After Bugs was defeated,

Ike and Luffy started discussing Chopper's problem.

""Chopper, come to the sea with us!"

Ike stretched out a hand and showed a kind smile.

Chopper didn't say anything when he heard it, but looked at Doctor Doriel.

Seeing this, Ike smiled and said,"Ms. Kuleha has already agreed! You will go on an adventure with us at sea."

Chopper was happy to hear that, but... he still expressed his concerns with some hesitation.

"that...Doctor Doriel is old, and I have to take care of her. I want to wait until Doctor Doriel dies before going out to sea."

Ike heard this and thought to himself,"Chopper is such a filial son! He died in front of Doctor Doriel....."

Thinking of this, Ike glanced at Kuleha, and saw that Kuleha was not angry, but had a gentle smile on her face.

Kuleha had already regarded Chopper as her own child, and it was only natural for the child to see her off to the end.

But Kuleha believed that she could live for another few decades!

Seeing that Kuleha didn't care at all about what Chopper said about her dying, Ike let go.

"Don't worry, Chopper! When your doctor Doriel dies, we will come back with you to arrange it......"

Before he could finish the word"afterlife", Ike felt a strong wind coming from his waist. When he wanted to dodge, it was too late. He was kicked off the Magnetic Drum Mountain by Kuleha..........

Although there were some minor embarrassments during the process,....Chopper finally boarded the Straw Hat Pirates' ship.

It was the kick that Ike received that hurt a little....Fortunately, Kureha's kick was not very powerful. If she had kicked Ike like she did to Badges,.....All Ike could do was yell,"Oh my god!....".......

At the same time, Nami in the ward had also recovered from her fever and was awake, drinking Sanji's special soup.

""Sanji, how many days have I been unconscious?"

Nami asked worriedly.

""It's been almost two days!"

Sanji replied.

Hearing that she had been unconscious for two days, Nami immediately stood up from the bed.

"It's been two days! No....We have to leave here quickly, Vivi's country is waiting for us!"

"that...Nami, I think you should just take a rest!"

Sanji didn't want to set sail immediately. Nami's fever had just subsided and she needed to rest. Most importantly, there was no doctor on the ship.

At this moment, the door of the ward was opened from the outside, and then Ike, Luffy, Vivi, and Usopp walked in.

After coming in, Ike, holding his old waist, smiled and said,"Don't worry, Sanji, it's okay, we have found a doctor as a partner!"

Sanji was also stunned when he heard it, and then asked curiously,"Did the old woman agree to get on the ship?"

Just as Sanji finished speaking, a shadow appeared beside him and kicked him into the wall.

The person who suddenly appeared was Kuleha.

Kuleha didn't look at Sanji, but pointed her finger at Nami's forehead.

"Thirty-eight and a half degrees! It looks like there is no problem!"

Kureha's words made Nami look happy

"That...Can I leave now?"

According to Kuleha's rules, there are only two results for patients who come to him, either...Get cured and pay and go, or...But

Ike and Luffy had already brought Chopper on board, so this rule was meaningless.....Chopper is her disciple who has inherited her medical skills for half her life.

""Pay the money and go!"

Kuleha said calmly.

Hearing that she had to pay, Nami's expression suddenly became serious.

"How much does it cost exactly?"

"I told you before, all the treasure on your ship!"

"Huh? All the treasures....Are you robbing?" Nami's face was filled with shock.

After the shock, Nami came back to her senses and smiled slyly,"Oh! All the treasures! But we don't have any treasures on the ship! Does that mean we don't have to pay?"

Kuleha didn't say anything after hearing this, but looked at Ike.

Ike, who was stared at, shuddered for a moment, and then without saying a word, he extracted a lot of treasures from the system space.

Among them were gems, gold, and even diamonds the size of a fist.

These treasures were all bronze-level items drawn by Ike, and because they had never been extracted, they had been kept in the system space.

Nami, who was originally proud of not having to pay because there was no treasure on the ship, was stunned when she saw Ike take out so many treasures without saying a word, and then hugged the pile of treasures with a speed that didn't look like she had just recovered from a serious illness.

"Idiot Ike...How could you take out all my treasures!"


"Nami...These are the consultation fees promised to Ms. Kuleha! We agreed on this before!"

"No way!" Nami was still protecting the treasures piled on the ground like a calf, and then she picked and chose from them, picked out two pieces of gold and handed them to Kuleha,"This money is enough! My life is only worth this much!"


Kuleha was also amazed by the greed of the little girl in front of him.

Taking the gold nuggets from Nami, Kuleha said indifferently,"Okay, these consultation fees are fine! But...You will have to stay here for ten more days for follow-up treatment!"

"Don't forget that this is my territory." While speaking, Kuleha looked at Nami with interest."And you....My patient!"

Just two sentences made Nami stunned.

If there is no urgent matter, with these treasures, he can live here for ten months, not to mention ten days.

But....Now there is also the anxious Weiwei! If she is really detained for not paying the medical fee....Nami felt so sorry for Vivi.

As for using tough measures? Nami would never do that. What's the difference between doing that and being a pirate?

After struggling for a moment, Nami chose to compromise, and finally looked at Ike fiercely.

The general meaning was"If you take out the treasure, take the treasure, but why take out so much?...."

Ike smiled and said nothing. What could he say? He still had a lot of these yellow and white things in his system space, and he would find more in the future.....

Ike can now easily recite Mr. Ma's classic quotes

"I'm not interested in money!"......

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