On Drum Mountain.

Chopper and Luffy stared at each other, while Usopp watched from the side.

Chopper planned to show his strength to keep this rice cake-like kid away from him.

Because of his early experiences, Chopper did not trust humans other than Kuleha and Siluruku.

As for the word partner, it was even more heavy for him.

In the beginning, Chopper was ostracized by the reindeer herd because of his blue nose. Later, after he ate the human-human fruit in the form of a commoner, he was regarded as a monster by the tribe and was even driven out of the reindeer herd.

So....Chopper really wants a partner, but...But I dare not face it......

Luffy thought that as long as he could defeat the young Xunlu in front of him, he could take him on board and become his partner.

""Reindeer, are you ready?"

Luffy asked with a smile.

Chopper didn't say anything, but turned into a human form.

Seeing this, Luffy rushed towards Chopper.

"Rubber Rubber....Pistol!"

A rubber pistol was thrown at Chopper's face. Seeing this, Chopper also swung his fist and collided with Luffy's fist.

The fight between the two was not fancy, it was just a fist-to-flesh fight......

While Luffy was fighting Chopper, a big event happened on Drum Island.

Walpo's ship returned to Drum Island.

But Walpo was already dead. This time, it was his two subordinates, Jess and Cromalimon, who led Walpo's King's Army back.

The two had always been Walpo's confidants, and when they found Walpo's body, they were heartbroken.

This time they brought the King's Army back here for two purposes. One was to send Walpo's body back to his hometown, and the other was to suppress the Drum Kingdom, and then they would be king themselves.

As for Dalton? They didn't care at all. Dalton's weakness was too obvious, and it was too easy to deal with him.

As long as the target of the attack was the people of the Drum Kingdom, then...Dalton is always cautious in everything he does.......

At this time,

Jace and Cromalimon were standing in front of Dalton, the user of the Bull-Bull Fruit who had transformed into a Bull Warrior.

"Dalton, we just want to return the remains of His Majesty Walpo to his hometown. Are you going to stop us?"

Upon learning that Walpo was dead, Dalton felt mixed emotions.

Walpo's father, the previous king of the Drum Kingdom, had been very kind to Dalton.

That was why, even though Walpo was very unlearned and had done many absurd things, Dalton was trying his best to help him make up for his mistakes.

It was not until Walpo was facing the danger of national destruction that he abandoned the people of the Drum Kingdom with his army that Dalton was completely disappointed in him.

Now that he knew that Walpo was dead, he was both happy and a little unsure about how to face the old king in the underworld........

"Just give me Valpo's body, I will bury him in the royal mausoleum!"

As he spoke, Dalton looked at the king's army behind Jace and Cromalimon.

"King's Army, now that Valpo is dead, it's time for you to return to the Drum Kingdom! Your relatives and friends are here, and I can forgive you for escaping with Valpo before!"

Hearing Dalton's words, Jace sneered and said,"Dalton, I think you are mistaken!"

"We and the King's Army are indeed going back to the Drum Kingdom. As for your opinion and your so-called letting bygones be bygones, it has nothing to do with us!"

"besides....In the name of the current ruler of the Drum Kingdom, I expel you, Dalton, from the Drum Kingdom."

While speaking, Jace took out a document with the seal of the Drum Kingdom. The content on it was a document that asked Jace and Cro-Malimon to work together to govern the Drum Kingdom.

Jace's words immediately made Dalton frown.

After seeing the content of the document, he also knew the real intention of the two people in front of him.

Sending the corpse was fake, and the real intention was to seize the entire Drum Kingdom.

"I....Dalton, did I let you succeed?"

While speaking, Dalton, who had originally changed back to human form, suddenly changed back to human-bull form, intending to subdue the two people in front of him.

Just as Dalton was about to take action, he suddenly heard chaotic footsteps behind him. Looking back, he saw a group of residents of Magnetic Drum Island rushing towards this side with various weapons.

After learning that Valpo had brought people back, these residents stopped them.

For them, Valpo was a complete tyrant. They would rather die than continue to accept Valpo's rule.

"Dalton! Do you know why you have never been able to defeat us?"

Seeing that the residents of Magnetic Drum Island were rushing over, Jace bent his bow and drew his arrow, and said to Dalton coldly,"Because you are a good person!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several arrows with the sound of breaking through the air were shot at the ordinary residents who were rushing over.

Seeing this, Dalton stood in front of these people without saying a word. He shot down the first wave of arrows with his hands, but two arrows from the second wave of arrows hit Dalton's body.

Seeing this, Jace took advantage of the victory and shot several arrows at various parts of Dalton's body, directly shooting him to the ground and unable to move.

"Dalton, this....This is the fate of a good person."

Jace was very proud. At this moment, he had already imagined the scene of himself sitting on the throne of the Drum Kingdom.

Seeing this scene, the civilians protected by Dalton stood in front of Dalton as if they were risking their lives.

""Hmph!" Jace snorted coldly and ordered the King's Army behind him,"Take down all these unruly people."

These spineless King's Army naturally did not dare to disobey Jace's orders. They did not dare to deal with Dalton, but they were very tough when dealing with these civilians.

Just when the civilians and the King's Army were about to fight, a trembling figure walked towards this side with a duck.

The man was naked from the waist up, barefoot, and only wearing a thin pair of pants on his lower body.

The duck he was leading was the one who had been covering its head all the time.

The man who came was none other than the one who was supposed to be Zoro stayed on the Merry to watch the ship.

After Zoro arrived at Magnetic Drum Island, he also ignited the spirit of exercise and went for a winter swim.

The duck he was leading was naturally Psyduck.

After Psyduck and Kalu Duck found that Zoro was missing, Kalu Duck thought that Zoro was drowning, so he jumped directly into the sea, while Psyduck came to Magnetic Drum Island and found the lost Zoro in a short while.

Psyduck is also very afraid of the cold, so he wanted to lead Zoro to find the Merry, but Zoro said confidently,"Don't worry, Psyduck, I will lead you and will definitely bring you back to the Merry to keep warm soon!"

Then....Then they both got lost together!.....

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