Before Robin could refuse again, Sal had already expressed his opinion.

"I still have a lot of this magical wine. It would be great if I could add 3,000 years to your life span. So don't be polite to me. You've already had a sip. Do you want to give it back to me? Although I don't mind drinking the rest of your drink."

"You, hum."

Although the female pirates on the sea do not attach importance to indirect contact, the words close to teasing still made the 29-year-old royal sister glare at the other party cutely.

Seeing Robin continue to raise the wine glass and stretch out his small tongue to taste it bit by bit, Sal also drank a glass of fairy wine in one gulp and made a happy sound

"It's really refreshing. It's worthy of being the immortal's wine. You should drink a whole cup. It's boring to drink slowly like you, Robin."

"You are wasting the food by drinking it in big gulps. You should savor this kind of wine slowly."

"Yes, yes, older literary women just like this style, but men who are free on the sea don't have this habit"

"Haha, women don't like men who are too rude. You have to savor them slowly to understand their taste."

"Sorry, I am a married man, and drinking alcohol is different from drinking tea."

"I know, there are more than one."

The two chatted with each other, from the topic of revolution at the beginning to some private lives of both parties, to the gossip of some people on the sea. With the effect of the fairy wine, the two seemed to talk about everything, and Robin would laugh like a silver bell from time to time.

Just as Sal was enjoying Robin's laughter, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared beside him and tried to take away the wine glass in his hand.

The person came quickly, but Sal reacted faster, grabbing the delicate palm directly so that the thief could not break free.

Sal asked with a malicious look on his face

"Ms. Betty, what do you want to do?"

Betty, who was captured, pretended to be innocent, but her glowing eyes were always staring at the fairy wine. As a woman who loves wine like her life, the fairy wine in front of her exposed her disguise. When she smelled the aroma of wine, Betty's desire was seriously aroused.

Betty wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth and tried to maintain her demeanor and said

"I just want to ask for a glass of wine. Can't a big shot share a glass of wine with a poor woman?"

Poor? The only women stronger than this guy on the sea are Hancock and Big Mom. If such strong women are called pitiful, then the world is too miserable.

Sal retorted angrily.

"......If you are pitiful, then all women in the world are pitiful."


The sound of slapping the table startled Sal. Before Betty could answer, Robin blushed and agreed.

"Yes, I think what you said is right, Sal. I am actually very pitiful. Lord Sal, please have mercy on me and let me drink a few more glasses. Eternal youth is really good."The appearance of the term eternal youth made Betty full of doubts.

On the other hand, Sal looked at Robin, who was already drunk after a few glasses of wine, and could only sigh and help her to refill a glass. It was really hard to bear a steady woman acting like a spoiled child. At the same time, he took out a new glass and handed it to Betty. Anyway, the other party could only drink it this time.

The three continued to chat and drink. After drinking a few glasses, Betty changed her previous state. She even blushed and patted Sal's chest with a clip sound.

"Damn stinky man, if you dare to make me unhappy, I will beat you to death"

"Hey, hey, just say don't touch me, or I won't be polite."

Sal grabbed the hand that had been playing the hooligan helplessly. Come on, another woman got drunk and said she loved alcohol. Even Robin couldn't drink as much as she did.

Betty saw that she couldn't continue to slap the stone that felt good, so she immediately opened her mouth and bit it.

"Humph, you dare to be so presumptuous in my territory? I will bite you to death."

"Stop biting, your teeth can't even break my skin, are you born in the Year of the Dog?"

Seeing that the two women were already half drunk, Sal wanted to send them back to their rooms but was directly rejected. The two women on his left and right forced him to continue chatting with them. Serving drunk women made him feel like a gigolo.

It was late at night, and Sal's consciousness gradually blurred as he drank too much fairy wine. Suddenly, a doubt appeared in his mind. He was drunk, which shouldn't be the case. According to his physique, he couldn't get drunk.

Just as he was trying to hold on, two sweet women's voices came into his ears.

"Man, you are quite handsome, right? As long as you serve me today, I will definitely give you a lot of money."

Does this treat him as a special job? Sal suddenly felt two pairs of jade hands constantly touching him, making him feel very uncomfortable as if ants were crawling all over his body. Turning around, he saw two delicate and beautiful faces approaching him, looking like they were waiting for you to take advantage of them.

"Oops, what's going on?"

The remaining consciousness made Sal feel something was wrong. Just when he was about to push the two away, an irresistible emotion suddenly rose in his body.

Having realized something was wrong, Sal immediately looked at the fairy bottle. Could it be that special wine?

The breath of spring emerged again. Sal, who could no longer care about so much, immediately picked up the two women and rushed to his room. Soon, the sound of the three people playing together rang in the room. The two different female voices made the song more moving........

I once climbed and conquered the towering peaks, becoming the master of the mountains and letting them change according to my will.

I also once went deep into the mysterious abyss of the sea, collected the most precious treasures in the sea, and gave them to the woman I love........

When Sal regained consciousness and opened his eyes, he saw Robin looking at him as well. The two looked at each other, and Sal could see the disbelief in the other's eyes. At the same time, Robin also felt the gift from the man in front of him.

There was no screaming, no cursing or beating. Robin left calmly with the quilt wrapped around him. Before Sal could calm down his confused emotions, a jade hand patted his shoulder. He turned around and saw Betty looking at him strangely, then lifted Sal's chin with her white jade fingers and said,

"You have to give me a bottle of magic wine every month. This is what I deserve."


Sal didn't react to Betty's meaning for a while, and could only remain confused.

The drunkard couldn't let the good wine go to waste, so Betty gritted her teeth and asked

"What? I gave you my first time that I have treasured for 32 years. Is it too much to ask you to give me a bottle of wine every month? Am I not worth the price?"

"Not too much, great value for money"

"That's it. If you are unlucky enough to have a child this time, I will need two bottles of fairy wine a month. If you dare not give it to me, I will let your child call another man the father. Is what I said reasonable?"

"Fair enough, but if that man wanted to be the father of my child, I would definitely kill him."

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