Smoker came to the Straw Hat Pirates not to reminisce about the past, but to inquire about information about Baroque Works and Crocodile.

After learning about Smoker's purpose, Ike asked him to find Ikarem.

After all, Ikarem had been lurking in Baroque Works for a long time and was very familiar with the personnel configuration there.

In addition, Ikarem also told Smoker about the information about Crocodile and his guess about Crocodile's intentions.

Although he learned some information from Sengoku,....Ikareem's personal experience was more detailed.

After listening to Ikareem's story, Smoker looked at Ike and asked,"What are your plans? How do you want us to cooperate?"

Hearing Smoker's question, Ike touched his chin and thought for a while before saying,"Let's go into Alabasta first, and then try to stop the rebels. If we can't stop them,....Let's go directly to the Rain Land, which is Crocodile's base, and then you can follow our footsteps and make a big fuss!"

Hearing that they were going to make a big fuss in the base of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Smoker, who had an expressionless and fierce face, smiled.

This was exactly what he wanted.

Suddenly, a heavy sound of footsteps was heard, and everyone turned their heads to see a huge dinosaur staring at the people on the two ships.

Seeing the dinosaur, Nami's face changed, and then she exclaimed,"This place...This is actually the Ancient Island!"

Smoker, who is well-informed, has heard of the Ancient Island, but this is the first time he has seen it.

There are many Ancient Islands in the Grand Line, especially in the second half of the journey, but....There are basically none on the route, and this small garden is a special case.

If an island is not on the route, it is very easy to produce an ancient island, because without humans, the island will not develop unless the animals on the island have a unique civilization.

Seeing that the dinosaur was drooling at him and others, Smoker frowned and planned to kill it and use it as military rations.

But before Smoker could make a move, a huge axe that looked cold and sharp chopped off the dinosaur's head.

At the same time, a huge figure walked out of the dense woods.

It was a giant who was more than 20 meters tall. He held a cold axe in one hand and a huge round shield in the other.


A huge laugh rang out, and the giant looked at the warship and the people on the Merry and said,"I am Broki, the strongest warrior in Elbaf......Woohahahaha...."

Seeing this giant, the navy soldiers on the navy ship were all a little scared. These navy soldiers are basically local people from the East China Sea, and have never seen such a creature before.

Not only these navy soldiers, but also Nami, Ikalem, and Tashigi all looked at Broki with horror.

And I don’t know if it was infected by Psyduck, Nami now covers her head with both hands when she is nervous and scared.

It is even more funny when Psyduck stands next to her. When

Tashigi saw Nami covering both sides of her head with her hands, she also learned it, looking a little silly and cute......

The calmest people at the scene were Ike and Smoker.

Ike was really calm because he knew the original character Brocky. Maybe because there were few people in the small garden all year round, both

Brocky and Donley were very hospitable.....Ike thought this giant looked like Zhang Fei from the Three Kingdoms, and it would be even more similar if he was holding a spear instead of an axe.

Thinking about it carefully, the image of the other giant Dongli also looked a bit like the legendary Guan Erye!.....

As for Smoker, although he appeared calm on the surface, he was very surprised in his heart.

Because Elbaf is a name that only exists in the New World, and giants are a race that only exist in the New World.

It was already very strange for him to appear in the first half of the Grand Line. What's more, the giant in front of him was the Red Demon Broki whose head was worth 100 million berries.

Moreover, the bounty was nearly a hundred years ago. The 100 million berries a hundred years ago were different from the ones now. If it were taken now, it would definitely be hundreds of millions or even billions.

If Smoker hadn't accidentally seen the information of this giant, he really didn't know how awesome this giant was.

A hundred years ago, the Red Demon Broki of the Giant Pirates that dominated the entire Grand Line, because the entire pirate group was made up of giants, no one dared to provoke them. Even the World Government only issued a wanted order for them and let them do whatever they wanted.

At this time, Smoker was a little confused. How could the Red Demon Broki, one of the two captains of the Giant Pirates that once dominated the Grand Line, be here?.....

While Smoker was wondering, Ike had already started chatting with Broki.

"Uncle Brocky, I feel like a spear would be more suitable for you!"

"Woohahahaha...."Hearing Ike's words, Broki laughed again and said,"I used to use a spear, but I had a grudge with a guy and felt that using a spear would be too much of a bully for him, so I switched to an axe!"


Hearing Broki say this, Ike was sure that the prototype of Broki in front of him was Zhang Fei from the Three Kingdoms.

At this moment, Broki licked his lips and said,"That....Do you have any wine here? I haven't had a drink in a long time!"

Ike smiled when he heard this, and then took out several large barrels and jars from the system space.

These barrels were all filled with the wines that had been drawn before, including fruit wine, white wine, red wine, and even the magic wine brewed by the country of India. The magic wine of India is made of cow urine, Ganges water and brewing materials....

Broki was very excited to see Ike bring out so many drinks.

"Woohahaha....Thank you so much, little one! Let’s go....I'll treat you to my special roasted dinosaur meat."

After saying that, Broki put the axe back into his waist, took off his cloak and put away the wine that Ike had taken out. With his other hand, he carried the dinosaur that he had beheaded before and walked towards the depths of the forest.

"Boy, follow me! There are many dinosaurs in the forest, and they are quite dangerous."

After hearing what Brocky said, Ike followed without hesitation, and Smoker followed after a little consideration.

Seeing that Ike and Smoker had followed, Nami, Tashigi, and Ikalem naturally followed as well. It was safer to follow Ike and Smoker than to stay on the boat.

Naturally...Before leaving, Tashigi still instructed the navy soldiers to take good care of the ship.

As for letting the navy soldiers follow? Don't be ridiculous, these are ordinary navy soldiers, and they are navy soldiers from the East China Sea branch who have not experienced much wind and waves.

Just entering the Grand Line has taken a lot of courage for them. It is better to wait for the reinforcements from the Navy Headquarters before taking any risky actions!

At present, these marines can only do the odd jobs of sailing.

PS: The score has come out, 6.8. This is the first time I have experienced such a low score. I don't know if it will increase tomorrow.

For the motivation of my writing, dear readers, please give a five-star praise!

I beg you here!

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