With a flash of the knife, the solid golden armor on Tesoro was easily torn apart, and he was cut in half by Ace. As blood and internal organs flowed all over the ground, the former hero truly came to an end. Only half of Tesoro's body was left lying on the cold ground, his eyes slowly losing their luster as he looked up at the sky, and he was still muttering to himself:

"Stella, are you here to pick me up? I can finally see you again."

At the last moment of death, people often look back on their lives and imagine the people they care about the most. The scene that Tezoro is most obsessed with is the moment when Stella was taken away. This is the pain of his life. If he could have saved her back then, it would have been great.

Suddenly, a loud shout interrupted the other person's hallucination before death. Sal came to Tezoro and looked down at him.

"You don't even have the courage to avenge her, and the Tianlong who killed him can still appear in your territory openly. Do you still think she will come to pick you up? Don't dream, coward."

Tezoro's smile froze instantly. The other party's words were like a bolt from the blue, shattering his fantasy. Yes, he didn't even have the courage to avenge Stella. Would Stella really come to pick him up in the underworld?

Tezoro's eyes widened and he spoke incoherently.


Tesoro's raised finger finally fell down powerlessly, and his fate was to die with his eyes wide open.

Thrall ignored the other's miserable state and walked to Momosaki and picked her up. The remaining backup general could not be let go. The sleeping beauty was the bargaining chip for the next transaction with the World Government. As for Kizaru and Chaton, they had disappeared without a trace. They were indeed the users of the Pikachu Fruit. If it was Aokiji or Akainu, Thrall would be sure to keep them all.......

The sky gradually turned white. As Thrall and Vista joined together, the pirates under his command spread all over the city and officially announced the ownership of the Golden City Desolo. Unfortunately, although the gold and other money in the Golden City were close to one trillion berries, it was not enough to reach the rumored 20% of the world's berries.

But think about it and you can understand that no one would put all the money together and not use it.

Most of Tesoro's money was either used to pay the world government or for business around the world. He had business dealings with major dark kings, whether it was shipping, slave trading, arms, etc. He was involved in all kinds of business, and even took the initiative to offer gifts to maintain relationships with various bigwigs.

When Thrall just became the Four Emperors, he received a gift of 1 billion from Tesoro, but he was not there at the time so he didn't know about it. Now he felt at ease to kill Tesoro.

It can be said that Tesoro's most valuable thing is various trade routes and businesses, but when he was defeated by Thrall, these businesses that made a lot of money every day would disappear with Tesoro's death. This can be said to be killing the chicken to get the eggs, and Thrall had to do this because he didn't have the connections to do this kind of business.

Nearly one trillion of wealth is enough for Thrall to spend in the next two years. You have to know that one trillion berries is also several years of funding for the navy.

As the Golden City was occupied, some tourists who had not had time to leave were released, but the slave traders and some notorious gangsters were executed by Thrall.

And some people who were enslaved by Tezoro were given some money to leave on their own. After so many years of dark life, most of them have reformed and stopped gambling. If they still don't change, then Thrall doesn't care about their life or death.

The hall of the original casino in the Golden City became very busy with people coming and going.

Bista, who had just arranged for people to deal with special situations, just returned here and looked at his boss with a strange look.

After all, a woman named Bakara just intervened in the affairs of the Golden City in the name of a woman of Thrall. Bakara's familiarity with the Golden City made her ability to handle things reach the pinnacle. The vigorous behavior also made many people feel uncomfortable. They originally planned to secretly collect some treasures, but it was difficult to do so in front of Bakara.

The woman named Bakara's ability to do things was indeed far better than those pirates, but what made Bista even more gossipy was the identity of Sal's woman. This boss must be very lucky.

Sal, who was arranging the work, was stimulated by this look and immediately asked in a low voice:

"Vista, are you looking at me for something?"

"There is indeed something going on. Izang and Namur led the fleet to capture two Celestial Dragons and killed three CP0s. Do you want to meet the Celestial Dragons?"

This news immediately moved Sarr. It seems that the Celestial Dragons were caught as he expected. With the Celestial Dragons as a trump card in hand, he can be more reckless in his next move.

Sarr explained very seriously.

"I won't see those scum of the Celestial Dragons, but you have to arrange for people to watch over these pigs, and you have to be careful with Taotu, the backup general. The World Government should send strong men to secretly try to rescue them."

Vista nodded. He also felt that watching over the Celestial Dragons and the backup generals was the key task. In fact, they didn't contribute much to the operation of seizing the Golden City.

Vista, who kept discussing the next plan with Sal, couldn't help but mention something else.

""Boss Sal, the woman behind you has already hidden two treasure maps. I think that's a little inappropriate."

Kalina, who was temporarily pulled over by Sal to act as an assistant, was stuffing valuable things into her body. The bulging clothes of the other party instantly made Sal's face darken. The only sound in the whole hall was Sal's roar.

"Karina, you dare to steal my things"......

The moon was hanging high in the sky again. The Golden City Desolo had been sailing at full speed for a whole day and had left the sea near the Big Mom Pirates and approached Sal's own territory.

At this time, in the corridor of the core area of the Golden City main building, a tight black figure shuttled through the shadows.

Karina sneaked to the door of Sal's room and looked around vigilantly to make sure there was no one. She came quietly this time just to steal the invisibility cloak. Sal carried the cloak with him all day, so there was no chance to steal anything from him. She could only try when he was asleep.

She had arranged all the back-up plans for this cloak operation. She had already received the reward increased to 500 million berries, and arranged a ship to wait at the port. The crew on the ship were all carefully selected temporary crew members. As long as she got the invisibility cloak, she could leave the Golden City directly.

Karina used tools to quietly open the door, without making any sound on the way, and the discovery in the room did not disappoint her. The invisibility cloak was casually put aside by Sal.

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