Several seagulls circled the sails of a merchant ship far away from the Bridge Kingdom and was slowly sailing towards an unknown island. At this time, Sal was sitting on the mast and reading the latest newspaper. The content of today's newspaper made him a little concerned.

【The Marine World Recruitment is going smoothly. The top civilian warrior Green Bull defeated the reserve admiral Kake and took over the position of admiral, becoming the first admiral recruited from outside in nearly 50 years. The new admiral even vowed to follow Marshal Akainu until his death. The marshal is the idol he has always admired.】


I didn't expect that the first foreign admiral would be Green Bull Aramaki. According to the information in the newspaper, Green Bull is still a die-hard fan of Akainu. I don't know if he knows about Akainu's changes. If he doesn't know, then the future development will be interesting.

Thinking that Green Bull's accusation that Akainu's justice is not the justice he admires, Sal couldn't help but raise his mouth slowly.

Although the imagined development is very interesting, what Sal cares about most is Fujitora Ichisho. Now that Aokiji has not stepped down from the position of admiral, Fujitora Ichisho should not become an admiral, right? Or will the navy add a new admiral position for him?

Sal thinks this idea is unlikely. The system of three admirals has been maintained for hundreds of years. How can it be changed at will? However, according to the idea of Akainu's woman, it is really hard to say. If the other party really adds a new admiral position against all odds.

Now that the world conscription is nearing its end, the three admirals of the navy are all complete again. It is conceivable that the strength of the navy has returned to its peak. The three admirals are also Marshal Akainu, and there are two semi-retired but still able to fight veterans. If Sal wants to continue to make trouble in the future, he must consider the consequences.

Losing"freedom" makes Sal sigh

"If I had known that I would have killed Aokiji that day, there wouldn't have been so many problems."

In addition to the above news, there was another piece of news that also concerned Sal.

【Navy Admiral Akainu and Admiral Aokiji fought together to repel the Blackbeard Pirates who invaded the World Alliance. Shiryu of Rain and King of Evil were seriously injured. Blackbeard, who became the Five Queens, fled in disgrace in his first battle. Are the Five Emperors really vulnerable to the Navy? What will happen to the Sal Pirates, the leader of the Five Emperors, when facing the Navy?】


Morgans is such a bold guy. The combination of Akainu and Aokiji is just so-so. When he meets Morgans in person in the future, he must let the other party know his strength.

However, Akainu actually teamed up with Aokiji to repel the Blackbeard Pirates, which was a bit beyond Sal's expectation. And the authenticity of the news may be difficult to say, but Akainu"defeated" the Five Emperors just after becoming the Admiral. It is conceivable that Akainu's reputation as a marshal will rise again. It is useless for the Five Elders to complain about her.

After all, according to the intelligence, Aokiji already supports Akainu, and with Green Bull, a die-hard fan, it is terrible that the combat power of the three admirals is twisted into a rope.

With this calculation, Akainu's position as marshal is more stable than that of Sengoku. If the Five Elders really dare to target Akainu, it may cause an unexpected backlash from the navy.

The appearance of Akainu in a professional short skirt in the newspaper made Sal complain.

"From the least favored admiral to the most powerful marshal, Akainu is likely to become the marshal that gives the Five Elders the most headaches."

The world's trend has long gone from what we remember. If we want to act recklessly in the future, we can only rely on our own hard power.

Sal looked up from the newspaper at the sea. The magnificent and huge bridge had long disappeared.

Two hours ago, the laborers of the Bridge Kingdom had left the life-consuming bridge. As for the tools they left, there were the ships that originally transported materials, and the backup arranged by the Revolutionary Army. The valuables on the bridge were all moved away by the laborers, and the construction tools were destroyed one by one to vent their anger. Sal estimated that it would be unlikely for the World Government to continue transporting people to build the bridge.

