"Hmph, Golden Lion, you old fellow are just a remnant from the old times. I heard that you were captured by the navy some time ago. It seems that the navy is still so rubbish that it let you, an old lion, escape again. But look at your old appearance now. How much strength do you have left? You dare to interfere in my affairs. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Such impolite words made the two of them tense, and Golden Lion's face looked very ugly. When he was roaming the New World, only Roger, Whitebeard, Garp, and Sengoku were his real opponents on the sea. Even Charlotte Linlin, Wang Zhi and others could not match them.

Not to mention that Kaido's strength was just beginning to show its edge back then, and now he is so destitute that he is threatened by this junior. Even though he knows that his strength is not as good as before, the remaining pride still makes him attack the Four Emperors even though he knows he cannot win.

""Lion's Might - Earth Scroll"

Thousands of meters of ground were lifted up, turning into multiple lion-head-shaped clods that pounced on Kaido. The sound of the rolling land was very scary, and even the pirates in the distance were affected and unstable. This was a trick to defeat all enemies, but unfortunately the target of the attack was Kaido, the beast.

Kaido swung his mace, and the lightning flashed by and destroyed all the lion heads in front of him. This attack was not a threat to him.

Kaido leaned forward and rushed directly to the golden lion without stopping. His huge body brought great oppression to the enemy, and the thick mace quickly smashed the opponent's head.

""Die, old lion."

The mace passed by, and the wind pressure blew the golden lion's hair. The golden lion used the power of the Float-Float Fruit to barely dodge the blow. The mace hit the ground and caused a huge crack. The sheer power was so terrifying that it was enough to change the terrain.

"The stones and rainwater gathered into lion heads again. This time, there were dozens of lion heads. The lions, tens of meters high, surrounded Kaido and roared, but Kaido only looked down on them.

"Is this all the old lion can do?"

The lions simultaneously covered the sky and pounced down to deliver a fatal blow, but unfortunately they were still defeated by Kaido, it just took a few more blows.

Unlike Kaido's calmness, Kaido's attack made the golden lion dare not face the sharp edge directly. Even if there was no domineering aura wrapped around the mace, it was not something the old golden lion could resist.

The two chased each other, and the ability of the Float-Float Fruit together with Kaido's terrible destructive power made the entire ground devastated. Kaido even used the Flame Cloud to chase into the air, and finally forced the golden lion to collide again after dozens of seconds.


"The sword energy used by the"Ming Di" great swordsman was easily defeated by the columnar stick energy, which forced the Golden Lion to swing his sword energy again at close range to try to block the remaining power.


After a crisp sound, the Golden Lion was knocked out with his sword, knocking down two buildings.

Seeing that the attack was effective, Kaido did not pursue the victory, but waited until the Golden Lion limped back to the surface before mocking him.

"Shiki, you are too weak now. Not only has your swordsmanship, which you were once so proud of, been ruined, but now you can't even use your Conqueror Haki and Armament Haki. You have become a poor creature who can only use the power of the fruit as a facade."

By now, the Golden Lion has accepted his own strength and is not as easily angry as he was at the beginning.

"Hahaha, Kaido, you are so daring. Although I am old, the majesty of a lion cannot be bullied by any beast. Enjoy the gift I give you."

As the golden lion clenched his fist, another island of nearly a thousand meters fell from the sky, and the target was obviously Kaido himself. The friction of the air made the island start to burn.

Like a meteorite, many people's faces changed slightly. If this island hit the Black Spear Elephant Island, it would cause great damage. However, they didn't need to worry about it. Kaido turned back into a dragon and howled angrily.

"Golden Lion, don't you have any other moves? Hot Breath."

The dragon's long body swirled up and opened its fangs and mouth. The terrible dragon flames spewed out from it and instantly pierced through the entire island, causing it to disintegrate in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, Ace frowned slightly. He was very puzzled. Kaido's dragon flame was also a flame, why the impact force contained in it could destroy mountains and islands, while his flame was far inferior in comparison. The figure of the blond old man floated one meter above the ground.

"...call...Phew, it seems that this is all I have now."

Golden Lion has become calm now. Less than a few minutes of fighting made his breathing become rapid. He is really old, and his body can no longer support the high-intensity battle.

The rudder on his head affects him all the time. The rudder has existed for more than 20 years and has been fused with his flesh and blood. After he got older, it often interferes with the nerves of the brain, making him unable to use his domineering power. Maybe he really has to retire?

Just as the old lion was getting more and more tired, five figures suddenly walked up to the Golden Lion, making him look at the little guys unexpectedly. He actually needed Roger's men to help, but maybe this is not a bad thing? The five people who came out were Diamond Joz, Fire Fist Ace, Captain Bramank of the Sixth Division, Captain Blenheim of the Ninth Division, and Ice Witch Whitey.

The weakest of their group of captains has the strength of a vice admiral of the headquarters and can barely join this battle. Among them, Joz and Ace are at the level of the Three Disasters and Four Generals. As for the weaker ones, they will be a drag if they join. They still have self-knowledge.

Ace moved the hat on his head and said lightly

"Although we don't know why Senior Golden Lion would help us, we will not stand idly by and let......"

The face in the sight interrupted Ace's words. The golden lion's face suddenly approached and kept observing her. Roger's former enemy kept touching his chin with his hand, and his wretched face was full of doubts.

"I remember watching the news and it said that Roger's child should be a son, but now it's a daughter. Did I make a mistake? Or are Roger's children twins? Little girl, is your name Ace?"


Being called a little girl made Ace's forehead swell with anger, but she consoled herself to suppress her anger.

"Golden Lion, I am Ai���, as for becoming a girl, it is only temporary. I am a real man."

"I see. I said you weren't old enough to have a confused memory, so how could you have remembered it wrong? It really is your own problem. But are you really worthy of being a man?"


Ace was speechless. What the other party said made sense. Before they could discuss it in detail, Kaido on the opposite side suddenly burst out with amazing Conqueror's Haki. The top Conqueror's Haki soared into the sky and swept the whole place, causing many pirates to faint on the spot. Ace instinctively used his own Conqueror's Haki to counter it.

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