At this moment, Sal moved and walked slowly towards them, saying something incomprehensible.

"I'll just use you to try out my latest moves. If you can survive my moves, I'll let you go."

Sal's words gave the Revolutionary Army a bad feeling. Did they underestimate the opponent's strength? The four enemies were all very powerful, especially Macus Luke, a member of the Knights of God. How could he not be able to take a move? When they joined forces, they were as powerful as a general.

Betty, who had seen a lot, murmured to herself when she saw this.

"What is Roger doing? It is impossible to defeat the four of them in one move.

Although many people were full of doubts, no one dared to stop him. After all, Thrall's prestige was not something they could challenge.

When Makas Luke heard that the other party wanted to defeat him in one blow, he suddenly felt a rare sense of humiliation. No one dared to look down on him since he was a child. A sense of anger even temporarily overwhelmed the fear in his heart. He had never been treated like this in all his years of debut. He immediately retorted without caring about his life or death.

"Don't look down on me, Roger........"

""The law of heaven and earth" a faint voice interrupted the other party's words, and a special pressure descended on everyone. I saw Sal emitting white light in front of everyone, and then his body seemed to be energized and kept growing, ten meters, one hundred meters, five hundred meters, one thousand meters, two thousand meters, three thousand meters, four thousand meters.

Finally, a giant like a god stood between heaven and earth.

The giant with a perfect figure was wearing golden armor, and his feet stepped directly into the sea.

The sea water hundreds of meters deep just covered his feet.

The changing vision made Sal look up at the sky curiously.

From a distance, he could see a small island appearing in the sky at an altitude of ten thousand meters.

This state made Sal feel that as long as he jumped with all his strength, he could reach the location of the island.

Sal clenched his fists and felt that at this time He thought he could smash a planet with one punch. Of course, this was just an illusion after his power expanded. However, there was a feeling that he was very sure was true, that is, his physical strength was consumed at an extremely fast rate. After all, he was using a mortal body to perform great supernatural powers.

The giant looked down with his eyes emitting divine light, and saw that the originally tall and magnificent bridge looked like a small fence, and there was a group of stunned ants on the fence.

The shift in the giant's sight frightened the already stunned Marcus Luke even more. At this time, he was surrounded by a sense of death he had never experienced before, as desperate as an ordinary person waiting to die naked in the snow.

Will he die here?

The terrible gap made Marcus Luke lose his mind and scream.

"No, I will not die. I am the future king of the world. How dare a mere mortal want to kill the future god."

Saar, who turned into a giant, looked at the ant like a madman and did not intend to communicate. This form is very physically demanding, so it is better to fight quickly.

The arm of more than a thousand meters long was raised quickly, and the shadow of the fist even covered everyone on the bridge. The silver-white fist slowly turned dark red, and countless thunders kept flashing.

The air was spinning and turbulent, and even the nearby clouds were rolled over. At this moment, the giant's fist seemed to be the center of the world. The earth-shaking fist was caused by a large amount of domineering aura. The energy emitted by the dark red fist made the space seem to be distorted.

The shocking fist once again stunned the terrified crowd.

This was a fist that was hundreds of meters long.

Mori had no doubt that this fist could destroy them all.

The ancient weapon that was said to be able to destroy a country with one blow might be no more than this.

It was like the fist of the Sky-piercing Pillar smashed directly on the bridge where Makars Luke was.

Even though Thrall had limited the spread of power, the powerful destructive force still directly collapsed a section of the bridge, and the rest of the bridge shook terribly, leaving a long section of the long bridge empty.

The fist that destroyed the target was still thrust directly into the seabed, and the power of the tyrant caused a terrible movement.

""Boom boom boom boom"

The earth shook violently, and the terrible shock wave swept away the seawater within a radius of tens of kilometers, revealing hundreds of meters deep seabed and some conspicuous sea kings jumping around without water. The shaken seawater could not flow back for a long time, but turned into a tsunami that covered the sky and the sun and crashed into the distance.

Fortunately, Sal deliberately transmitted the power deep into the seabed, so it caused the power of a 12-magnitude earthquake, and the construction of the bridge was enough to withstand a 13-magnitude earthquake. Otherwise, the unlimited impact could destroy the bridge where 100,000 people were, not to mention the people on the bridge.

Although the bridge barely held up and did not collapse, many of the branches that should have been inserted into the seabed were The bridge pillars that supported the weight became suspended in the air, making the bridge shaky, because the impact of the collision on the nearby seabed completely changed the terrain.

The geographical change caused the entire bridge to creak and wail, as if it would disintegrate and collapse at any time.

Robin, who barely managed to keep his body steady during the earthquake, looked at the exposed seabed, and saw that a huge deep pit had formed in the seabed rock layer that was originally hundreds of meters deep. The surface of the deep pit was covered with huge and very creepy cracks. A large amount of magma was gushing out from the ground, and the backflow of seawater could not smooth out the scars suffered by the earth.

The jade hand that was holding the railing kept shaking. The scene that shattered his values made Robin's eyes dull and he muttered to himself

"Is this really the extent of what humans can do? The gods in legends and myths are no more than this."

The people who also barely stood up were even more speechless.

They have not yet recovered from the devastating blow.

Fortunately, everyone present was a good fighter left by the revolutionary army, otherwise the aftermath would have caused a lot of casualties.

The ordinary people who had already evacuated to the rear section of the bridge were very lucky to avoid the main impact.

Although some people were slightly injured, they could not care so much now.

A large number of people knelt on the ground and prayed to the huge god to calm down.

"This is the God who came to save us."

"Please bless me to return home safely"

【SS-level character dragon produces normal emotions to the host, high level of surprise, and rewards experience 50,000】

【SS-level character Kizaru has normal emotions towards the host, high level of surprise, and rewards experience 50,000】

【S、A、B-level characters have normal emotions towards the host, high level of surprise, and reward experience 138993】

【C、D-class characters have normal emotions towards the host, high level of surprise, and reward experience 674621】

【Change everyone's fate and reward fate points 132537】

【Level Upgrade: Level 99 (110,000/7 million)]

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