Aokiji felt helpless at the obvious abuse of the Celestial Dragons. It would be hard to report this to the World Government. Even he did not want the World Government to have a problem with him when the Marshal changed. However, if he was asked to retaliate against and abuse Tina, he would not do so.

After all, Tina was a junior with whom he had a good relationship, so he could only act tough and try to get away with it.

Aokiji asked righteously:

"Roger, you have abused the two Celestial Dragons. You must give the Navy an explanation, or else I will fight you."

"No, they fell down, it has nothing to do with me. If you don't believe me, you can ask them."

The two Tianlong people pointed at by Sal were frightened and burst into tears, and agreed in panic.

"That's right, we fell down by ourselves. Lord Sar has nothing to do with it."


Since they both called Sal"sir", Aokiji could already guess the miserable experiences of the two in the past few days. Otherwise, it would be ridiculous for the arrogant Celestial Dragons to be so well behaved.

But it was better this way. With a suitable excuse, Aokiji could just go with the flow and fool around.

"Then exchange quickly."

Saar controlled the flagship to go to the Aokiji warship. When the two sides really started to exchange hostages, the two Celestial Dragons ran to the navy side in a hurry. This embarrassed appearance made many people feel very happy. Although they did not dare to touch the Celestial Dragons, it was also a pleasure to see the jokes of the world's nobles.

Tina was escorted to the deck by several navy officers, staring blankly at the scene in front of her. The man opposite who caused her such a situation was looking at her with a gentle look on his face, which made Tina, who was exhausted physically and mentally, take the first step.

This step was not for herself, but for the child in her belly. When she gave up abortion, she had to be responsible for the child. Now no matter what the situation is, she can't stay in the navy. Perhaps she can only blame herself for everything or blame Sal. It's only a step from heaven to hell. Yesterday she was still the future star of the navy, but today she became a prisoner and a tool to deal with the"Pirate King".

When Tina was halfway there, two Celestial Dragons were already leaning on the two navy officers and crying, causing the two vice admirals to not want to push them away, nor to not push them away, as they did not want to have too much contact with the Celestial Dragons.

When everyone thought that the hostage exchange was going very smoothly, the shadow under Tina's feet suddenly rippled, and a man in CP0 clothing jumped out, holding a sharp sword and stabbing at Tina's heart, so fast that many people could not react.

Just as the dagger was about to pierce the flesh and blood, a chain passed through the space to block the blade, and then an extreme domineering aura hit the CP0, causing the obviously strong man to freeze for a moment, and in that time, Thrall had appeared in front of him. The angry fist of the tyrant hit the opponent's chest directly, and even if the CP0 barely blocked the attack with his arm, he was knocked out by the terrible force and fell into a warship.

The entire warship was tilted a lot by the powerful force and was in danger of sinking.


The sudden scene made Tina stunned. The World Government actually wanted to kill her, or to kill the child in her belly. The Five Elders clearly knew that she was more inclined to the Navy. Could it be that they wanted to disgust the other party just because she was pregnant with the"Pirate King's" child?

While Tina was thinking about it, Sal had already embraced her in his arms, and a strong domineering aura slowly rose. The actions of the World Government really angered him.

Although Sal's momentum was very scary, he still asked the haggard woman in his arms faintly.

"Are you scared?"


Tina looked up at the extremely serious Sal, and their eyes met. The gaze made her feel a sense of security that she had not felt for a long time. Finally, she put her head on his broad chest and said softly.

"I'm fine."

She couldn't care less about the future, and now she just wanted to take a break.

The navy was also caught off guard by the sudden scene. Garp, who wanted to be a hands-off boss, stood up immediately. He had never heard of this arrangement from Sengoku. Could it be that this was planned by the World Government to avoid the Navy?

At this time, CP0, who was knocked away by Sal, reappeared in the public eye with his seriously injured body. He took out a token representing the will of the World Government and shouted:

"The Five Elders have issued an order to arrest"Pirate King Roger and the traitor Tina, Vice Admiral Garp, Admiral Aokiji, and Admiral Akainu, please take action."

This strange order caused chaos in the navy. It was actually beyond their expectations. Did they not care about Vice Admiral Momosa's life or death?

"How is this possible? Momosuke is still in Roger's hands."

Aokiji, who had temporary command power, was shocked. This time, the leader was not Garp but Aokiji. Everything was to build momentum for him to take over as the Marshal. That's why Akainu, who was also a competitor, remained silent until now, watching the situation develop silently.

Not only Aokiji was embarrassed, but even Garp had a dark face and suppressed his anger that was close to the limit. The Five Elders actually ignored Momosuke's life and death. If he really attacked Roger at this time, he would not be able to explain to Xiaohe.

And he also noticed that Kizaru appeared not far away. It seemed that the Five Elders had planned it.

Garp shouted loudly.

"I have never heard of such an order. I will ask Sengoku when I get back.

Seeing that Garp was very uncooperative, CP0 directly challenged Aokiji.

"Admiral Aokiji, are you not going to cooperate with the World Government's decision? This is the highest token of the Five Elders. Do you recognize it? The Five Elders have also said that as long as you carry out the order, you will take over the position of Marshal regardless of success or failure, and no one will be your opponent. If you don't carry out the order, the Five Elders will consider whether you have the ability to become a Marshal."

The two admirals were moved as soon as these words came out. Akainu's beautiful phoenix eyes showed a gleam of brilliance, while Aokiji was in hesitation. The coveted position of Marshal is within reach, although Aokiji does not have much hope that his side can take down Sar and others, even if they have the combat power of Garp and three admirals. After all, this is the New World, which is naturally at a great disadvantage to the Navy.

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