Kaido's domain was only blocked for a second before it became unstoppable again. The confrontation of the Conqueror's Haki made Ace feel even more pressured, and sweat could not help dripping from his hair.

"Is Kaido going to fight with all his strength?"

Ace's domineering color field was compressed to the extreme, but this was enough for the Golden Lion to look at him differently and re-evaluate the descendant of Roger in front of him. The qualifications of a king may not be possessed by one person in a million, and he is worthy of being Roger's bloodline. The

Golden Lion suddenly laughed heartily and told the cruel truth

"Don't let people laugh at you, little girl. This is not all of Kaido's strength. At least his half-beast form has not been used yet. If you can be more powerful, you may let him go all out. Unfortunately, you are not qualified now. And your Conqueror's Haki is too weak. I was much stronger than you when I was about the same age as you."

Being called a"waste" on the spot, Ace could no longer bear it and immediately retorted

"Don't mention your past achievements, old man. You may not even be as good as me now. You should face the facts, senior."

Ace's whole body was burning with flames, and even the ground with accumulated water began to slowly ignite.

The golden lion was choked.

"You kid......"

Kaido didn't give them time to communicate and rushed over instantly. This is how he dealt with a golden lion. Even if there were more helpers, the same thing would happen. The only old lion that might be afraid was already useless.

""Thunderous Bagua"

Facing Kaido's domineering color wrapped mace, Jozu, who has the strongest defense, took the lead in getting into position, his whole body turned into a diamond state, and his hands crossed to block in front.


Kaido swung his mace as Jozu wished, and many dark red thunders exploded. Jozu was instantly swept away and completely disappeared from everyone's sight, but this also gave everyone a chance to counterattack.

Countless attacks instantly enveloped Kaido's burly body, slashing, physical skills, flames, and other attacks overwhelmed Kaido, but unfortunately these attacks failed to leave scars on the opponent. Even Blenheim's armed color long sword was broken.

"Lion Chikiri Valley"

Only the sword energy kicked by the golden lion can leave a shallow sword wound on Kaido, just breaking the skin, but it's a pity that there is no domineering blessing.

Kaido is reckless and raging in all directions, like an ancient demon god, pressing the enemy to breathe. His monster physique is a hopeless existence for the weak, and he doesn't even feel the pain of scraping.

"The"Thunderous Bagua" mace was wrapped with Conqueror's Haki, and it hit Bramank severely. Then the wind from the mace blew, forcing everyone to not dare to face it head-on.

In the subsequent battle, even though everyone was very careful, they were still injured one after another, and the formation gradually became unable to resist Kaido.

Suddenly, a voice broke the one-sided situation, and even Kaido stopped because a figure that surprised him appeared at the port.

"Hey, it's rare to see such a lively scene. And it's a bit surprising that Shiki is here too."

Sal was naked, showing off his strong and beautiful muscles, and walked out of the port with a small boat on his shoulders. The storm made him dare not leave the boat at the port, it would be bad if the most advanced technological boat of Fishman Island was blown away.




Lu Jiu covered her mouth, the man she had been thinking about day and night finally appeared in front of her again.

The golden lion stared at Sal's figure with wide eyes, and a surge of excitement surged in his heart. He finally saw the man who was recognized by him again, but before he could say anything, a woman who was very unfamiliar to him had already taken action.

A crisp sound of footsteps sounded, and the petite Liying had already thrown herself into Sal's arms, with her white hands around his neck.

"Roger, it's so good to see you again."


The warmth and tenderness in his arms made Sal instinctively let go of the boat, and passively widened his eyes to feel the familiar embrace and the familiar voice. He thought he didn't care, but he became a little panicked, with his hands raised high, not knowing where to put them. Although he has the residual soul of Roger, he is indeed not the Roger in the other's impression. If he takes the initiative to hug the other, would it be considered cheating?

When Sal was hesitating, the beauty in his arms suddenly raised his head, and looked at Sal with a pair of bright eyes, with tears in her eyes. It was this look that made Sal lose consciousness for a moment, and the memory of Lu Jiu in his brain reappeared in an instant.

No matter what, he should not hurt the woman in his arms. With his hands raised high, he finally hugged the woman who was waiting for her husband's response.

Sal asked with great emotion

"Lu Jiu, how are you these days? I'm really sorry that I only have time to see you now."

Though Thrall said this sincerely, he was actually very nervous. After all, he was enjoying the taste of mermaids in Fishman Island a few days ago. It must be said that mermaids are very different from humans. Only those who have tasted them know the taste.

Lu Jiu put her face on the strong chest and stroked the scar on Thrall's skin. It is said that this scar was caused by a strong enemy when he was 20 years old. And Thrall copied Roger's 26-year-old body, just to preserve this scar.

"It doesn't matter. I'm very happy now. After resurrection, I can see the grown-up Ace and the young you. I'm very satisfied. I want to stay with you forever."


The people around them watched the two of them show off their affection in silence. After all, no one dared to interrupt their"couple" reunion. Wadibe was also touched by this scene, but when he thought of the relationship between Thrall and the Empress, and the relationship between them and a Navy flower, he immediately spit.

""Pah, you philandering man."

Seeing the two meet, Golden Lion felt a surge of anger from his heart for some reason. Roger actually ignored his old enemy just because he was reunited with a woman.

However, although Golden Lion was angry, he did not disturb the two of them. And Ace just looked at his"parents" with complicated eyes. What else could she object to the family reunion? Only Kaido had a very big objection. He was not a man who cared about love, and his original purpose was to fight Roger again.

Kaido roared.


The earth rolled, and Kaido rushed towards the two people hugging without hesitation, which made Ace, who was watching closely, change his face. However, before he could warn him, Kaido had already come behind Sal and swung his mace directly.

If Roger was successfully attacked by him, it would prove that he was only at this level.


Before the iron rod hit Thrall's head, it was tied up by the Heaven's Chains that shot out from space. The chains emitting divine light tied Kaido tightly from all directions, but unfortunately the opponent did not have a trace of divinity, which made the Heaven's Chains very fragile.

As Kaido's muscles expanded and exerted force, several Heaven's Chains were broken at the same time, and he broke free in less than a second.

Although the time was only a moment, it was enough for Thrall to let go of Luju, then jumped in front of Kaido and pressed Kaido's head to the ground with one hand.


The head with two horns was directly inserted into the ground, causing a loud vibration. At this time, Lu Jiu also ran away from the battlefield. Kaido was pressed to the ground with one hand. This was the first time he experienced such humiliation. He roared and resisted with all his strength.


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