When Roger heard this, he said with confusion: “What, Rayleigh?”

Reilly smiled slightly and said, “There is something I forgot to tell you. Just yesterday, that woman Charlotte Lingling sent someone to contact me.”


Roger frowned slightly when he heard this, and the look of doubt on his face became even worse!

“What does that crazy woman want to do?”

Reilly smiled mysteriously, “I didn’t know what she was crazy about, but now I seem to understand.”

“The news that Aizen has entered the hinterland of the new world seems to have turned someone into a frightened snake…”

When Roger heard this, his slightly frowned brows relaxed, and the corners of his mouth also raised slightly.

“Isn’t that crazy woman asking for help?”

Rayleigh smiled and nodded, then said:

“That’s true, and she also paid a price you can’t refuse…”


When Roger heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he couldn’t help but said: “What price? It can’t be…”


Reilly chuckled a few times and said: “You are right, the price she paid was to let you borrow the historical text in her hand, and it was also the text of the road sign!”

As soon as these words came out, Roger’s breathing became heavy instantly!

The text of the road sign…but what he needs most now!

As mentioned earlier, the so-called historical text refers to an indestructible stone tablet cast by the ancestors of the Kozuki clan in Wano during the 100-year gap.

There are two types of historical text. One is the 4-block red road sign historical text that records the location information of Raffdrew. The other is the 26-block historical text that records the blank 100 years of history, including 9 blocks of historical text. Historical text of important information.

When the information on these 26 pieces of historical text is combined, a complete article that records the blank 100 years of history can be formed, which is the real historical text.

As for the text of the road sign… Each road sign’s historical text records a location. When these locations are known and the four points are connected on the map, what emerges in the center is the last island “Ravdru”.

After the historical text was cast, in order to protect this period of history and avoid being concentrated and hidden, they were sent to various parts of the world without any relevant records.

Therefore, the difficulty of finding these historical texts has been doubled!

Roger’s goal is to go to the last island “Ravdru”, so finding the text of the road sign is an indispensable and important part of his plan!

Originally, according to Aizen’s prompts, Roger planned to borrow it from super pirate groups such as the Whitebeard Pirates.

When the Rocks Pirates dominated the sea, nearly 2/3 of the historical texts fell into the hands of Rocks. With the collapse of the Rocks Pirates, these historical texts flowed out again… …

But what is certain is that compared to him, they are more likely to be collected by the original cadres of the Rocks Pirates than they are scattered around the world!

Therefore, Roger set his sights on Edward Newgate, Charlotte Lingling, and Kaido very early!

“So, she really has the text of the road sign in her hand… Our previous guess was not wrong!” The corners of Roger’s mouth raised, and his eyes shone with a strange light!


Reilly nodded.

But immediately, Rayleigh frowned slightly and said hesitantly: “So, do we want to go this time?”

“According to our original plan, you were the one to steal…”

“Cough! Cough! Cough!”

Roger hurriedly coughed a few times, and then said with a serious face: “What stealing?! That’s borrowing! I can only make a copy, so it doesn’t count as stealing!”

Reilly glanced at him speechlessly, and then said angrily: “Okay, okay! What did you say, you bastard!”

“So, may I ask our upright captain, should we go this time?”

“You know, facing Aizen, even if you and I join forces, we don’t have much chance of winning, unless we add that crazy woman and Kaido…”

It’s not that Aizen’s strength has really reached the level of one against four, but that the “Remnant Fire Sword” that Aizen used originally left a terrible impression on them!

Even Roger, who is proficient in swordsmanship, is not absolutely sure that he can resist that move…

“The risks involved are really too great…”

Reilly said solemnly, “We have to get the historical text, but we can’t take too big a risk!”

However, Roger chuckled after hearing this, and then took out a unique phone bug from his arms with a mysterious look on his face. He smiled evilly and said: “Jie Jie Jie~ Don’t worry, Rayleigh, I I have my own plan…”

“I want the text of history, and I don’t take any risks. And I want them to thank me from the bottom of their hearts and treat me to dinner…”

Reilly frowned slightly when he heard this, looked at Roger with a complicated look in his eyes, and said to himself: “What’s going on? Is he out of his mind?”

“This guy doesn’t really think he can get the historical text without taking any risks, right?”

Just when Rayleigh was debating whether to call the ship’s doctor, Roger said, “Did that crazy woman leave a phone bug?”

Riley nodded, and then took out a pink phone bug from his pocket.

Roger took the phone bug without hesitation, and then opened it under Reilly’s shocked eyes.

At the same time, in the castle of Cake Island,

Blue, blue, blue~

Charlotte Lingling, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up and looked for the source of the noise with an angry look on her face.

And when she discovered that the source of the sound was the phone bug she sent to the Roger Pirates, the angry look on her face disappeared instantly, replaced by a look of nervousness and entanglement!

“I’m Charlotte Lingling.”

After Charlotte Lingling picked up the microphone, she said in a deep voice.

After hearing the sound, Roger grinned instantly, and then shouted loudly: “I heard that Aizen is going to cause trouble for you, crazy woman!”

Hearing Roger call herself a crazy woman, Charlotte Lingling’s face changed instantly, and then a cold murderous aura spread from her whole body!

At the same time, Rayleigh next to Roger was also frightened, with a look of horror on his face, and hurriedly tried to snatch the phone bug from Roger’s hand.

However, Roger stopped him with one hand, then gave him a “Don’t worry” look, and continued:

“It’s okay if you want me to take action. I have to write a copy of all the historical essays you have.”

After hearing this, Charlotte Lingling gritted her teeth and clenched her fists silently.

Roger continued: “And, not only do I want the historical text in your hand, I also want Kaido’s!”

As soon as these words came out, Charlotte Lingling couldn’t help but curse loudly. However, what Roger said next made her shut up!

“I know that the relationship involved in the historical text is very big, big enough to subvert the world, but no matter how big it is, it is not as important as your own life, right?” Roger said leisurely.

“What’s more, its value also depends on the person who owns it. For you, it is just a relatively precious stone at best!”

“Only I can bring out its value and effect!”

Seeing that Charlotte Lingling didn’t speak for a long time, Roger added another element of anger!


“Charlotte Lingling, you don’t want to die at the hands of Aizen at a young age and have all your family property destroyed…”

“You have to know that if you die, your sons and daughters alone will not be able to withstand these hungry wolves in the new world.”

“Haha, when the time comes… they will be torn apart and nothing will be left…”

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