Charlotte Lingling’s face was extremely gloomy, as if she could drip water!

The name Aizen directly reminded her of the painful experience a few years ago, and her huge body couldn’t help but start to tremble!

It can be said that Aizen is the person who has given her the greatest fear in her life!

When facing Aizen, he had never experienced this kind of terrifying tremor even when facing Rocks!

Rocks’ strength can be said to be extremely terrifying at best, but even so, Charlotte Lingling is confident that she can reach his height in the future.

But Aizen is different;

The feeling Aizen gave her was a kind of fatal fear, a kind of impeccable power, a kind of restraint and crushing of herself from the level of power…

To her, Aizen seemed like a chasm that could never be crossed!

And when Katakuri saw his mother’s body trembling after hearing the name Aizen, his pupils also trembled violently!

He didn’t expect Aizen to be so powerful in frightening his mother…

“Mom? Mom?” Katakuri called softly.


Charlotte Lingling seemed to be unable to hear anything at this time, her face gradually turned pale, and cold sweat kept breaking out from her forehead.

“Mom!” Katakuri saw this and shouted suddenly!


Charlotte Lingling woke up suddenly, gasping for air, and subconsciously wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

Seeing this scene, Katakuri did not dare to say anything more, but looked hesitantly at Charlotte Lingling as she eased her emotions bit by bit.

Five minutes later, Charlotte Lingling’s body finally began to stop shaking, her breathing gradually became calmer, and her face turned from frightened to serious.

“Katakuri, read the contents of the newspaper.” Charlotte Lingling’s voice suddenly became hoarse.

When Katakuri heard this, he quickly picked up the newspaper and read it meticulously.

After a while, when she heard that Aizen had flattened half of the island with one move during the battle, Charlotte Lingling’s body couldn’t help but tremble violently!

“Okay, that’s enough.” Charlotte Lingling said suddenly.

“Katakuri, what do you think Aizen’s purpose is for coming to the new world this time…”

Hearing this, Katakuri frowned and began to think deeply. After a while, he shook his head helplessly.

“I don’t know, Mom.”

Charlotte Lingling took a deep breath, and then said slowly: “I don’t understand, what is his purpose in coming to the new world…”

“But one thing is for sure. This is by no means a signal for the official war between the Navy and the New World Pirates. Although Aizen is very powerful, he will never be able to regain the New World by himself.”

“So, what is his purpose… Is it just to give the pirates in the new world a chance to show off?”

Looking at Charlotte Lingling, who had a solemn face and was thinking hard, Katakuri couldn’t help but said: “Mom, the top priority now is how to defend against Aizen’s attack!”

“If Aizen really comes to us, with your strength, mother, even if you add me and my brothers and sisters, you will not be his enemy at all…”

As soon as these words came out, Charlotte Lingling’s expression froze, and then she fell into endless silence.

“You’re telling the truth, Katakuri, and… the situation is far worse than you imagine.”

“The reason why the Whitebeard Pirates were not completely wiped out is because Newgate is not a cruel and murderous pirate. In addition, during the battle in the Valley of Gods, he took the initiative to give in, so Aizen did not fight against He killed them all.”

“But I’m different…he really wanted to kill me.”

“If it weren’t for… I wouldn’t have been able to survive from his hands.”

Thinking of this, Charlotte Lingling felt a chill all over her body.

Then, she seemed to be surrounded by endless darkness and fear, and she couldn’t breathe…

Katakuri, who was focused on thinking, did not notice anything strange about Charlotte Lingling this time. He just said to himself: “Then, mother, should we seek help from Kaido?”

“If you two join forces, even if you can’t resist Aizen, the battle won’t be too brutal…”

However, after Katakuri finished speaking, there was no response for a long time.

Only then did he notice Charlotte Lingling who was in fear again!


Katakuri shouted again, but Charlotte Lingling remained unmoved, as if she hadn’t heard anything…

Seeing this, Katakuri slammed his right foot on the ground. The regular marble floor under his feet instantly shattered, and gravel shot out everywhere!

The sudden sense of danger made Charlotte Lingling wake up from her fear again!

“Not even Kaido!”

After waking up, Charlotte Lingling subconsciously screamed!

“That guy Aizen, even if he was a few years ago, it’s not something Kaido and I can fight against now!”

“Even if Kaido and I have improved in strength over the years, if we really face Aizen, we will only end in a disastrous defeat!”

Katakuri’s breath froze when he heard this, and his pupils trembled violently.

As the person who is most familiar with Charlotte Lingling’s character in the world, Katakuri really can’t imagine how powerful that naval hero is… to make his arrogant mother and Kaido treat him with such caution and kindness. fear!

You must know that in the new world at this time, if Charlotte Lingling and Kaido choose to join forces, almost no one can match them. Even the monster Whitebeard can only tie!

“No! We still need people!”

Charlotte Lingling suddenly thought of something and said breathlessly.

“Katakuri! Send someone to contact Baloric Redfield quickly!”

Katakuri was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said in disbelief: “Mom, are you talking about the legendary pirate Red Earl?”

The title “Red Earl” is a legendary title even for Katakuri.

The owner of this title once made a name for himself on the rough seas by himself, and he was also one of the few powerful pirates who could resist Rocks’ recruitment!

You must know that at his peak, Baloric Redfield’s reputation was on par with the “Whitebeard Pirates”, “Roger Pirates” and other super pirate groups!

Moreover, this man had single-handedly resisted the attacks of Garp and Zefa! (Ignoring World Destroyer Bundy Waldo directly, his individual combat effectiveness is really not strong…)

But as famous as he is as a “loner”, he hates forming alliances with others and believes in solitude.

Therefore, he is also called the “Aloof Red” and “Aloof Ryder”…

This is why Katakuri was so surprised,

Because he really couldn’t imagine how much his mother had to pay to invite him here…

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