After sailing for several days, Ike, standing on the deck of the Golden Merry, finally saw the next island [Little Garden].

It was called Little Garden, but....From a distance of a thousand meters, Ike could already see the towering trees everywhere on the island, and the roars of beasts could be heard from time to time.

Next to Ike was Usopp, who was obviously a little stronger than before.

Usopp had been trained very hard by Ike these days. His activities in recent days were either being locked in the Burn the Cauldrons treadmill or eating meat like crazy. The rest of the time was spent sleeping and practicing archery and mastering the spirit bow. His daily activities could be said to be very regular.

Ike also admired Usopp very much. After just a few days of training, Usopp's physique had been significantly improved.

I don't know if everyone in the One Piece world is like this, or if Usopp is gifted.

Usopp saw Ike lost in thought and thought he was trying to get him back. Thinking of the painful experience in recent days, Usopp immediately moved away from Ike's sight.

Ike was indeed trying to find a way to continue training Usopp, but he hadn't drawn anything that could help Usopp train recently.

However, he did draw some martial arts secrets, such as the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, the Dugu Nine Swords, and the Light Footsteps.

Ike planned to pass them on to his fellow Straw Hat Pirates after he learned them.

After all, the Straw Hat Pirates did not understand Chinese culture, so it would be difficult for them to learn by reading books. The most important thing was that....These secret books are all in Chinese.........

The Golden Merry finally entered a tributary of the small garden.

After dropping the anchor, all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates planned to explore the small garden.

The originally timid Usopp may have been a little more courageous after the training in the past few days, and with the spirit bow in his hand, he did not say that he had a disease that prevented him from going to the island.

In the end, Luffy, Vivi, Usopp, and Kalu Duck went on the expedition, while Zoro and Sanji were responsible for hunting.

Ike, Nami, Ikalem, and Psyduck stayed on the Golden Merry to watch the ship.

Now the small garden is not dangerous for the Straw Hat Pirates. The two strongest giants are not bad guys. As for Mr. 3 and Mr. Golden Week in the original work, they should not appear. In the original work, they appeared because of the task assigned by Crocodile.

Now Crocodile probably still has some doubts about where Mr. 5, Mr. Valentine, Mr. 13, and Mr. Friday are. For intelligence, he can only rely on Nico Robin who is out on the field.

But how could Nico Robin listen to him completely? So Ike estimated that Mr. 3 did not receive the pursuit mission........

On the other side, just as the Straw Hat Pirates arrived at the small garden, a navy ship also appeared in the sea near the small garden.

Smoker was holding two cigars and thinking.

"Colonel Smoker.....The island ahead is the small garden!"

A navy soldier saluted Smoker and said

"knew...."Smoker took two puffs of his cigarette and said,"Straw Hat Boy, Ike, we're meeting again."

At this moment, Tashigi, who had always been standing behind Smoker, asked curiously,"Colonel Smoker,....Is there really such a thing as a civilian navy?"

"Humph! Since Marshal Sengoku has said it himself, just listen to it!"

Smoker said lightly.

Hearing Smoker's words, Tashigi was speechless. Although they didn't spend much time together, he knew that his boss was a super problem child in the navy. It would be strange if he could listen to his boss.

Unless....He also acknowledged the so-called private navy in his heart.

However, Tashigi was quite happy that the Straw Hat Pirates were a private navy, because if they were a private navy, the famous sword in Zoro's hand would not cry because of their identity, and he would not have to think of ways to take the sword back from Zoro.........

Before....Marshal Sengoku had called Smoker personally and informed him of the private navy and the wrong wanted order, and also informed him of the route chosen by the Straw Hat Pirates.

Smoker disagreed with the so-called private navy. He did not believe that a group of bastards flying a skull flag could do anything just.

But when he received the information from the East China Sea, he was silent.

Shields Town captured Colonel Monka, who was causing trouble.

Orange Town solved the Buggy Pirates and brought peace to the entire Orange Town. Unfortunately, Buggy rescued the Buggy Pirates in the end.

West Rob Village solved the Black Cat Pirates and the Hundred-Kero, saved the residents of the island, and handed over all the captured pirates to the navy. Cocosia Village solved the Dragon Pirates, which had been entrenched in the East China Sea for many years and enslaved humans. They were solved by the Straw Hat Pirates. It was also because of this incident that the Straw Hat Boy was backstabbed by a scumbag rat colonel in the navy and became a wanted criminal.

In addition, outside of Rogue Town, Ike also eliminated no less than five small and medium-sized pirate groups. Even if this record was reported to the Navy Headquarters, it would be considered a model-working navy.......

After learning about all these things, Smoker was also shocked.

There are only a few famous pirate groups in the East China Sea, and now they are all destroyed by the Straw Hat Pirates.

In fact, Smoker was going to take action against these famous pirate groups himself, especially the Arlong Pirates.

But because the Arlong Pirates are subordinates of the Seven Warlords of the Sea Jinbe, the World Government has turned a blind eye to their evil deeds, but Smoker doesn't care about the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he himself is a problem child of the Navy.

It was because of disobeying military orders that they were brought to the East China Sea, a remote place.

But before Smoker could do anything, the Straw Hat Pirates had already dealt with them......

After reading all the information about the Straw Hat Pirates, Smoker was sure that the Straw Hat Pirates were indeed a private navy flying the skull flag.

And everything they did was in line with his wishes, whether it was defeating the scum navy or cleaning up the scum pirates.

"Anyway, our goal this time is to investigate Crocodile under the pretext of hunting down the Straw Hat Pirates, and...Protect the Princess Alabasta in the Straw Hat Pirates."

Smoker smiled as he finished speaking.

He had wanted to make the Seven Warlords of the Sea for a long time.

As a navy, and the kind of navy who showed no mercy to pirates, Smoker naturally did not agree with the so-called Seven Warlords system.

This system was simply nonsense. The World Government actually allowed a group of pirates to plunder legally. No matter how you think about it, it was a step on the face of the navy.

If Crocodile was really caught this time, Smoker could arrest him personally.

Attempting to control the member states of the World Government, this crime could definitely strip Crocodile of his Seven Warlords of the Sea qualification.

Because....If this matter gets out, the world government will not be able to cover it up......The huge amount of Tianshangjin paid by the member states every year is not paid in vain.

If this matter is known by other member states, the Tianshangjin paid the following year will probably be reduced........

While Smoker was thinking, he finally saw the Golden Merry anchored in the Little Garden.

At the same time,

Nami, Ike, and Ikalem also saw the navy ship and the tall Smoker who had just stood up in front of the ship.

Ike waved at Smoker, and Smoker looked at Ike expressionlessly.

The Golden Merry and the navy ship quickly approached each other, and Smoker also jumped onto the Golden Merry with Tashigi.

"Hi....Smoker, you've been chasing us for so long, thank you for your hard work!"

Ike greeted him with a smile.



Ike's words hit the sore spot for Smoker and Tashigi.

It has been a tough journey......

Smoker's first thought was to lead people to chase the Straw Hat Boy, but....He forgot who he brought with him.

They were all local navy officers from the East China Sea Navy Branch.....After breaking through the Calm Belt and entering the Grand Line

, many navy soldiers were already exhausted. If it weren't for the navy's poor performance, Smoker would have been able to reunite with the Straw Hat Pirates long ago.

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