Five days later,

Aizen stood on top of the ruins, looking at the rising sun in the distance.

“I am becoming more and more skilled in mastering this power.” Aizen said calmly.

“However, we are still far from fully mastering the Otsutsuki pattern…”

After saying that, Aizen sighed slightly.

Originally possessing a complete Otsutsuki bloodline, he only needed to absorb energy to awaken the bloodline step by step and strengthen himself.

However, Aizen didn’t want to do that.

Not only because the unique horns and white eyes of the Otsutsuki clan do not suit his aesthetics, but if he does that, all the power of the body will be dominated by chakra, and the power of spiritual pressure will be controlled by Otsutsuki’s blood. Exclusion.

Therefore, the reason why Aizen has not mastered Otsutsuki mode after so long is just because Aizen has been trying to achieve a balance between chakra and reiatsu in power.

(You may have some misunderstandings here, that is, although spiritual pressure is the power of the soul, why is it reflected in the body?

But the fact is that spiritual pressure really involves the physical body. For example, the Quincy’s static blood suit and blood dynamic suit in the original Bleach work work by injecting ions into the blood. )

Of course, the most important thing is that Aizen does not want to shift the focus of his power to the Otsutsuki bloodline. Although the Otsutsuki bloodline is extremely powerful after it is fully developed, it can even reach the top of this world…

But the fact that the will of the One Piece world had partially modified the world line and power system after collecting chakra energy made Aizen feel faintly uneasy!

Therefore, Aizen is now eager to increase the power of spiritual power, not the power of chakra!

This is also the foundation of Aizen’s establishment and his only reliance.


After pondering for a while, Aizen took out the booklet from the system space, glanced at the list inside, and exhaled softly.

“Nearly all the people have been killed, and the remaining pirates are almost controllable. Now…it’s just the last step…”

In five days, Aizen crossed almost half of the New World’s waters, and destroyed more than twenty evil pirate groups one after another! ! !

Among them, except for Finokas, whose abilities were more troublesome, all the other pirate groups were wiped out by Aizen’s “Shinra Tensei” move!

And the so-called last step is for Aizen to take action himself, leaving an indelible fear in the minds of the four future “emperors”…

However, Aizen was not in a hurry to take action at this time, but communicated the system in his mind.

“System, if I choose to fuse the three powers now, what is the success rate?”

[Ding, it is not recommended that the host does it now. 】

[In the absence of Bengyu, it is very dangerous to rashly communicate with the three powers, even if your spiritual pressure is far beyond the captain level! 】

Aizen heard this and reluctantly chose to remain silent.

After facing the world’s will in the past few days, Aizen’s sense of urgency has rapidly expanded, and he urgently needs more powerful power!

The improvement of Liu Ren Ruo Huo’s power cannot be accomplished overnight. So Aizen had to change the direction and shift it to the power of Hollow and Quincy.

In the original Bleach, extreme power is divided into two categories.

The first one is to achieve boundary-breaking with a single force!

A typical example is Captain Yamamoto.

Captain Yamamoto can make the vice-captain-level Shinigami go into shock by relying solely on the release of his spiritual pressure. The spiritual pressure of Haigai alone is comparable to the swastika of other captains. In the case of extreme anger, the range of its spiritual pressure can even be enough to encompass the entire Soul Society!

Once the swastika is released, the entire Seireitei can sense changes in the captain’s spiritual pressure. The temperature during swastika is enough to evaporate all the water in Soul Society bit by bit!

Even Aizen Sosuke, who has a high self-esteem and possesses the mirror, still regards him as a serious problem after merging with Honyu!

Therefore, Captain Yamamoto is also the only one who can compete with Sosuke Aizen in the state of Hondama by relying only on the power of Death!

To reach this level, you need not only talent, but more importantly, the accumulation of time and battles.

The other kind of power is the power of possessing the three powers of Death, Hollow, and Quincy, and balancing them within the body!

The most typical example is the Spirit King whom he has almost never met, and of course Aizen who finally fully fused with Honyu.

Aizen could take the first path, but it was obvious that the time left for him was not enough for him to complete this path.

Therefore, if Aizen wants to achieve it in a very short period of time,

If the strength is greatly improved, he will be forced to choose the second path.

Aizen had previously asked the system if it could simulate Bengyu’s power and guide him to communicate and integrate the three powers.

Although the system gave Aizen a positive reply, the risks involved were obviously huge!


Aizen sighed deeply, and the next second, his body slowly floated into the air.

This time Aizen did not choose to ride a psychic beast, but used the flying ability of the Otsutsuki clan.

“Forget it, let’s do the business first. After the business is done, find a safe place and give it a try.”

As soon as the words fell, Aizen’s body instantly turned into a black shadow, and then shot towards the distance!


on the sea,

A magnificent ship with a mermaid carved on its bow broke through the huge waves and sailed forward!

On the deck, a man with a mustache was holding a newspaper with both hands, grinning and laughing!

A man with blond hair and glasses walked over and said with a smile: “Roger, what makes you so happy?”

“Ah! Rayleigh, you’re here!”

Roger heard the sound, laughed loudly, and handed the newspaper in his hand to Reilly behind him.

“Look, look, look, that guy from Newgate was beaten up by that kid Aizen, hahahahahaha!”

After hearing this, Rayleigh’s eyes changed slightly, and he quickly took the newspaper and read it carefully.

Half a minute later, Reilly slowly put down the newspaper, and then sighed deeply with emotion on his face.

“I never thought that that kid back then would have reached such a high level now.”

After saying that, Roger’s face was full of emotion and he grinned:

“Yeah, when I was his age, I seemed to be peeing in mud ~ hahahahahahahaha~”

At this time, Rayleigh seemed to think of something and nodded slightly. The lenses reflected dazzling white light under the sunlight.

“I see… No wonder she is so anxious…”

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