Charlotte Lingling gritted her teeth and her eyes were extremely fierce, but when she thought of Aizen’s face, her body still trembled uncontrollably!

“Mamama…Roger, I can promise to show you the text of my history, but I can’t promise Kaido’s.”

Charlotte Lingling finally succumbed, but what made her succumb was not the safety of her children, but the huge fortune of the Kingdom of Totland…

Roger raised his eyebrows, and then said calmly: “Kaido doesn’t think…as long as he doesn’t take the initiative to provoke Aizen, he can live in peace, right?”

Charlotte Lingling’s voice was a little hoarse as she said, “No, I can’t contact him.”

“His men told me that he left the station alone seven days ago and has not returned until now.”

“The phone number I used to contact him has never been able to get through.”

After Roger pondered for a moment, he said: “If it were just you and me, I could only stop you from Aizen, and my crew would just watch the battle.”

“There is no irreconcilable conflict between Aizen and I, so I will not turn against Aizen for your sake.”

After hearing this, Charlotte Lingling was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed, whether she was laughing at Roger or herself…

“Okay, stop talking nonsense, crazy woman.” Roger said with a slight frown.

“I will be able to reach you in five days. You can hide yourself for the next few days~”

After that, Roger hung up the phone directly.

The expression on Rayleigh’s face has solidified at this time!

“Nani?!!!” Riley’s eyes widened and he lost his voice.

“You just settled it with her? You didn’t ask me for my opinion?!”

When Roger heard this, he picked his nostrils with an indifferent expression and said, “What can we do? Isn’t this how we talk?”

“Anyway, I don’t want to fight with that crazy woman just to read the historical text…”

The features on Rayleigh’s face were almost tangled together. He resisted the urge to beat Roger and said through gritted teeth: “Have you never thought that if Aizen doesn’t go to trouble her, then our time will be in vain. Ran?”

Roger chuckled when he heard this, and then said coquettishly: “It’s impossible, Aizen will definitely go…”

Reilly frowned upon hearing this and looked at Roger suspiciously.

“By the way, when did you and Aizen become connected?”

“It doesn’t make sense~” Roger spread his hands.

“Then how are you sure he will definitely go?!” Rayleigh suddenly shouted with a ferocious face.

“Hey, isn’t there this?” Roger grinned and raised the strange-looking phone bug he was holding in his hand.

Blue, blue, blue~

At this moment, the phone bug in Roger’s hand suddenly opened its eyes and started screaming~

“Oh? Here we come!” Roger quickly picked up the phone and answered the call.

“Moses Moses~ This is Roger~”

“Roger, this is Aizen.” Aizen’s voice came from the microphone.

“I’m going to find trouble with Charlotte Lingling in a few days. Then you and I will perform a play. It’s best to trick the content of the historical text out of her.”

As soon as these words came out, Rayleigh’s eyes widened instantly, and the expression on his face was so wonderful!

Roger couldn’t help but laugh.


“That crazy woman has already approached me and asked me to help her resist you!”

Aizen couldn’t help laughing when he heard this, “That’s good. It saves you the trouble of going up to her and arousing her suspicion.”

“If my guess is correct, she will also look for Baloric Redfield, but Baloric Redfield will most likely not accept his request for help.”

Aizen smiled and said, “Baloric Redfield cherishes his life more than anyone else…”

Roger nodded when he heard this, “There are still five days to get to Cake Island, how about you?”

“I can do it. We are almost there now, but I will first wipe out a few of her pirate groups to put some pressure on her.”

“It’s best to have her and Kaido spit out the historical text in their hands to you at once, so that your voyage will be much easier.”

After hearing this, Roger sighed slightly and said, “That may disappoint you. Kaido won’t go this time.”

Aizen frowned slightly when he heard this, and then said with some confusion: “What’s going on?”

“Based on the alliance between the two of them, how could they ignore each other.”

“No, Kaido is missing. Even his own men can’t contact him now, let alone Charlotte Lingling.”

Roger couldn’t help but sigh again.

The color of Aizen’s eyes changed several times, and finally returned to peace.

At this time, I watched the sea all the way

The thief and the navy teamed up to conspire against another pirate. The expression on his face was completely numb…

“I understand, but I don’t rule out the possibility that Charlotte Lingling and Kaido conspired, and Kaido hid until the last moment of the battle with the intention of killing me.”

“Anyway, let’s act according to circumstances when the time comes.”


After finishing his words, Aizen hung up the phone.

After Roger hung up the phone, he took a deep breath, then a bright smile appeared on his face, and he couldn’t help but said excitedly: “Rayleigh! We will get the second text of the road sign soon!” ”

“One step closer to Rafdru!”

Looking at Roger who looked ecstatic, Rayleigh said with a dull look, “Were you on the phone with Aizen just now?”

“Yes~” Roger said innocently.

“When did you two… exchange phone calls?” Riley continued to say with a dull look.

“It was when we first met~” Roger said with an indifferent expression.


Roger’s body was instantly embedded into the deck, and a red bulge grew on the top of his head, and it was still steaming~

Reilly opened his clenched fists with a gloomy expression, then pressed Roger’s head with one hand and said coldly: “Roger, you actually kept this matter from me for so long…”

Roger, who was still a little angry, saw the gloomy look on Rayleigh’s face. He twitched his lips in embarrassment, and then said with a flattering smile: “Isn’t it because I think you are too busy at ordinary times? Don’t bother you with such a small matter…”

“Haha…” Rayleigh sneered a few times and looked at Roger with even colder eyes.

When Roger saw this, his eyes widened instantly, and then an unpleasant feeling rose from the bottom of his heart!

“Hey, Rayleigh! That’s not the case! We have something to discuss…”

Roger’s words stopped abruptly, and his body flew backwards as fast as a ball!


Roger’s body hit the sea hard, causing huge waves!

“You said earlier that the navy has its own people, which makes me fearful every day!”

“Asshole!!!” Reilly roared.

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