Thrall's sharp eyes suddenly burst out with a strong fighting spirit, and even the upper limit of his domineering aura began to waver. His domineering aura began to increase, which made the golden lion stunned, and then he grinned and revealed a belligerent expression.

The collision of domineering auras in mid-air exploded a lot of dark red thunder, and both of them consciously did not affect other people.

Looking at each other from a distance, the terrible power made many people take a few steps back.

Fortunately, the weather was cloudless today, otherwise there would be another amazing scene of the sky cracking.

The golden lion, whose domineering aura returned to its peak, aroused Thrall's interest.

When he was about to try the equally enthusiastic golden lion again, Marco's figure had already blocked them.

If anyone has the strength to interfere with their nonsense, only Marco, the peak vice-captain who is close to the level of admiral, can do it.

Marco spread his wings and bore the pressure of the two domineering auras alone, and said helplessly.

"Stop it, the navy fleet has arrived"

"Oh, we're here so soon."

The two men in a stalemate immediately turned their heads to look at the sea, and saw that there were indeed 10 large warships on the horizon. This was not far from the Navy's only base in the New World, G1, and it was also the trading location after the two sides discussed it. Otherwise, the Navy would be afraid to send a large army deep into the New World, and Thrall was also afraid that the Navy would surround and kill him at all costs.

Thrall put down the idea of teaching the old lion a lesson and made him clear that he should not drift away, and said with an expression that said,"You're going to leave today."

"Shi Ji will let you go this time, otherwise he will definitely let you taste the taste of failure again. The lion who was defeated twice by the East China Sea man"

"Humph, I'm not afraid of you, come if you want."

The two of them were just like old enemies, and Marco was speechless again. They were both over 150 years old, so how could they be so childish?......

As the two fleets got closer and closer, Thrall could already see the leaders of the other side.

The three leading exclusive warships were each occupied by three top fighters, the Navy hero Garp, the Navy Admiral Akainu, and the Navy Admiral Aokiji. The other seven warships also had Navy vice admirals standing on them. Except for the three top fighters, all the others were on high alert.

This scene made Thrall perk up. The terrifying combat power of the Navy was enough to defeat an ordinary Four Emperors group. Even if Thrall faced it alone, there was a risk of being caught. It seemed that the World Government had issued a death order to the Navy, otherwise why would it mobilize so many troops for just two Celestial Dragons.

Now, the three admirals were only missing Kizaru, but Thrall suspected that Kizaru was actually there, but he just didn't come out for the time being. If a fight really broke out, he could rescue the Celestial Dragons by surprise. The golden lion floated beside Thrall and asked with interest.

"Roger, it's the team led by old man Garp. The other side's lineup is not simple. Do you think they will start a war?"

After the Golden Lion reappeared, he read the latest information on the sea and knew very well that if he faced such a force, he would have to flee.

"It shouldn't happen. The two scum Celestial Dragons are still in our hands. The World Government will not let Garp and his men do whatever they want. Of course, if Garp insists on doing it, there is nothing we can do."

Marco on the side also agreed with this statement. Although the opponent is very powerful, they are not much inferior. If a war really breaks out

, no matter who wins or loses in the end, the Celestial Dragons will definitely die. Just when Sal thought that the exchange of hostages would go smoothly, Garp, the leader, suddenly threw a huge black iron ball. The size was so large that it would definitely smash the ship. Garp's words could be heard from afar.

"Roger ate the old man's gift."

This scene made Sar doubt Garp's motives. As a hero of the navy, the old guy hated the Celestial Dragons very much and might really want to kill them.

Facing the falling iron ball, the Golden Lion had already taken action. He just moved his fingers slightly to make the iron ball float in the air, and then raised the sword. A huge wave instantly rose on the sea surface, and the huge wave even turned into a lion's head and swept towards the navy.

This made Garp, who was smiling, stunned for a moment, and then said meaningfully

"The old lion Ski is also here. Sure enough, the intelligence didn't lie. I thought this old guy would never give in to his pride."

The noise of the golden lion's attack was overwhelming, making many navy officers feel timid.

However, the giant wave lions were all frozen before they reached the navy.

An extremely cold air spread all around.

The one who attacked was Admiral Aokiji.

Aokiji appeared not far from Garp and pressed his hand on the sea surface.

The sea surface of more than 10,000 meters was completely frozen.

The sea surface today was not calm.

It was frozen like this.

The power of the natural system made many pirates feel cold.

Seeing Garp pick up the shells and intend to continue throwing them, Aokiji immediately stopped him and said,

"Mr. Garp, please don't mess around. If the Celestial Dragons really die, it will be difficult for us to explain to the World Government."

"I see, Aokiji, you are just too cautious. The life and death of the Celestial Dragons has nothing to do with our navy.

Although he was full of complaints, Garp still stopped. After all, in addition to the scum of the Celestial Dragons, there was also the younger generation, Momotosagi, in the hands of the other side.

Seeing that the navy had no intention of continuing to attack, the Golden Lion flew over the Garp warship with an arrogant look on his face and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, why didn't Garp continue to attack? Oh, after all, in addition to the two Celestial Dragons, I also have the little girl who has been following the old lady Crane. I think her name is Taotu. You navy have so many hostages in my hands, you definitely don't dare to attack, and I only have one of Roger's women in your hands, it doesn't matter at all."


Good fellow, Golden Lion's words not only mocked Garp, but also made Thrall, his own man, frown. What did he mean by one of the women, what did he mean by insignificant, making him look like a philandering and heartless man.

A chain passed through space and bound Golden Lion, and then Thrall pulled this outspoken guy back with force. If Golden Lion continued to talk nonsense, he might force him and Garp into the same formation and knock Golden Lion down first.

Thrall shouted to Garp from a distance

"Garp, don't waste time, let's exchange hostages."

Sar's words of exchange were so harsh in Garp's ears. An outstanding junior of the navy actually became a bargaining chip for the navy to threaten pirates. When Garp first heard this shocking news, he was furious. Finally, he calmed down his anger under the comfort of Sengoku. Otherwise, this veteran might do something irrational.

"Roger, I will arrest you sooner or later."

Sal said indifferently while digging his ears.

"Stop bragging. Your strength has declined a bit now. You are no match for me. Garp, you are a veteran from the old days. You should go home and take care of your children."

"Roger the Bastard......"

Although he was reluctant to admit it, when Garp looked at the young Thrall, he began to think that he was no match for Roger. The legendary marine was ultimately no match for the enemy of time.

"Aokiji, I'll leave all the rest to you."

Garp handed over the rest to Aokiji with an unhappy look on his face. He was sulking because he had become weaker.......

Soon, the hostages from both sides came to the deck. Tina from the navy side was bare-faced, and looked much more haggard than she once was. She looked weak in her red plain clothes. The two Celestial Dragons from Sar's side had bruises on their faces and their hoods were also smashed to pieces. This was something Sar did on the way here to gain experience, or maybe he just wanted to beat up the Celestial Dragons.

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