Seeing Zoro and Psyduck suddenly appear, both the King's Army and the civilians of Drum Island were a little stunned.....Where have they seen a man walking around with his upper body naked while leading a duck in a heavy snow in who knows how many degrees below zero?........

Zoro looked around and found that the clothes worn by the King's Army looked familiar. They were the same people who attacked the Merry.

Seeing the cotton-padded clothes they were wearing, Zoro's eyes lit up immediately.

Because he remembered that these people were the ones who attacked the Golden Merry before, and the leader of this group was beaten away by Ike.

"Since it is an enemy...." It's okay to steal clothes!"

He murmured, and without waiting for the king's army to speak, Sauron acted decisively, directly snatched a cotton coat and put it on himself, then patted the warm cotton coat and smiled,"It's really warm!"

"Koda Koda....."When Psyduck saw that Zoro had a cotton coat, he said he wanted one too.

At this time, the surrounding king's army had raised their weapons and surrounded Zoro.

"asshole...Who are you? Do you know the consequences of attacking us?"

"Consequences?"Zoro smiled and said,"The consequence is that you will lose another set of cotton-padded clothes!"

After saying that, Zoro made another move and snatched a set of cotton-padded clothes for Psyduck.

Psyduck naturally couldn't wear human cotton-padded clothes, but it could also put them on.

Psyduck felt much more comfortable when covered with the cotton-padded clothes that still had residual warmth........

The civilians of Drum Island were delighted to see that Zoro had easily eliminated a large group of the King's Army.

They also recognized Zoro's identity at this time. He was the pirate they had seen at the port.

Because the other party was a pirate, these civilians did not dare to ask for help, but....Judging from the current situation, even if they didn't say anything, the pirates and the king's army would fight.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the townspeople directly helped the seriously injured Dalton to a safe place........

After seeing Sauron's strength, these spineless king's soldiers retreated one after another and dared not attack again.

Seeing this, Jace and Kromarimon looked at each other and remembered the identity of the green algae head in front of them.

"Damn...."Jace, what should we do? These pirates seem to be very powerful!" Cro-Malimon said in a deep voice, looking at the arrogant Zoro.

Jace naturally knew that the pirates in front of him were powerful, and there were even more powerful pirates, the one who killed their boss Valpo in seconds. He knew that he and the spineless king's army behind him were definitely no match, especially without Valpo.

""Cro-Malimon, you hold him here, I will go back to the ship and attack him with cannons."

After giving this instruction, Jace turned and ran towards the main port of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom not far away.

At this time, Valpo's ship that could dive for a short time was docked in the main port.

Seeing Jace turning around and running, Chro-Malimon naturally would not stay here to face the powerful pirates. He shouted to the King's Army behind him,"Hold him" and followed Jace to run away.

Upon hearing this, the King's Army naturally chose to flee.

As for Zoro, he just watched the group of people flee quietly without stopping them.

"Pikachu, let's go....I'll take you to find a ship!"

Zoro glanced at Psyduck, and then walked towards the opposite side of where the Merry was moored.

Psyduck was a little helpless when he saw this.

"Koda Koda...."

Psyduck was holding Zoro's clothes, and the meaning was very clear:"Don't lead the way, I'll lead you!"

Zoro naturally didn't want to believe that his level of leading the way would be inferior to that of a duck.....So without saying anything, he picked up the struggling Psyduck and walked towards the road of no return.

At this moment, a burst of gunfire sounded, and Zoro looked over and saw dozens of spherical shells flying towards him with the sound of breaking through the air.

Seeing this scene, Zoro ran without saying a word.

Suddenly....He felt that he couldn't move his body, not only that, but the shells that flew over were also floating in the air.

At this time, Psyduck used his telepathic ability.

Psyduck's control over his own abilities is very unstable, and he can only use them in dangerous situations.

Psyduck felt the danger was not because of the shells, because he didn't notice it with his reaction speed. He felt the danger was from Zoro.

If he continued to let Zoro lead the way, he felt that he would die in the snow.....

Just when Psyduck was controlling Zoro and the shells in mid-air, two of the shells accidentally collided with each other. The two shells collided and exploded directly. The explosion and fire frightened Psyduck again, and then his telekinesis began to explode with geometric power.

Psyduck was the first to discover the ship that attacked him, and then a huge telekinesis acted on the ship.

I saw that the super-large ship with a hippopotamus bow floated directly from the sea.

The King's Army, Jace and Cro-Malimon who were still on the ship were also a little confused.

"this....What's going on? How did our ship fly?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?...."

"Mother....I don’t want to die yet!"

"No! We have to get off the boat!".......

Zoro didn't expect this duck to be so fierce......

But this was just the beginning. After the ship was completely lifted into the air, a more powerful force began to crush the ship. Soon, cracks appeared on the surface of the ship.

Many of the king's soldiers had already escaped from the ship, but even if they left the ship, they could only float in the air under the control of Psyduck and could not move.

"Please....Please let those king's troops go!"

At this moment, Dalton's voice sounded behind Zoro.

Perhaps because Psyduck's attack target was completely on the ship, Zoro was now able to act.

Zoro looked back and saw Dalton, who had just done some simple bandaging, standing behind him and Psyduck with the help of several civilians.

"Sir, I am Dalton. We should have met before! Please release these King's Army!"

Dalton was very disappointed with the King's Army, but he also knew that it was not all the King's Army's fault. The main reason was because of the rulers of the King's Army, that is, Dalton and his two subordinates.

As the saying goes, if the soldiers are cowardly, the generals will be cowardly all over! Without a good leader, his soldiers will become more and more rubbish.

Dalton believed that if he was leading, the King's Army would definitely become better!...........

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