A group of Drum Island civilians took Zoro, Icarium, the still unconscious Psyduck, and the seriously injured Dalton to Drum Mountain on a cable car.

Zoro came here because he had been in a coma ever since Psyduck went berserk, so he wanted to come to Ike to check on the situation.

As for Dalton, he would die if he didn't get treatment because he was shot by more than a dozen arrows. Currently, the only doctors who can still work in the entire Drum Island are Kuleha and Chopper.

Doctor Twenty, who originally belonged to Walpo, was injured because of Psyduck's telekinetic burst and couldn't perform surgery on Dalton. So the Drum Island civilians carried him to Drum Mountain to find Kuleha.......

Zoro was very happy to see Nami had woken up. The only thing that puzzled him was that Nami looked a little sad, as if someone owed her a lot of money.

"Hey? What happened to Zoro and Panda?"

Ike asked curiously.

"Ike, come and see what's going on with Psyduck!"

Zoro handed Psyduck over and told him what happened before.

The Straw Hat Pirates were surprised to learn that Psyduck had used its power to float a huge ship.

"Psyduck looks silly, but I didn't expect it to be so strong!"Usopp looked incredible.

Usopp suddenly felt that his status on the ship was reduced by 1 again.

"but....Seeing it in a coma, the price of overusing its ability is high, right?"

At this time, Nami also came over and said.

Psyduck was in a coma, and Nami was also very worried. Compared with her companions, the treasure she lost before was nothing.

In the end...Everyone looked at Ike.

After all, Psyduck was transformed by Ike, and Ike should know the situation of Psyduck best. Did

Ike really know?

Of course not, he was not a Pokémon breeder, but in order to reassure his companions, he could only make a nonchalant expression and said,"Don't worry! Psyduck just used its power too much!"

"He will be fine after a good sleep!"

Hearing Ike say this, the Straw Hat Pirates were relieved.

After the problem of Psyduck was solved, Luffy and Usopp pulled Chopper over and said,"He is Chopper and will be our companion in the future!"

Zoro was also stunned when he saw Chopper, thinking of the two ducks on the boat....Now there is another raccoon cat.....If there are a few more animals in the future, the Straw Hat Pirates can be turned into a zoo.

Although he thought so, Zoro naturally responded to his new partner with kindness.

"Hello Chopper, I'm Zoro"

"you...Hello, I...I am Chopper!"

Chopper said nervously......

While the Straw Hat Pirates were chatting here, Kuleha had already finished the surgery on Dalton.

After the surgery on Dalton, Kuleha captured a few strong men and went to the castle warehouse to push out several cannons.

Kuleha was going to give Chopper a grand cherry blossom farewell party.

This was not only her gift to Chopper, but also what Chopper's father Hiruluk wanted to give to Chopper and to the entire Drum Island.

After everything was ready, Kuleha distributed the cannonballs filled with pink cherry blossom paint to everyone, and then bursts of cannon fire rang out on Drum Mountain.

Hearing the cannon fire, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates subconsciously looked towards the location of the castle and found that the cannonballs were fired into the sky, and they were all a little confused.

Although the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates were confused, Ike already knew what happened.

Just when Luffy and his friends were about to go to the castle to see what was going on, they were stopped by Ike.

"Don't go, wait here! This is a gift from Kuleha and Shiruluk to Chopper, just wait here and watch it!"

At this moment, everyone noticed that the white snowflakes that were originally falling had all turned pink.

The most important thing was not the snowflakes, but....The sky above the Drum Mountain turned pink.

If you look from a distance, the Drum Mountains look like the trunks of several cherry trees, and the pink sky is the cherry blossoms in full bloom.

From a distance, you can indeed see the full view of the cherry blossoms in full bloom, but from a close distance you can also see the beauty of the cherry blossoms falling.

Seeing such a beautiful view, Ike took out his camera, and it was a Polaroid camera.

"Everyone....Let's take a picture together!"

As he spoke, Ike took out Mr. 13, the otter that looked like a monkey, who had been locked up in the cozy hut and had not been taught, and asked him to help take pictures.

Mr. 13 had a high IQ, and Ike only taught him a little bit, and he learned to take pictures, and said that it was much easier than sketching........

Next, everyone took some photos with this beautiful scenery. In order to prevent Chopper and Kuleha from having any regrets, Ike found Kuleha who was hiding, and asked her and Chopper to hold up the pirate flag of Hiluluk, and took many photos under the falling cherry blossoms and snow.

After taking the photos and handing them to Kuleha, it was time to say goodbye.

Although Kuleha was very tough and said something like"Finally we have sent this troublesome reindeer away!"

But seeing the tears in her eyes, everyone knew that she and Chopper had a very deep relationship.

Seeing Kuleha's tears, the kind-hearted Chopper almost gave up getting on the boat, and wanted to stay and take care of Doctor Doriel before leaving.

But Kuleha also knew Chopper's character, so without saying a word, she picked up various weapons beside her and threw them over.

""Bastard, do I need your care? Get out of here right now, so I can have some peace and quiet!"

Just like that, in the end, everyone got on the Golden Merry and left Magnetic Drum Island under the pursuit of Kuleha.

When the ship sailed out of Magnetic Drum Island, everyone saw the panoramic view of Magnetic Drum Mountain at this time.

There were several huge cherry trees, Magnetic Drum Mountain was the trunk, and the pink sky was the blooming cherry blossoms, and cherry blossoms kept falling from the trees.

Although this is not a real cherry tree, such a beautiful scenery is much more shocking than a real cherry tree.

After the close-up photos were taken, Ike took out his camera and started taking long-range photos. Polaroid photography is very convenient, and he took a lot of photos in a short while.

Just because they wanted to welcome the new partner Chopper to join, Ike also took a lot of banquet photos.

Like the first time Chopper inserted chopsticks into his nostrils, Chopper was praised by the Straw Hat Pirates, and the first time he turned into a noodle and twisted embarrassedly....

Ike took all these memorable photos and put them in the album.......

While everyone was having a party with the beautiful cherry blossoms, Weiwei was a little depressed because her Kalu Duck turned into a frozen Kalu Duck.

""Kalu Duck, why did you fall into the ice sea!"

Kalu Duck is a landlubber, and a landlubber living in the desert. He is more afraid of cold and water than Psyduck, but who would have thought that he would fall into the water and freeze into an ice cube today. If everyone had not come back in time, Kalu Duck would have become a real ice sculpture.

Seeing the embarrassed Kalu Duck, Zoro laughed,"Look! It was this stupid duck that accidentally fell into the sea!"

Hearing Zoro's ridicule, Kalu Duck immediately excitedly called"Quack quack quack".

At this moment, Chopper, the translator, came to Kalu Duck and translated,"It said that a man named Zoro and Psyduck disappeared in the sea. It was afraid that they would drown so it wanted to go down to find them, and then I drowned too!" After listening to Chopper's translation, everyone immediately focused their attention on Zoro, which made Zoro a little embarrassed.

"that....I'll go check on Psyduck, you guys continue!"

Just as Zoro turned around, Psyduck came out of the cabin.

"Koda Koda....."

Chopper heard this and translated again

"But Psyduck said it's hungry!"

Ike didn't expect that Chopper was so awesome that he could even translate the language of Pokémon.

Could it be that he didn't eat the Human-Human Fruit, but the Translation Fruit?

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