The day after the Straw Hat Pirates left Drum Island, a single-person boat powered by flames docked at the shore of Drum Island.

The man was wearing a coat, bare-chested, and a cowboy hat.

The man who had just landed on Drum Island was none other than Luffy's brother Ace, who was also the son of the Pirate King, the captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the grandson of Garp.

It immediately felt that Garp was much older.

Ace, who had just landed on Drum Island, planned to have a free meal on the island and find out if Luffy had been to the island.

Just as Ace was walking towards the town, a tall figure who was somewhat staggering came towards him.

The man was in tatters and limped, and was obviously seriously injured. The man was Buggy.

Because Buggy was heavier, Kureha did not kick him out of Drum Island, but only kicked him to the edge of Drum Island.

However, because Kuleha's attack caused him a lot of damage, Bajes lay on the ground for a long time before he recovered......

Seeing the strange young man coming towards him, the angry Badgers wanted to vent his anger on someone, and the first person he saw was Ace, who became his target.

Just as the two of them were about to cross each other, Badgers punched Ace in the face without warning.

Ace frowned at this, but did not dodge, but turned his body into an element.

The elementalized Ace made Badgers' punch miss, and also made him stagger due to exhaustion.

"Damn...It turns out to be a user of the Nature Fruit ability!"

Just when Badgers was about to use his newly awakened Armament Haki to punch him again, Ace had already made his move.

After all, the other party was the first to strike, so Ace attacked without hesitation and blasted Badgers away with a fire punch.

The fire punch burned Badgers' clothes, which were like strips of cloth, and all the hair on his body. He eventually fell into the sea and his life or death was unknown.....

"What a weird guy!"

Ace couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Ace didn't know what Blackbeard's men looked like. If he knew, he wouldn't have beaten them so easily.......


Cattleya is also the headquarters of the Alabasta Revolutionary Army.

The Revolutionary Army cadre Sabo, who is about to be appointed Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, and his partner Kerla are in a corner of Cattleya, observing the Alabasta Revolutionary Army while talking in a low voice.

""Sabo, I remember we have a commander of the Grand Line Army, right? Why do we have to come to the Grand Line to investigate the Alabasta Revolution?"

Kerla asked curiously.

The Grand Line and the New World belong to different worlds. The Grand Line is a paradise for the New World. It is difficult to start a revolution here.

In Paradise, the most important thing for the Revolutionary Army is not to start a revolution but to recruit talents.

Naturally...A country like Alabasta that launched a revolution on its own is quite rare in the first half of the Grand Line, so the Revolutionary Army naturally has to investigate.

Hearing Kerla's question, Sabo smiled and said,"You are talking about little Eva! He has some other things to do, so please let me help investigate!"

Just as Sabo finished speaking, a passerby came to him and handed a note to Sabo.

Sabo frowned and took the note, and saw that it read"Meet in the Eastern Desert of Cattleya-Crocodile"

After seeing the content of the note, Sabo smiled and said to himself,"The things here are indeed related to you! Crocodile."

After a few days of investigation, Sabo already had a general understanding of the revolution in Alabasta.

The reason for the revolution here is indeed because many people can't survive because of the drought and lack of rain.

This is not the strangest thing. The strangest thing is....The capital of the Kingdom of Alabasta, where the royal family lives, has abundant rainfall, which is even more abundant than in previous years, almost catching up with the rainfall in the oasis.

This is why many people find it strange.

After the surprise, someone discovered that the king was using dancing powder privately.

Dancing powder is a prop used to make rain fall......After using the dancing powder, it will absorb rain clouds from other surrounding areas, causing drought in other areas.

Because of this, many people began to speculate that King Cobra of Alabasta privately used the dancing powder to take away all the rain from other cities around Albana.

After these speculations, under the instigation of some people with ulterior motives, the resistance army was born, and then the resistance army gradually grew and evolved into the current revolutionary army.

Moreover, most of the members of the revolutionary army are young people who are full of vigor and vitality. They will only believe what they see and what they think, and will not investigate the authenticity of the matter at all.......、

After Sabo's investigation, he found out that the revolution was completely planned.

First of all, Cobra is a good king. The truth can be found out from the older generation of Alabasta. Moreover, there are indeed no old people in the revolutionary army. All the participants are young people, because the old people don't believe that the king would do such an immoral thing.

Secondly, there is the problem of dancing powder. Every time someone finds out that the king uses dancing powder, it is actually a coincidence. It just so happens that the king's army is transporting supplies, and the bag of supplies just so happens to leak, and the dancing powder just so happens to leak out, and it just so happens that it is seen and spread...........

In Alabasta, Sabo could only think of one person who had the ability and strength to plan everything, the Shichibukai Crocodile.

Now Crocodile handed him a note and wanted to meet him, which made Sabo more certain of his guess.

Kerala, who had also seen the note, looked at Sabo and asked,"Are you going?"

Sabo nodded and said,"Yes, I will."....Of course, I also want to see Crocodile's true purpose!"

"oh...That's right! Kelra, you should leave Alabasta first. The investigation of the situation here is almost complete. I will write a report when I return! We will not get involved in the affairs here!"

After receiving the order, Kelra nodded and was about to leave.

However, after taking a few steps, he was stopped by Sabo.

"etc....."Kerla, after you leave, you should use the anonymous Den Den Mushi to call the navy and inform them of the situation here!"

In fact, Sabo wanted to stop the rebellion in Alabasta. After all,....

The king here is indeed a wise ruler, and Alabasta was indeed a country with peace and prosperity.....

He can't do anything with his own strength, and this is still in the Grand Line. The most he can do is to notify the navy and let the navy solve the mess created by the World Government.....If all this was really caused by Crocodile, then the World Government should take all the blame, because it was they who came up with the Shichibukai policy!

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