"Quack, quack, quack....."(Little 1, what are you doing?)

Seeing that the goose not only dodged his attack, but also kept"quack quack" at him, Mr. 1, who had a serious face, couldn't help but feel a little curious.

At this moment, Mr. 4, drooling, came over and said,"Goose, goose, goose!".....Delicious!"

Mr. Christmas slapped Mr. 4 on the head without saying anything."Stupid bastard!....Just know how to eat, but we have to go see the boss!"

Mr. twisted his waist with his fingers and walked towards the transportation at the door of the store, saying as he walked,"Just a few geese, when this mission is over, we can kill a few Alabasta specialty running ducks to eat!"

Mr1 always felt that this goose gave him a sense of familiarity, but....He also knew the priorities of the matter. The most important thing now was to meet Mr. 0. Thinking of this, he stopped looking at the goose and turned away.......

Seeing his former companions leave, Xiao Fengfeng, who had turned into a goose, burst into tears

"Woo woo woo.....Don't leave!"

"We obviously have a deep friendship, why didn't you recognize me!"

Usopp said before that now that Xiao Fengfeng has turned into a goose, his friends should not be able to recognize him!

But Xiao Fengfeng vowed,"Don't worry! My friends can definitely recognize me....."

In fact, if Mr. Shuangzhizhi and Mr. Christmas were not in a hurry to leave, Mr. 1 might have recognized Xiao Fengfeng after fighting with him..... pity...There is no if.

Seeing Xiao Fengfeng so sad, Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp came forward to comfort him.

Seeing his three friends comforting him, Xiao Fengfeng immediately cheered up.

"I believe that the flower of partnership will never wither.....Let's catch up!"

In this way, the four geese ran towards the rain......

On the other hand, under the leadership of Paodekuai, Zoro was still lost.

It can't be said that he was lost, but he didn't find the four geese.....

As a last resort, he could only go to Rapeseed Town to find other partners.......

The four geese were very strong and fast. They followed the vehicle that Mr.1 and the others were riding in, and had no intention of falling behind.

Just when the four geese were chasing hard, he suddenly saw a figure that was familiar, but also unfamiliar.

The man was wearing a top hat, with a water pipe on his back and a Den Den Mushi in his hand, as if he was making a phone call.

After seeing this person, Luffy trembled. He felt that this person was very important to him, so he ignored the three geese running behind him and turned a corner to run towards the figure.

Little Feng Feng: Huh? Why did the little straw hat suddenly turn a corner?

Usopp: Isn't there something delicious over there?

Chopper: Probably not....I didn't smell any food nearby.......

When Xiao Fengfeng saw Luffy running in the opposite direction, he was a little confused, but maybe because they were both big geese, he chose Luffy's side.

"Follow the straw hat....."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Fengfeng rushed towards the direction where Luffy was running........

Luffy quickly rushed to the feet of the man holding the Den Den Mushi. At the same time, he also heard the conversation between the man and the Den Den Mushi.

"This is the thing, Crocodile's purpose should not be simple! So I want to stay here and continue investigating!"

After hearing Sabo's words, Den Den Mushi pondered for a moment and said in a low voice,"Come back, Sabo! I received intelligence that the navy has set its sights on Alabasta! It's too dangerous for you to stay there alone!"

"If the intelligence is correct, a naval force called the Civilian Navy has entered Alabasta."

"This team is very mysterious. It may be created by the Navy or the World Government. If you don't know the details of the enemy, you should not stay in such a dangerous place!"

Hearing the new term"private navy", Sabo also frowned.

"But...What should we do about Alabasta?"

"Don't worry! We have people in the navy, and someone will handle the intelligence of Alabasta! The most important thing for you now is to return to the headquarters and be promoted to Chief of Staff!"

Sabo heard this and could only sigh and said,"Okay! I'll go back now".......

When Sabo was talking to Den Den Mushi, Luffy was already stunned.

What did he hear?....The man in front of him turned out to be Sabo.

Thinking of this, Luffy stared at Sabo's face.

There was a scar on Sabo's face caused by a burn, but the golden hair and the top hat with goggles immediately reminded him of his second brother Sabo.

Sabo and Ace are Luffy's sworn brothers. Although the three of them are not related by blood, they grew up together and are closer than brothers.

Sabo's death also made Luffy sad for a long time. Now that he saw Sabo was still alive, his tears immediately flowed out, and then he pounced on Sabo.

Seeing a goose actually pounce on him, holding his legs tightly with its two wings, Sabo was a little confused.

Sabo knew that the animals in Alabasta were very spiritual, but....This goose is so emotional!

Especially since this goose is wearing a small straw hat, he can't help but have a good impression of this goose. Although he doesn't know why, he just likes this small straw hat very much.....

Thinking of this, Sabo took out some dry food from his arms and handed it to Luffy.

"Are you hungry? Eat!"

Luffy saw this. Although he wanted to continue hugging Sabo and crying, he would not give up if there was food.

After eating the dry food in one mouthful, Luffy continued to hug Sabo's thigh.

At this time, the remaining three geese also ran over.

Seeing the four geese, Sabo was speechless.....

"Why are there so many geese in this desert?"

Usopp, Chopper, and Xiao Fengfeng were also a little confused when they saw Luffy crying while hugging a strange man.

"Hello.....Luffy, what's wrong with you?"

Usopp asked curiously.

"he....He is my brother...."

I heard Luffy say that this man was actually his brother.....The three geese looked at each other in bewilderment, and finally they followed Luffy's example and hugged Sabo to prevent him from leaving. The three geese hugged Sabo while listening to Luffy's story about him and Sabo.

When he talked about how Sabo went out to sea for freedom but was killed by a cannon, the most sensitive little Fengfeng also cried, and then Chopper and Usopp also cried one after another........

Sabo was even more confused when he saw four geese cawing at his feet and all started crying......

"What is going on? What did I do to these geese? Are they all crying and hugging me?"

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