The difficulty is not just as simple as the destruction of the bridge-building tools. One-tenth of the foundation and geographical environment of the entire bridge have been destroyed. If the World Government still wants to continue building the bridge, it must change the route and demolish the abandoned bridge.

This has already increased the difficulty of construction by several levels, not to mention that if there is one, there will be two. No one knows whether the Revolutionary Army will start a revolution again, or whether Sal will continue to patronize it when he has nothing to do.

In Sal's view, the affairs of the Bridge Kingdom can come to an end. As for the settlement of the laborers, the Revolutionary Army is responsible for it and he doesn't need to worry about it.

And there are some system information that he attaches great importance to after all.

【SSS-level character Yimu has negative emotions towards the host, high hostility, reward experience 800000】

【SS-level character Five Elders have negative emotions towards the host, high hostility (shock), reward experience 250,000】

【SS-level character Akainu has normal emotions towards the host, high hostility, and rewards 50,000 experience points】

【SS、S-level characters have normal (negative) and high shock (hostility) effects on the host, and reward 1.69 million experience points】

【Level 99 (3.01 million/7 million)】

In the past two hours, the Navy Headquarters and the World Government have generated nearly 3 million experience points for him, most of which were generated by the Celestial Dragons. According to Sal's calculations, there are nearly 100 Celestial Dragons in Marijoa who hate him to the core.

The death of the Celestial Dragon Makas Luke is definitely the biggest shock to these rubbish after the Valley of the Gods. Even the two unlucky guys who died in the Sabaody Archipelago cannot be compared with him.

Originally, the Celestial Dragons looked down on everything in the world, and even the admiral was just a dog in their eyes. And Sal, who was not much better than the admiral in their eyes, actually killed the Celestial Dragons one after another, and killed the best Celestial Dragon in the past forty years.

This made the arrogant rubbish feel an unprecedented sense of fatal crisis. Even the Tianjiao who was usually a head taller than them died. It is conceivable that they would not panic, and perhaps they would not dare to leave the Holy Land in the future.

If this incident really made the Celestial Dragons afraid to go out, then Sal can be said to have done a great deed. After all, without the Celestial Dragons coming out to make trouble, the world would be much calmer.

As for the fact that these Celestial Dragons will definitely put pressure on the World Government in the future and ask it to focus on dealing with the Sal Pirates, Sal doesn't care at all. Only the hostility of Imgo and others makes him feel pressure. He must not let the World Government get the Mother Flame, otherwise the target of the Mother Flame might not be the base camp of the Sal Pirates.

"It seems that the trip to Cake Island cannot be delayed for too long."

Saar, who was afraid of the Mother Flame, suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, and at the same time, a man with a mark on his face appeared on the boat pole behind him. The main person in this operation appeared. He was ignored by the other party and met now. It seems that Long has dealt with the end of the Kingdom on the Bridge and finally has time to meet the elders.

Sal smiled and asked without turning his head

"Is my nephew finally done with his work?"


The word"nephew" instantly broke Long's silent expression, and now he even forgot the temptation he wanted to say.

The leader of the revolutionary army barely maintained his solemnity and said

"Roger, I have something to discuss with you this time......."

Before the dragon could finish, Thrall interrupted him and corrected him:

"Don't call Roger so distant, just call me uncle, have you forgotten about the East China Sea's Jerlei Island?"

Long's expression was really unbearable, his mouth slightly opened, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but the word Jerlei Island made him silent for a moment before he said a word


When the fledgling Long was adventuring in the East China Sea, he once met Roger who was returning home. You can imagine what the scene was like when the two met. After Roger defeated Long, he learned that the other party's father was Garp. He and Rayleigh played black and white cops and forced Long to call them uncle before letting him go.

When they parted, Roger laughed and threatened the very immature Long, saying that if he didn't call him uncle when they met in the future, he would be in trouble. The scene that happened before is still a shadow in Long's heart, so until Roger was executed, Long appeared again to witness the execution of Roger and the end of an era.

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