Seeing the invisibility cloak right in front of her, Kalina's eyes flashed.

However, the movement deeper inside made her freeze. The sound of the ensemble made Kalina, who had never experienced anything like it, blush.

"this......Isn't this too crazy?"

Karina covered her eyes with her palms, but the cracks between her fingers involuntarily opened a little, allowing her to fully watch the battle inside.

The peeper somehow did not move her eyes away. As the battle inside became more and more intense, her throat seemed to be dry and she swallowed saliva.

When the strange sound came, Karina came back to her senses and realized that she still had her own things to do. In panic, she crawled towards the invisibility cloak with a red face. Karina seemed to spend a year every step.

When she finally touched the invisibility cloak, she could finally breathe a sigh of relief. She succeeded. She just needed to put on the invisibility cloak.

"What are you doing, little fox?"

A man's voice broke Kalina's joy. When she looked up, she saw Sal's strong body in front of her.

The two looked at each other. Kalina's mind went blank and she wanted to run away, but unfortunately an arm had already embraced her in his arms. The man's masculine breath surrounded her whole body.

Kalina, who had just watched, felt her whole body soft, and she didn't dare to look into Sal's fiery eyes. She struggled until her lips were blocked.

"Please let me go......You hooligan"

"You little fox sneaked in to spy on me, and now you dare to complain first. Let me see how I punish you."

When Sal suppressed Kalina, Bakara also came over with a playful look on his face.

"This is the first time I have seen a little fox spying on others."

Soon the sound of ensemble rang out in the room.......

The next morning, Karina was lying alone in a strange room. Although her comrades had shared the battle last night, she still felt as if her whole body was falling apart as she had never experienced sex before. In such a violent attack, she could only silently endure the bull-like man.

The most hateful thing was that Bakara, her comrade, actually teamed up with that man to bully her.

Karina, who was in a daze, suddenly heard the door open, and saw Sal coming in with breakfast, and Bakara flashed outside the door.

Sal looked like a warm man and asked

"Have some breakfast, you suffered last night."

Hearing the man in front of her mention last night, Kalina's delicate face couldn't help but blush. The crazy scene last night kept reappearing in her mind, making her ashamed and angry.

"Bah, stinky man, don't mention what happened last night to me, and I won't eat your food."

The sudden sound of hunger in someone's stomach interrupted Kalina's toughness. She covered her stomach and looked at the precious meal again, and finally could only accept it silently.

Soon Sal sat by the bed and fed Kalina spoonful by spoonful. Now his physique is no longer something that an ordinary girl can bear. Although Kalina's skills are still good, she can't satisfy him, so he should pay more attention to the other party and try to fatten him up.

And Kalina also enjoyed the service of the"Pirate King" without hesitation. When she felt that her stomach was full and she finally regained a little strength, she said boldly

"I want your invisibility cloak."

"Sure, I'll give it to you."

He agreed without hesitation, leaving Kalina unable to react for a moment, and she could only look cute and dumb.

Since they had a relationship, he would try his best to take responsibility. Although the other party came last night to steal things, he actually made Kalina suffer unprecedented harm.

When the fight was about to start, he suddenly found a stunning little fox peeping, so he took care of the little fox as well.

The overall feeling was very good, and the taste of a stunning girl was indeed different. As a friend, although the responsibility did not lie with him, he had to take responsibility too.

Thinking of this, Sal looked at Kalina carefully at this time. The original childishness on the other party's beautiful body had disappeared, and instead exuded a hint of mature femininity. It seemed that she had really grown up overnight.

Just as Kalina was getting more and more demanding, Sal suddenly said

"Do you want to stay on my land?"


Karina noticed Sal's extremely serious expression and asked in confusion

"Are you trying to tie me to your side? Although what happened last night, I am not yours. Don't try to control my life."

This girl is really unique, otherwise she wouldn't have ventured into the new world as a thief. Sal shook his head and handed her a piece of his own life paper, and then helped her massage the painful area.

"I won't restrict your activities, you can go wherever you want, just so you can have a place to stay when you get tired of floating."

"Is that so?"

The other party's exquisite craftsmanship allowed Karina to lie on the bed and enjoy the hospitality of"One Piece". The comfortable feeling made her slowly fall into a deep sleep. She was too tired yesterday........

Kalina finally agreed to stay in the Thrall territory for a while before taking action again, and at this time Thrall had to consider his own situation. He was very wary of the possible encounter between Luju, Bakara, and Kalina.

This is the price of being a playboy. If the day comes when things go wrong, Thrall can't believe how tragic it will be.

When the Golden City really arrived in the Thrall territory, the navy finally sent someone to deliver a Den Den Mushi.

With the official call from the Den Den Mushi, the two"old friends" talked again two months after the Battle of Marineford, but this time it was Thrall who took the initiative.

Sengoku's Den Den Mushi turned into a man wearing glasses, and said in a heavy tone

"Roger, you have gone too far this time. Do you want to start a full-scale war with the World Government?"

Unfortunately, Sal didn't buy into the Warring States. He knew the situation of the World Government better, but he was sure that the Navy was not capable of starting a war.

"Don't mention these useless things in the Warring States period. If you have the ability, gather the navy and fight me to the death, or just the two of us can fight one-on-one."


Sengoku, who was facing Den Den Mushi, was speechless. He really couldn't accept either method. Not to mention that he didn't have the ability to gather the navy to fight against Sal, the Five Elders would not accept a retired marshal starting a war.

Even if he fought Sal alone, he had no chance of winning. Although he was not afraid of Roger at his peak, his strength was slowly declining. On the other hand, the information reported by Kizaru showed that Sal had become stronger and his physical strength was much stronger.

Pirate King"Roger" was already the world's top strongman. If he continued to become stronger, he could inherit the title of the strongest man.

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