In the end, Sengoku's tone softened a lot. This may be the most cowardly moment when Sengoku was the Admiral of the Navy, except when he faced the Five Elders.

"Tell me your conditions, Roger. You must want something by capturing the Celestial Dragons and the Peach Rabbit."

Saar did not answer immediately. He wanted to continue to show his power to the other party. After a moment of silence, he asked under the impatient urging of Zhan Guo.

"Take Commodore Tina in exchange for a prisoner. It doesn't matter if it's Momoto-Usagi or one of those Celestial Dragons. As for the other two, you can use 6 Nature Devil Fruits or Mythical Beast Devil Fruits."

"Impossible, your conditions are too harsh."

Zengoku on the other side of Den Den Mushi looked surprised. Roger actually proposed to exchange Tina. Did he know that Tina was pregnant and under house arrest? This is a highly confidential document of the World Government. How could he know?

Or is it that the other party is just attracted by Tina's beauty? He did crazy things to Tina in the Sabaody Archipelago.

In addition to suspecting that there was a traitor in the high-ranking navy, the conditions for exchanging Tina are really not a big deal. A mere brigadier general is nothing in the eyes of the World Government, and only the Navy will pay attention to it.

As for the 6 top-level devil fruits, it is even more impossible. Each top-level devil fruit can be cultivated. Six fruits are enough to bring about a qualitative change in the strength of the Sal Pirates.

It is obvious that Sal's lion's mouth is impossible to achieve. Sal and Sengoku negotiated for a long time. Finally, after Sengoku asked the Five Elders for instructions, they reached an agreement that was not good for the Navy.

The World Government used the intact Tina to exchange for two Celestial Dragons. As for the backup admiral Momosagi, 3 top-level fruits are needed to exchange. At this time, the World Government did not have three top-level fruits on hand, so they could only let Sal continue to capture Momosagi temporarily.

At the end of the negotiations, Sengoku also tried to warn Sal.

"Roger, Taotu is He's sister. I hope you won't make things difficult for her."

"Don't worry, Zhan Guo, I won't make things difficult for a woman."

After hanging up the phone, Thrall looked at Taotu who was locked by the seastone. At this time, the backup general was drinking the specialty milk tea with an expressionless face, as if he didn't take the content of the negotiation seriously.

But Thrall noticed that the other party's muscles were tense, and knew that Taotu was not as calm as she seemed. After all, this situation was a bit like being abandoned.

Thrall continued to refill her cup and asked

"Lieutenant General Taotu, what do you think of this agreement? Will they really exchange you for three top-level devil fruits?

Taotu still tasted the tea with a nonchalant look. She knew that Sal was trying to hurt her mentality.

"I will accept whatever happens in the end, Roger, don't worry about it......."

Before Taotu could finish, Sal pointed out

"Just call me Sar. Vice Admiral Taotu, what do you think of the World Government and what do you think of the justice of the Navy? If you were asked to choose between the rule of the World Government and the justice of the Navy, which one would you choose, Vice Admiral Taotu?"


Faced with such a question, Taotu looked at Thrall coldly, with a very aloof look.

During the whole afternoon tea party, Thrall was the only one speaking, and Taotu, as a captive, could only listen to his long speeches in silence. Among them, Thrall expressed some views on the world of pirates from a modern perspective. Although Taotu was not allowed to speak, Thrall could find something strange about the other party after careful observation.

This made Thrall realize that his efforts this afternoon were not in vain, at least a different seed was planted in the other party's heart.

If necessary, he could also talk about the policies of various countries in the previous life, Das Kapital, and Marxism one by one.......

Time passed slowly, and the news that the Golden Emperor Tesoro was killed by Thrall and even the Golden City was taken away finally spread throughout the world with the news bird. This surprised many people who knew the Golden Emperor's wealth, as he was the richest man who claimed to own 20% of the world's Bailey.

Such a man who was as rich as a country actually had everything taken away by"Roger".

After two months, many people have discovered that compared with Roger who opened the era of great pirates,"Roger" at this time has a very terrible aggressiveness.

Among them, those who have business dealings with Tesoro all hate Thrall to the bone.

This turmoil has caused many ambitious people to suffer bruises, but they can only dare not speak out against Thrall.

For example, Doflamingo, the king of Dressrosa, one-third of his income came from cooperation with Tesoro, and now with the death of Tesoro, his source of income has been cut off.

The sound of smashing things came from the dark room, and it took a while before it turned into a strange laugh.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, the return of One Piece has really turned the sea upside down. They just suppressed the other two Four Emperors, and now they have killed that arrogant guy Tesoro. The wealth snatched from the Golden City will definitely strengthen the Sal Pirates. Do you think Roger will make a move on us, Pieck?"

When it comes to whether he will make a move on him, Doflamingo's eyes flickered a few times, and it was obvious that he was also worried that Sal would use him as a target. Tesoro, who was no weaker than himself, was killed easily. Two Celestial Dragons and a backup admiral said that prisoners should be taken, so how could he, a former Celestial Dragon, not be afraid.

And the core cadre Senior Pieck who was chatting with Doflamingo was a middle-aged man in baby clothes. He also had a solemn face when facing such a question.

"Doflamingo, I think we can establish a relationship with Roger. Didn't he take the Golden City? Then maybe we can continue the business with Tesoro. If we have a cooperative relationship with the two Four Emperors, we won't have to worry about the threat from the New World."

Doflamingo in the dark was silent for a moment, and finally agreed to this proposal.

"That's fine too. You take Buffalo and Baby-5 with you. Remember to keep a low profile. I heard that Roger has captured two Celestial Dragons and is now negotiating with the World Government."

Whether it was two months ago or now, the attack on the Celestial Dragons still shocked Pico greatly.

"Attacking the Celestial Dragons at will, few people in this era would be so crazy."

Even the current Celestial Dragons were either killed or captured. Doflamingo, a former Celestial Dragon, is nothing in front of the new Four Emperors.......

Sar had no time to pay attention to the commotion caused by Tesoro's murder. At this time, he was on a boat to the transaction site with the World Government. However, something that concerned him did happen in just a few days.

Today's news headlines said that Blackbeard became one of the Five Emperors of the New World. The content in the newspaper was that Blackbeard defeated Wang Zhi in the legendary place of Beehive Island, and even repelled the subsequent Big Mom Pirates who wanted to fish in troubled waters.

Blackbeard Teach and Charlotte Linlin fought for a day without a clear winner. The island where they fought was sunk by the two of them. It was only in the end that Charlotte Linlin took the initiative to retreat and ended the war of the emperor of the sea.

Because of the draw with the Big Mom Pirates and the fixed territory in the New World, Blackbeard finally got his wish and snatched Luffy's title, the fifth emperor of the New World.

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