Betty waved the flag in her hand like a saint. Most of the 100,000 civilians were full of courage under the power of the fruit of encouragement. The momentum of the huge crowd quickly overwhelmed the world government.

The slaves picked up the hammers and other weapons used for construction and rushed towards the enemy fearlessly. Although the temporary defense line formed by the guards injured thousands of people, the slaves knew that they only had one chance left. If they failed this time, there would be no future. The slaves of the Bridge Kingdom stepped on the bodies of their companions one after another. Under the encouragement, even the wounds did not hurt so much.

The advantage of the revolutionary army gradually expanded, and it was believed that the battle would end soon.

This made Sal, who had been watching, change his view of Betty. At least she was worthy of praise on the battlefield. However, there was one thing that made Sal want to complain. Why didn't the clothes reveal the gap as expected when they started fighting? This was really disappointing for men. There was no global live broadcast in the Eastern Hemisphere.

In fact, although Betty led ordinary people to resist Sal, he did not oppose or approve it. Although civilians became much stronger, the casualties of letting them go to the battlefield would inevitably be more serious than those of the real army.

But this is a rebellion for themselves. If they are not willing to fight for themselves, why should others sacrifice themselves to save them? Not everyone is Monkey D. Luffy, who only looks at his own heart and not at his own interests.

With Betty leading the charge, the tide of the people really overwhelmed the guards and instantly defeated them. The ordinary people who have been enslaved are full of hatred for the guards, because these guys act as the minions of the world government and do not treat them as human beings.

In the face of the guards begging for mercy, there is no mercy. These evil guys are forced to fall off the bridge by the crowd, making the screams that often appeared in the past. The sea under the bridge keeps surging and the sound of sea beasts and flesh and blood is torn apart.

The overall situation has been decided, and the high-level revolutionary army in the distance keeps chasing the masters who are trying to escape, such as some agents of the world government. As long as these masters are eliminated, it should be a perfect ending.

During this period, Sal noticed that the middle-level strength of the revolutionary army was very good, and there were 4 strong men who were comparable to the vice admirals of the headquarters.

Robin's performance was also remarkable in Sal's opinion. Every time she used her devil fruit power, she could take away dozens or even hundreds of guards. It seemed that she had become much stronger in three months.

Just when everyone thought it was over, a huge fire tornado rose from the ground and enveloped many revolutionaries and ordinary people. The terrible flames made people scream before they were burned to charcoal.

Mori's huge body suddenly flew out of the fire tornado and hit the bridge hard.

""It hurts, it hurts."

Mori kept slapping the flames on his body. He was originally only wearing a pair of suspenders, and now even his trousers were burned into tatters, making him look very embarrassed. But if you look closely, you will find that Mori was not seriously injured. The scorching flames only made some of his skin a little red.

Morin's strong physique amazed Sar, and he was worthy of being a strong man of the giants.

The incident caused some of the lower-level revolutionary army to leave as planned, and the remaining small cadres with good strength surrounded the fire tornado.

The sudden flames had made the revolutionary army guess who the real enemy was, because three months ago they were also defeated by the flames, and their captain died in battle. The fire tornado gradually It dissipated, revealing five figures inside. The leader was a young man in white robes, handsome and no more than 25 years old.

The four people following behind him were in white suits, two of them wore masks to cover their faces. Obviously, these four people were the CP0 who protected the Celestial Dragons.

The real target appeared and finally Sal finally dispelled his sleepiness. It was really boring to watch a one-sided war.

This Celestial Dragon who should be a member of the Knights of God was really young and powerful in his eyes. The flamingo feathers on the other's skin were a bit similar to Marco's Phoenix. He should be a Devil Fruit user like the Mythical Beast.

Sal touched his chin and sighed

"It turns out that the Celestial Dragons also have such a gifted person, but it is a bit of a loss to bring four bodyguards with you when you go out.

The most reliable thing on the sea is your own strength.

"The appearance of the real enemy made the four captains and deputy captains feel like they were facing a great enemy.

They knew the intelligence of four of the five opponents.

The man in the lead was a genius among the Celestial Dragons who was known as a general.

Of course, whether there was any water in it was a matter of opinion.

In addition to the Celestial Dragons, there was also a CP0 who was not wearing a mask and was also very famous. He once tied with the former Seven Warlords of the Sea and the current crew member of the Sal Pirates on land with his powerful physical skills alone.

Betty gnashed her teeth at the man in the lead and shouted angrily:

"Marcus Luke, I will kill you for Senior Ubbe."

Three months ago, facing the attack of the Celestial Dragons who were the users of the Bifang Fruit, Ubbe, as the squad leader, used his life to delay Marcus Luke for 1 minute in order to cover the retreat of Robin and other revolutionary soldiers. It was during this minute that Ubbe was burned to death by the Bifang Divine Fire. Bifang is shaped like a crane with only one foot. It is a divine beast that controls fire.

Marcus Luke first showed a gentlemanly smile to everyone, and then his whole face became hideous, which made him full of a strong sense of contrast.

""Bello Betty, commander of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army, if you have the ability, come and try. I'm looking forward to bringing you back to Marijoa to taste you slowly."

After saying this malicious remark, Marcus Luke turned back into a gentleman and said to CP0 next to him:

""Zhonggou, tell them who I am."

The masked CP0 shuddered. He had followed him for several years and knew very well how cruel and perverted this Tianlong was. Even two of his CP0 followers had died at his hands. So he quickly stepped forward and introduced himself.

"This Saint Marcus Luke is the Bifang Divine Bird���The user of the fruit ability, the future leader of the Knights of God, and the rising star among the noble Celestial Dragons."

After CP0's introduction, Macus Luke burst out with a powerful domineering aura, and the dark red field stunned many revolutionary soldiers on the spot. In Thrall's opinion, the opponent's domineering aura was close to the top level, not weaker than Hancock's domineering aura.

Physical skills and domineering aura, plus the mythical beast devil fruit, the opponent's potential made Thrall put away his watching attitude, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. He really didn't know that the Celestial Dragons had such a genius, but the pride of the Celestial Dragons must not be kept.

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