After purifying these souls with flames, Aizen seemed to have thought of something. His aura of sight and color instantly spread to cover the entire island, and then he quickly found the body of the witch at the beginning!

Under the ultimate observation of the Mangekyou Sharingan, Aizen was surprised to find that the actual age of this old witch was only between 20 and 30 years old!

However, after just a few seconds of surprise, Aizen lost most of his interest.

It turns out that this woman’s old age is not caused by the passage of time, but by the massive loss of vitality in her body. If his guess was correct, the life force should have been used to create this devil fruit.

Therefore, the possibility that this Devil Fruit is a time-based Devil Fruit is greatly reduced.


After some rummaging, Aizen finally found a small booklet with yellowed pages from an inner lining of the old witch’s black robe.

“So that’s it…”

Aizen slowly closed the booklet, then looked at the browned cover thoughtfully,

The next second, Aizen threw it into the system space.

The mysterious ritual that Aizen witnessed just now was not the creation of a Devil Fruit as Aizen had guessed, but through this special ritual, the resonance between the same powers was used to guide the origin of the power belonging to this Devil Fruit.

Although the effect is similar, the power is actually very different!

The level of power to create devil fruits belongs to the authority controlled by the level of world will.

As for guiding the arrival of the original power, this behavior is more like a bug that blocks the laws of the world, but it just avoids the principle of “the random arrival of devil fruits”.

This method is rare and powerful in the world of One Piece, but it is not the only one!

Unsurprisingly, more than ten years later, Vegapunk, the scientist at the pinnacle of the world’s intelligence, was able to create instruments and facilities with the same effect.

As for the flawed artificial Devil Fruit that Kaido possesses, it’s just Vegapunk’s technology from many years ago.

Of course, the main reason why Aizen hates and dislikes this ritual is that the price of this ritual is really too high!

Aizen roughly estimated the number of souls that disappeared here, and it was definitely not less than 10,000!

These are ten thousand innocent lives!

If you are a pirate, you will be scolded and hated by others for doing such an act. But if you only need to pay “this price” to get a powerful devil fruit, it is definitely worth it for a pirate, and even It will make them flock to you!

Because this is a new world, a pirate paradise where the power of the navy cannot be extended!

However, if a pirate dares to do this in the first half of the Grand Line, the Navy Headquarters will get the news within three days.

Then, this pirate will be saved by a general of vice admiral or above…

But no matter what, Aizen is also a marine, and there is absolutely no way he would do such an act.

Even if this devil fruit is extremely powerful, it is absolutely impossible!

However, after understanding the principle of this ritual, Aizen probably guessed the classification of this Devil Fruit. It is probably a superhuman devil fruit, belonging to the undead or witchcraft system.

Similar Devil Fruits include Perona’s Ghost Fruit, Buckil Hawkins’ Straw Fruit, Brooke’s Underworld Fruit, Charlotte Lingling’s Soul Fruit, etc…

However, it is known that the Soul Soul Fruit and the Underworld Fruit have been eaten by others, so these two speculations are directly ruled out.

After excluding these two Devil Fruits, the appeal of other such Devil Fruits to Aizen has been greatly reduced.

After figuring out what was going on, Aizen decided to leave simply.

As the giant eagle flapped its wings, Aizen’s figure went straight up into the sky and disappeared between the clouds…


New World, Cake Island,

A red-haired young man held the trident tightly with both hands and waved it vigorously, making a sharp friction sound with the air!

“Lord Katakuri!”

At this time, a minion ran over with an anxious look on his face, gasping for breath, and presented a newspaper with both hands.

Katakuri glanced at it, and then a bunch of waxy white goo split from his body and turned into a tentacle to take the newspaper.


Katakuri just glanced at it, and his eyes were tightly attracted by the contents of the newspaper!

“Navy hero Aizen marches into the new world! With great strength, he crushes Whitebeard!”

The bold font and explosive content directly make this title the focus of the entire issue of the newspaper!

Katakuri’s pupils gradually shrank

, even shrunk a little, and the hairs on the back of the neck suddenly exploded!


The ground under Kanakuli’s feet burst into pieces instantly, and then the figure turned into a black shadow and shot towards the castle in the center of the island!

At the same time, inside the castle,

Charlotte Lingling was happily throwing piece after piece of cake into her mouth. The wonderful taste bloomed on the tip of her tongue, and her eyes were narrowed in happiness.


At this moment, the door of the castle was suddenly violently broken open from the outside. Then, accompanied by a burst of dust and smoke, a black figure rushed out from the dust and smoke!

The smile on Charlotte Lingling’s face froze in an instant, and then suddenly darkened, with a depressive aura exuding around her!

“who is it……”

The cake in Charlotte Lingling’s hand exploded instantly, and she roared in a low voice.


Katakuri’s voice sounded,

The next second, his figure appeared in front of Charlotte Lingling!

After hearing Katakuri’s voice, Charlotte’s expression visibly eased, but the aura emanating from her body was still very depressing.

“Ah, it’s Katakuri, what’s wrong? She’s so impatient.” Charlotte Lingling said in a deep voice.

Katakuri anxiously placed the newspaper in front of Charlotte Lingling, and then said in an urgent voice: “Mom, Aizen has entered the new world and defeated the Whitebeard Pirates a few days ago! ”

Hearing this, Charlotte Lingling stopped eating the cake for an instant, and then her face suddenly became very ugly!


Charlotte Lingling murmured in a low voice.

The next second,

Charlotte Lingling made a fist with her right hand, and then hit the table hard!

The wooden table instantly exploded into a sky full of sawdust, and even spider web-like cracks appeared where the base contacted the ground!

“Aizen…why did he come to the new world…”

Charlotte Lingling’s face became gloomier than ever before, and her voice contained suppressed anger!

“Mom, I still don’t know what his true purpose of coming to the new world is, but he did defeat the Whitebeard Pirates head-on, and was overwhelming in the battle with Whitebeard…”

Katakuri said, and his face became ugly!

“I’m afraid his strength is even more terrifying than it was a few years ago…”

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