Makas Luke stepped towards the enemy step by step. The surrounding Conqueror's Haki field made the remaining revolutionary army look solemn. They didn't expect that the enemy was a Conqueror's Haki holder.

Seeing the enemy retreating a few steps, this pleasure made Makas Luke change from a warm-hearted man to a ferocious one again, with his mouth grinning to his ears.

The continuous change of his face made many people see that he was a psychopath. Mori still had the leisure to comment on him.

"Betty, the Celestial Dragon on the other side is probably very bad-tempered and not a good boy."

"I know without you telling me that what this guy did was just as bad as the other Celestial Dragons."

The flag held by Betty turned completely black under the entanglement of the Armament Color.

The atmosphere was in a standoff. Macus Luke walked into the encirclement of the Revolutionary Army alone. Seeing that the other party did not dare to act rashly, he felt very satisfied. As a big man who would dominate the world in the future, he had to have such a pomp. He was different from those useless Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land.

So in order to appreciate the enemy's despair more, he pointed to a certain direction in the distance and smiled cruelly.

"Don't even think that anyone will come to support you, ants.

Just look at the noise in the distance and you'll know that Kizaru has already entangled your trump card. This time you will definitely not be able to escape." Following the direction pointed by the other party, they saw the noise of fierce fighting, and could hear the sound of light beams hitting the sea from afar.

This made Sal want to complain. Why is it that lazy guy Kizaru again? It seems that he is always the one to be encountered when causing trouble?

The scene in the distance made Betty's heart sink. The other party actually arranged for the admiral of the navy to intercept Dragon. Was the World Government so sure that the Revolutionary Army would attack the Bridge Kingdom again? Aren't they afraid of a false start?

All these performances made Betty admit that she underestimated the World Government. In the past, the World Government was in the light and they were in the dark, which was why some liberation operations were so smooth. If the World Government also went into the dark, it would be very difficult to deal with.

However, thinking of a certain hateful man in the back, she felt relieved and showed a stunning smile. Her red lips opened and she spoke with a cheerful breath. The content of her words was exactly what the other party had just said.

"No, it's not us who can't fly away now, it's you who can't fly away today."

Ah Xilu, who had been guarding Betty, echoed

"That's right, you are dead today."

The strange reaction made Marcus Luke confused. According to his calculations, there should be no accidents, but why did the revolutionary army look so confident?

Although he had some concerns in his heart, his murderous nature made Marcus Luke do it according to the plan. His body was tense and ready to stir up a bloody storm in the revolutionary army. He didn't care about the bluff.

"Stop struggling, I want to see what you can do today."

Just as Marcus Luke's arm slowly turned dark red and flashed with lightning, a man's voice suddenly came from the position next to him, which shocked him.

"Yes, their trump card is me, so you are dead today."

Macas Luke's pupils widened. When did the enemy approach him silently? Macas

Luke, who could no longer care about anything else, swung his fist wrapped in the color of the Overlord, and turned his head to see who the enemy was. When his sight shifted, he saw a dark red blade enlarged in his pupils. His overloaded brain knew that if he didn't block it in time, his head would be chopped off.

"God avoid"

""Empty Wings"

A dark red sword energy deliberately chopped directly on the arm of Marcus Luke. The peak-level Bachan directly defeated the half-baked Bachan and chopped the arrogant Tianlong man back to CP0, which made several CP0s worried. If the Tianlong master had any accident, they would definitely not have a good ending.

Marcus Luke's hands were bleeding as he blocked. Several sword wounds deep enough to see the bone made CP0 terrified. Although Bachan resisted the previous slash, he was still seriously injured by the sword energy.

Marcus Luke covered his wound and said angrily

"Who dares to attack the great Maka?......"

Marcus Luke was stuck before he could finish the rest of his words, because a man not far away was looking at the five of them meaningfully. The not-so-tall figure looked like a top-level beast hunting for food, and his undisguised murderous intent frightened them.


The five people's different surprised voices resounded around, because the worst situation had actually happened. The Revolutionary Army's backup was the man who was secretly the strongest in the world. Even a proud man like Makas Luke would not think that he was a match for Thrall, not to mention that his hands were injured and he could not fight for the time being.

Makas Luke cursed in a low voice.

"Damn, the backer of the Revolutionary Army is actually"Pirate King Roger". It is very bad news that the head of the Five Emperors and the Revolutionary Army have an intersection."

If the two sides join forces, it will definitely become a real threat to the World Government. The Navy alone can no longer handle it.

A CP0 was frightened by the sudden scene and asked Sal in a lost voice

"Roger, why are you here? The Marcus Luke in front of you is a noble Celestial Dragon, and he will be the leader of the Knights of God in the future. If you dare to hurt him, the World Government will never let you go......."

"Too noisy, rubbish follower."

Without giving the other party time to continue, Thrall had already used a Conqueror's Haki to knock out the CP0 who was only a lieutenant general of the headquarters. The terrifying Conqueror's Haki made the remaining three CP0s freeze in their bodies. It was actually able to knock out a strong lieutenant general of the headquarters.

Thrall looked at the remaining four people and showed a gentle smile, just like the performance of Makas Luke at the beginning.

"Don't blame me. I'm here to help because someone asked me to. If you want to blame someone, blame Betty."

"Asshole man, I didn't ask you to help....."

Sal ignored Betty's objection and continued

"If you have the ability, just get out of my hands. I really want to see the future hope of the Celestial Dragons."

Saar's eyes became sharp, and a domineering aura that dominated the world instantly pressed down on Macas Luke and the other three.

The strength of the domineering aura that they had never encountered before made them feel short of breath, and their bodies became much stiffer.

Even Macas Luke, a strong man with domineering aura, was not immune to the influence.

Macas Luke's heart was in turmoil at this time.

Obviously, their lineup was not simple either.

He was close to the strength of an admiral, and there were two ordinary Shichibukai with CP0.

The remaining CP0 also had the strength of a vice admiral of the headquarters.

With this lineup, it was no problem to resist an admiral.

But Saar continued to strengthen his domineering aura, which could make Macas Luke... ·Luke issued a death warning. The death warning was his innate ability born from his observation Haki. He had only had this feeling a few times in the past 25 years when he was young.

When he was still a child, the people who gave him the warning were either the Five Elders or the captain, Fergalando Green. Now he no longer issues a warning when facing the seniors he used to fear.

Now that the death warning has appeared again, it proves that the man in front of him is stronger than everyone he knows. This makes Macus Luke, who has never really faced death, panic. He can't fight anymore and has to escape quickly, even if it means sacrificing these four followers.

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