In the end, in order to prove that he is not a directionally challenged person, Zoro resolutely went to find Luffy and his friends.

Zoro is also aware of his directionally challenged nature, but it is precisely because he knows that he is a directionally challenged person that he wants to prove that he is not a directionally challenged person.....So Ike didn't stop him, but asked Kalu, a local duck, and Psyduck, who had a relationship with Zoro to find the way side by side, to follow Zoro.

In this way, Zoro took two ducks to find four geese............

After Zoro left, Ike and the others headed towards the Rapeseed Town.

Rapeseed Town, as a port city, was not desolate because of the lack of rain in Alabasta all year round. On the contrary, it was close to the ocean and not short of water and food, making it more prosperous.

Because Crocodile knew very little about the Straw Hat Pirates and Vivi, there was no need for Vivi and the Straw Hat Pirates to hide.

Everyone went shopping and purchased supplies......

At the same time,

Smoker's navy warship also arrived at the port of Rapeseed Town.

"Colonel Smoker, we...Do you want to enter Rapeseed Town too?"

When Tashigi saw the Golden Merry, she knew that the Straw Hat Pirates must have entered Rapeseed Town.

"go...We also need to purchase supplies, and then we have to cross the desert and enter Crocodile's rainy land!"

After he finished speaking, Smoker looked at the soldiers behind him and said,"Next we have to cross the desert, everyone cheer up!"

After hearing Smoker's words, most of the soldiers responded weakly.

This can't be blamed on them, they are just ordinary soldiers in the East China Sea. It's great that they can sail on the Grand Line for so long. Now they not only have to sail on the Grand Line, but also cross the desert....

When Smoker saw some soldiers with sick faces, he frowned and said,"Those who are not feeling well can stay on the ship!"

Smoker's next words made those soldiers with poor physical fitness feel relieved.

But at the same time, they also lost the opportunity to join the Marine Headquarters as soldiers or even officers.

Not all the people Smoker brought out this time were useless, there were also some with good physical fitness, and Smoker decided to take these people with him when he returned to the Marine Headquarters.

Smoker believed that after dealing with Crocodile this time, he would definitely be able to return to the Marine Headquarters, and these people he favored would be his team after he returned to the Marine Headquarters.

Naturally.....Those with poor physical fitness have been eliminated by him!

In this way, Smoker also landed with Dashigi and more than 20 navy soldiers!.......

The line of sight returned to Ike.

With Weiwei, a local who had lived in the desert since childhood, the purchase of supplies and the gathering of intelligence were completed quickly.

The base of the revolutionary army was not far from Rapeseed Town, so it was very easy to gather intelligence on the revolutionary army.

Currently, only a small number of the revolutionary army was stationed in Cattleya, and most of the troops had already rushed to Juba. The troops stationed in Juba were also the main force of the revolutionary army to attack the capital.

If we want to stop the revolutionary army next, we must rush to Juba as soon as possible!.......

After listening to Weiwei's information about the Revolutionary Army, Ike frowned.

"If we wait for Zoro and the others to find Luffy, we don't know how long it will take, so....I think we should go to Yuba first! At least we should try to stop the Revolutionary Army's attack on the capital of the kingdom with our mouth!"

Ike really wanted to help Alabasta and Vivi as his partner.

Even if there was no relationship with Vivi, there was still the Justice Navy System. If he could save more people, he could get more Justice Points.

He knew that although Luffy defeated Crocodile in the end and the Straw Hat Pirates defeated the entire Baroque Works,....The war was not stopped, and the number of casualties in this war was definitely not small.

"What about Zoro and the others?"

Weiwei said with some concern.

"Don't worry!" At this time, Nami patted Vivi's shoulder and said,"Don't you know Zoro and Luffy? They are very strong. Besides, there is Kalu, a local duck, so they will be fine!"

Sanji also lit a cigarette and said,"Although the bastard with the green algae head is an idiot, he is indeed very reliable. Vivi, you don't have to worry about them! The most important thing now is to solve the problem of rebellion in your country!"

Vivi nodded solemnly when she heard this.

Seeing Vivi nod, Ike directly opened the door to the cozy cottage.

"In this case....Let’s not cross the desert, let’s just fly over there!"

"hehe....It's really convenient!" As they were talking, Sanji and Nami were about to enter the cozy cottage, but Vivi stopped and did not enter immediately. Instead, she asked,"Ike, do you know how to get to Yuba?"


Although Ike is not as bad at finding directions as Zoro,....In this unfamiliar place, he was really at a loss.

Seeing Ike's embarrassment, Weiwei also knew what was going on!

"Ike, take me with you! I'll show you the way!"

""Sure!" Ike responded, and picked up Vivi, and even hugged her like a princess.

Sanji, who had not yet entered the cozy house, saw this scene and gnashed his teeth in jealousy.

Vivi was now wearing the dancer costume he bought......Princess hugs Weiwei in dancer costume....Sanji was excited just thinking about it, but Ike did it directly.....

Seeing Sanji standing at the door and not going in, looking at him with gritted teeth, Ike was speechless, and then kicked him into the cozy hut.

After kicking Sanji into the cozy hut, Ike took off into the sky with Vivi in his arms and flew towards Yuba......

At the same time.

In the desert, four geese were walking in the desert.

With Xiao Fengfeng leading the way, the four geese soon found the Spiderman Cafe. In order to facilitate the mission, the location of the Spiderman Cafe is also near the rapeseed flowers.

Seeing the Spiderman Cafe, Xiao Fengfeng rushed in without saying a word, accompanied by the sound of"quack quack".

Just as he was about to rush into the Spiderman Cafe, the bald strong man Mr. 1, the sexy queen Mr. Shuangzhi, the short and fat aunt Mr. Christmas, and the tall and fat Mr. 4 came out of the cafe one by one.

They received a notice to rush to the rainy land immediately to meet the boss, Mr. 0, who had never seen him from beginning to end.

At this time, a big white goose rushed over, Mr. 1 frowned, and then kicked it.

Although Xiao Fengfeng turned into a goose, he was still flexible and easily dodged it.

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