Ace kept using his moves around Kaido, and the flames kept burning Qinglong's body. Unfortunately, no matter whether it was a single attack or a group attack, it could not cause any actual damage to Kaido's dragon body.

"Roger's daughter, is this all you can do? This really disappoints me."


Seeing Kaido standing there and taking the attack, and knowing that he really had no way to deal with him, Ace immediately used his most powerful move without reservation, even though it consumed a huge amount of energy.

""Great Flame Ring·Entei"

Several huge spiral flames spread from Ace's body, and finally gathered into a huge fireball similar to the sun.

The fireball of a hundred meters in size emitted a scorching temperature, and even the clouds above were dispersed. The long-lost sunlight sprinkled on Ace, making her look not like a mortal.

This scene had a good visual effect on everyone, and also made many pirates who had lost confidence look forward to it again.

Joz crushed the stone in his hand, and wanted to try to see if throwing stones could hurt Kaido. Now even Ace's attack could not cause damage, let alone a mere stone. Unfortunately, his Moon Step was only half-baked, and he could not participate in the battle at all, unless Kaido returned to land.

"Ace's most powerful move, even Kaido can't easily take it, right?"

Kaido silently looked at the huge Entei, this move is very similar to Jin's Fire Dragon King. He couldn't help but give Ace a higher score, it seems that this kid is not useless.

"Boy, let me see your strongest move."

"Stop looking down on people, Kaido."

""Emperor Yan"

Under everyone's expectation, Ace threw a fireball, which was like a small sun and hit Kaido directly. The powerful impact caused Qinglong to move for the first time.


The huge fireball exploded, and the dazzling flame energy enveloped a range of hundreds of meters. The temperature at the center of the flame reached more than 3,000 degrees, which is a temperature that can melt steel instantly. The power of the explosion was so strong that even people a thousand meters below could feel the terrible aftermath, and the warm air pressure came to their faces.

After 20 seconds, the flames went out, and Kaido's huge dragon body fell from the sky. The blue dragon scales could not completely resist the high temperature, and many parts were burned.

Seeing the scene of the blue dragon falling, everyone couldn't help but get excited. This attack worked, and Kaido was not invincible.

If even Ace with the Fire Fist couldn't hurt Kaido, then how powerless would they be? Even Joz's lethality was not higher than Ace's, which meant that they would become lambs to be slaughtered without resistance.

Without waiting for the crowd below to cheer, the giant dragon in the air suddenly opened its eyes, swept its tail to stabilize its body and stop falling, and then slowly flew back to Ace.

In this short period of time, Kaido's superficial skin injuries had completely healed. What a desperate scene!


Ace barely managed to keep flying. After using Entei, he had already used up most of his energy and was unable to fight anymore. Seeing Kaido recovering, he couldn't help but become distraught, as if the sky was covered by dark clouds again.

"How is this possible? This is my strongest move."

"Roger's daughter, I take back what I just said. Your strength is actually not bad. After all, it is commendable that you can injure me. So you can rest assured that I will not kill you. I will use you to lure Roger to fight me, but the weak ones below will not be so lucky."

"Bad Wind"

The Azure Dragon opened its huge mouth and spit out a large number of wind blades from its mouth to cut the enemy, just like the slash of a sickle weasel, treating everyone as a target of attack.


The wind blades cut through the ground, leaving cracks. Some weak pirates had their armor ripped apart by the wind blades.

Fortunately, the 10 captains present were not ordinary people. They joined forces to barely block the attack and protect most of their companions.

Ace was furious. When he tried to stop the other party, he was hit back to the ground by a huge tail, creating a huge pit.

The huge blue dragon looked down at everyone and a deep voice rang out.

"Just surrender, and I won't kill all of you."

Just as Ace and his men were at a loss, the clouds in the sky suddenly rolled, and the shadows in the dark clouds spread rapidly. A mountain hundreds of meters long and wide passed through the clouds and smashed down towards Kaido.


Kaido didn't have time to spit out dragon flames to destroy the mountain, and was crushed by the huge mountain into the sea. The speed of the fall was getting faster and faster, and even produced a huge sonic boom.

This scene was like a god suppressing a dragon. Ten seconds later, the sea surface was hit by the impact of the mountain falling to the ground, and huge waves were raised, washing everything around.

Joz and Wadibe looked at each other in silence. They also understood the current situation. The only thing they were sure of was whether it was Kaido's men.


Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky and smashed a pit not far from Ace and the others. Kaido had already transformed back into a human form and walked out of the pit. The

7-meter-tall Kaido had black hair and a pair of long horns like a dragon's horns, like a"devil" in the world, holding a huge mace in his hand.

Kaido's appearance made Ace and the others feel like they were facing a great enemy, but Kaido ignored Ace and the others, just looked up at a certain place in the sky and shouted:

"It's been a long time since I last saw Shiki. I never thought that you, an old lion, would help them to fight against me."

An old man with long golden hair flew into everyone's sight. This old man called Shiki had golden hair as long as two meters, just like a lion's mane. He had a rudder on his head and two swords on his broken feet.

This man was one of the three legendary pirates, the captain of the Flying Pirates, the user of the Float-Float Fruit, the Golden Lion Shiki.

The intervention of an unexpected person made Joz a little overwhelmed.

"It turned out to be the golden lion that disappeared for 20 years. Ace, do you know why he appeared?

Ace's delicate face was full of doubts, and he shook his head and answered

"I don't know why he helped us, but judging by the situation, he shouldn't be an enemy."

The golden lion floated in the air and looked at Kaido, while Kaido also looked at this"former partner". This was the first time the two had met again in 20 years.

"Hahahaha, I'm not trying to help these people, I just want to say hello to you, Kaido. When we last met, you were still a follower hiding behind Linlin. I didn't expect that you have become one of the Four Emperors now."

Kaido was upset by the words of taking advantage of his age. He was indeed no match for the Golden Lion when he was on Rocks' ship.

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