After getting the title he wanted, Sal turned around with a bright face and said

"Nephew, what do you want to discuss with me?"

Speaking of serious matters, Long Ye could only temporarily forget the past shadow and asked carefully.

"Uncle Roger, what do you think about the future of world government and ordinary people?"

"I have many opinions on this question. First of all, you need to understand slave society, feudal society, capitalist society and communist society......."

The unfamiliar words coming out of Thrall's mouth made Long stunned. Although he was very confused, he did not refuse to listen to the other party's explanation.

Then Thrall expressed his understanding of the history and politics of Blue Star. The first time he heard a detailed explanation of the people and society, Long's eyes became brighter.

The conversation between the two lasted for 5 hours before it ended.

During the conversation, Long called him Uncle Roger more and more smoothly.

It was obvious that after being baptized by the knowledge of Blue Star, the leader of the revolutionary army really regarded the other party as a respected elder.

During the chat, Long kept thinking about his father taking Ace as his grandson, and he called Thrall Uncle Roger.

Garp and Roger were old friends of the same generation, and his son and Roger's son were sworn brothers.

All these relationships seemed very confusing.......

The sun gradually sank into the deep sea, while the faint moonlight sprinkled on the deck, illuminating Thrall's contemplative features. At this time, the two people's conversation about revolution and society has ended, and Long also left the merchant ship to do his own things.

The two did not talk about things like alliances, but their communication increased Long's new understanding of the word revolution.

Although Thrall's understanding of this aspect is not detailed and comprehensive, the new knowledge does broaden Long's horizons.

At the same time, it also made Thrall clearly aware of the revolution in the other's heart.

Although Long's ideal is a bit simple, it also made Thrall have to admire the other's efforts for the ideal.

At this moment, a pair of long and white jade legs came into Thrall's eyes.

Looking up, he saw that the short skirt reached above the flat abdomen, and a pair of jade peaks covered half of the delicate face.

As the saying goes, you can tell a woman by looking at the mountain, and you can tell that the person who came is Nico Robin by looking at the bright eyes.

Nico Robin sat next to Thrall with a curious look on her face and asked

""Sal, what did you talk about with Mr. Long? I saw him leave happy. It was the first time I saw him leave."

Sal glanced at Robin's gossipy look and said calmly.

"Nothing, I just told him my views on revolution and human society.

Robin tucked her hair behind her ears and raised her head to reveal her snow-white and attractive neck. She was also very interested in this topic.

"Then can you tell me about it? I also want to know your views on the future."

Looking at Yiren's expectant look, Sal could only sigh secretly and say again that revolution and society are really troublesome.

"No problem, let's talk while we drink. You want to first listen to slave society, feudal society, capitalist society, communist society, financial economy, etc."


Robin was confused by these words, but they also gave people a sense of awe.

Sal was talking about the history of the initial formation of human society. Of course, this is only the history of Blue Star. As for the history of humans in the pirate world, even Roger only has a partial understanding.

Not to mention a complete understanding of the history of the huge kingdom thousands of years ago, even the blank 100 years and 800 years of world government history are not fully understood.

While Robin was fascinated, Sal took out the newly acquired colorful butterfly fairy bottle. As a friend, he must share some fine wine. As for why he didn't take it out when talking to Long, between choosing between an expressionless man and a charming beauty, you know what to choose without saying.

The moment the fairy wine was poured out of the bottle, a rich fragrance and silver-white light filled the surrounding environment, adding a touch of romance between the two.

"What an incredible scene."

Robin picked up the wine glass and looked at the crystal clear fairy wine, which exuded a charming aroma. Even her body had a desire to drink it. Fairy wine is definitely good for the body.

Robin, who thought she had traveled around the world and read a lot of books, also encountered this kind of wine that she longed for for the first time. She knew it was very precious just by looking at it before tasting it. She couldn't help but ask hesitantly

"I've never seen this kind of wine before, or even heard of it, is it really okay to share it with me?"

"Isn't it right to share with friends? Don't you consider me a friend?"

"Well, we are friends."

The sincere words and frank expression made Robin relax. She took a sip with her plump red lips. When the fairy wine entered her mouth, Robin's whole body showed a charming blush, and her face showed a happy expression that tempted men to commit crimes.


The misleading sound of comfort made Sal stiffen, stiff in every sense of the word. If he hadn't said it, he would have thought that he had put some unspeakable drugs in it.

Time passed as Robin savored the moment, and the man opposite quietly enjoyed the scene of the beauty tasting wine.

When Robin came to his senses, he realized his impoliteness and immediately covered his mouth to prevent the moans that would test the man.

When Robin saw Sal's somewhat fiery gaze, he could not help but shyly rolled his eyes at him and said

"Sal, after taking a sip of this good wine, I feel much more relaxed, and a warm current keeps flowing through my body, which is so comfortable. In addition to being delicious, this wine should have other effects, right?"

"Well, Colorful Butterfly Immortal Wine has the effects of keeping beauty, strengthening the body, and prolonging life. A cup of Immortal Wine can increase lifespan by one month."

Hearing that it can keep beauty and increase lifespan, Robin's whole body trembled, and her plump pomelo popped out a moving arc.

Robin opened her red lips slightly and looked at the small cup of wine in disbelief. Just like this, a cup of wine can increase lifespan by one month. She instantly felt that the wine glass in her hand was a little hot.

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