Meanwhile, Punk Hassad,

Porusalino was shaving his nails while taking a leisurely walk on the coast, looking at the sparkling sea and feeling relaxed.

“Ah~~This is life~~” Porusalino sighed with great joy,

“It turns out that Mr. Kong is such a good person~ I really blamed him wrongly before~”

At this moment, there was a dull sound of footsteps, and then a huge figure panted and ran towards Porusalino.

I saw a boy with a stocky figure like a wrestler, and a face and hairstyle like a girl, running over with a flushed face.

There was a slit on the left side of his face from his eye to the corner of his mouth. The upper body is wearing a red bellyband with three magatama and a pattern in the middle. There is a huge knot around the waist, and the lower body is wearing shorts.

“Uncle, you skipped work again!”

“Your mission… is to protect Mr. Vegapunk!”

A strong voice shouted from the mouth of this little girl’s face. This scene was extremely contrasting!

When Porusalino heard this, he scratched his head innocently and said, “Ah~~ It’s Zhan Momomaru~~ I just came out for a walk~”

Zhan Taomaru put his hands on his knees, and then said out of breath: “Then…what if…at this time…someone attacks Mr. Begapunk?”

“How is it possible? This place is strictly kept secret by the world government, and it is safe enough with your protection. Besides, who would attack a scientist without seeing anything?” Porusalino said with a look on his face Said nonchalantly.

“What’s more… only Zhan Momomaru knows that I went out privately. As long as you don’t tell me, who else will know~~” Porusalino grinned.

Hearing this, Zhan Taowan said with a vigilant look on his face: “Are you trying to silence me?!”

“Ah? Why do you think so? I admire you very much, Zhan Momomaru!” Porusalino said while patting Zhan Momomaru’s shoulders with his big hand.

“Hey! You are really discerning. I am determined to be the most reliable man in the world!” Zhan Taomaru shouted with a wide grin after hearing this.

“Yes, Zhan Momomaru, I have met countless people in my life. The first time I saw you, I knew that you would be a reliable man in the future!” Porusalino said with a smile, rubbing Zhan Momomaru with his right hand. Momomaru’s head.

“But, Zhan Momomaru, if you want to be the most reliable man in the world, you must move towards that goal step by step, do you understand?” Porusalino said seductively.

Hearing this, Zhan Momomaru raised his fist as big as a sandbag with a serious look on his face and said, “I am already very strong, Uncle Porusalino, I will definitely become the most reliable man in the world!”

“No, no, no~” Porusalino shook his head quickly and said.

“You are not a real man yet. A real man is not only physically strong, but also has high mental and quality requirements!”

“As a real man, you must have the courage to take on your own responsibilities and missions, work seriously and responsibly, persevere and persevere!”

Zhan Taomaru listened intently to Porusalino’s deception, his eyes kept shining with a strange light, his breathing became rapid, and he was immersed in his fantasy of himself.

“Of course, all this is a thing later, and now you only need to do three things to become a real man!”

“What three things, uncle!”

Zhan Taowan asked impatiently, his face flushed with excitement!

Upon seeing this, Porusalino smiled with satisfaction, and then said leisurely: “First, as you said, a real man needs enough strength!

So now you must continue to exercise your body, temper your physique, and become a strong man! ”


Zhan Taowan nodded excitedly!

“The second thing is that a real man must shoulder his responsibilities and mission!

Your current responsibility and mission is to protect Mr. Vegapunk, so from now on you must stay close and never go out without permission! ”

“Okay! I can do it!” Zhan Taowan became even more excited after hearing this, and almost shouted!

“One last thing, if you want to be the most reliable man in the world, then you must reflect your reliability in every aspect.

It’s like a secret told to you by a friend. You were expected to keep it well, but you failed to do so and told others…”

Before Porusalino finished speaking, Zhan Momomaru shouted anxiously: “I can do it, I can definitely keep the secret!”

When Porusalino heard this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, but he quickly restrained himself!

right! That’s it! If you want to be the most reliable man in the world, you must first become the tightest-spoken man in the world! ”


Zhan Taowan nodded heavily!

“Good boy, I’ve been watching you since I was a kid!”

“After this mission is over, I will definitely transfer you to become my subordinate!” Porusalino said with a look of relief.

“Come on, shout your ideals and your beliefs to the sea! Zhan Momomaru!” Porusalino patted Zhan Momomaru on the shoulder and said loudly.

Zhan Momomaru glanced at Porusalino nervously, and then under Porusalino’s encouraging eyes, he shouted excitedly towards the sea:

“I! Zhan Momomaru! I will definitely become the most tight-lipped man in the world!!!”

“Okay!” Porusalino couldn’t help shouting “Okay!”

“Have some backbone! What a boy!”

“But you can’t just talk without doing it. Everyone can make empty talk~~” Porusalino said meaningfully, and then showed a smirk from an angle that Zhan Momomaru couldn’t see.

After hearing this, Zhan Taowan became a little anxious, and then hurriedly shouted: “I’m not just talking empty words, I, Zhan Taowan, will do what I say!”

“Yo Xi! Now there is a task to test you, Zhan Momomaru!” As he said that, the expression on Porusalino’s face gradually became serious!

Seeing this scene, Zhan Taomaru became nervous!

“Actually… I’m not skipping work… but there are pirate spies in this base!”

As soon as these words came out, Zhan Taowan’s eyes widened instantly, and then his pupils shrank to a point!

“It looks like I am taking a walk, but in fact I am searching for traces of pirates to prevent them from colluding internally and externally, which will ultimately endanger the lives of the scientists…”

Porusalino held Zhan Momomaru to his side, and then whispered.

“But you must not tell others about this, do you understand?”

Hearing this, Zhan Momomaru looked confused. Just as he was about to ask, he heard Porusalino say again,

“Alas, even I…can’t tell who is the good guy and who is the bad guy…” After saying that, Porusalino sighed with a “sad” look on his face.

When Zhan Taowan saw this, his expression became even more anxious, and he almost jumped up!

At this moment, Porusalino suddenly put his hands on Zhan Momomaru’s shoulders, and then said with a serious face:

“Zhan Momomaru, I don’t know when the pirates will attack here before. It may be tomorrow, it may be a month, it may even be next year…”

“So everything is left to you. You must keep this secret and not alert the enemy!”

Zhan Taowan gritted his teeth and nodded heavily with a serious look!

“Okay, go ahead, I am enough here, your strength is still too weak.” Porusalino said in a deep voice.

After that, he pushed Zhan Taomaru towards the base with his hand, then turned around and walked away without any delay.

Zhan Taomaru, on the other hand, looked at Porusalino’s back with admiration, his body trembled with excitement, and his eyes became red, but even so, he bit his lips tightly, not letting himself Say a word!

‘Uncle Polusalino is really a reliable man. He has shouldered all this alone… We must not let him down! ’

Zhan Taomaru secretly made up his mind, then immediately turned around and ran towards the base!

After noticing that Zhan Taomaru had left, Porusalino slowly turned around and raised the corners of his mouth slightly,

“What a good kid. I believe everything I say. He is much better than Aizen…”

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