikalem has a permanent pointer to Alabasta....At this time, Luffy wanted to go to the next island according to the record pointer, which was the small garden mentioned by Robin!

As for the reason? Of course, it was because the name of the small garden made Luffy very interested.

Ikalem originally wanted to refuse, after all, the whole Alabasta is in dire straits.

But before he could say anything, he was stopped by Princess Vivi.

Vivi is a very smart girl, especially in dealing with interpersonal relationships. On this ship, although Luffy looks unreliable,....All the crew members follow him.

If Luffy wants to go to the small garden, even if the crew members say it is dangerous and don't want to go, they will not strongly object.......

"Ikalem, the situation in Alabasta is not as bad as imagined, at least...My father is still here, and the ministers are still here!"

"The most important thing for us now is to ensure our own safety. Only when we are safe can we have the opportunity to contact the navy and overthrow Crocodile's conspiracy!"

Ikalem only thought about Weiwei's words for a moment and figured it out. At the same time, he also found that his princess had more and more potential to be a king, and her overall view was much stronger than his minister........

In this way, the Golden Merry set off and headed for the small garden in the direction indicated by the record pointer.

After the Golden Merry entered the normal route, Ike took out the bronze reward [Compound Bow]

Ike had drawn before and planned to practice his archery skills. After all,....I still have the powerful weapon of the spirit bow in my hand. If I can't shoot accurately, it would be a waste.

After taking out the compound bow, Ike took out���A round drifting kayak, with a target placed on it, was tied to the stern of the Merry.

Usopp, Luffy, Vivi and Ikalem, who were idle, came over curiously when they saw Ike's actions.

Seeing the four people's curious looks, Ike smiled, shook the compound bow in his hand and said,"Let me show you what it means to shoot a target from a hundred steps away!" After saying that, Ike took out an arrow and put it on the bowstring of the compound bow to make a standard bow drawing posture.

It was the first time for everyone present to see such a strange-looking bow and arrow, and they all wanted to see how powerful such a bow and arrow was.

The target was about 20 meters away from Ike. If it was on flat ground, 20 meters would not be difficult for someone who knows how to play with a bow and arrow, but at this time on the sea, with the low buff of the waves, it was not a simple matter to want this.

Ike aimed for a long time, and at the moment when the center of the bull was stable, Ike released the bowstring with his right hand.

With a"whoosh", the arrow passed the target without bias.

Ike was very embarrassed when he saw this.

It's only 20 meters and I can't shoot. If it's 100 meters or 200 meters....Wouldn't that be even more wrong?

Ike knew that in the pirate world, snipers with a hundred-step accuracy could kill enemies from a distance of several thousand meters or even tens of thousands of meters.

Just when Ike was embarrassed, Weiwei walked up and smiled,"I have also practiced archery for many years in the palace. Let me try it!"

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