The performance on the stage was still going on, and Bonte, who was standing next to Robin, suddenly asked

"You are Nico Robin, the son of the devil, right? What is your relationship with Roger?"

Robin's reserved smile froze instantly. Although her delicate face recovered quickly, it also made the experienced Bonte pay attention.

Robin pondered for a moment and gave the most conservative answer.

"Sal and I are just friends."

"Oh, is that so?"

Bunter, who is used to seeing worldly affairs, how could he not notice Robin's abnormality? He didn't expect that Roger would appear again and there would be so many scandals around him. The object he heard about back then, Lu Jiu, was more than ten years older than him, and now it's the same. Sure enough, no matter how old a man is, there is only one thing that will not change, that is, he likes young girls.

Bonter looked up and watched Sal's performance again. Roger, Ace, and Gol.D's surnames will never disappear. All these years of lonely waiting are finally over.

As if fulfilling his wish, Bonter suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, and at the same time, the strength in his body disappeared at a very fast speed. His feet began to tremble constantly, and his vision became blurred.

"This is......"

Do you know your destiny?

Without anyone noticing, Bonte took a few steps back, sat on the flower bed and closed his eyes, giving people the feeling that he was asleep. And Robin thought that the old man was just tired and wanted to rest for a while, and then he had to record the scene of the destruction of the execution platform.

Seeing that Sal on the stage had finished speaking, he directly used his powerful domineering aura to press on the execution platform. The domineering aura that became stronger again made the execution platform creak.

Finally, after barely holding on for a while, the entire execution platform collapsed completely, and Sal's figure disappeared amid everyone's exclamations.

The whole scene was filled with smoke and dust. The people below the stage were so scared when they saw the collapse of the execution platform that they stepped back again and again. They shouted again and again when they found that Sal had disappeared.

"The execution platform collapsed"

"It seems that the purpose of Pirate King Roger's return is to destroy the execution platform, but this is reasonable, after all, he is alive again"

"Why did they collapse the execution platform? This way, Rogue Town will lose its iconic attraction."

"Yes, damn Roger, the customer flow of my store in the square will definitely be affected. I am heartbroken."

【A、B、C、D-class characters have normal emotions towards the host (positive), moderate shock, and reward experience 48753】

The tens of thousands of people in Rogue Town have brought a lot of experience, and from today on Rogue Town will also enter a different era.

Amid the noise of the crowd, Sal returned to Robin and looked at Bonte who was motionless in silence. Did they have to say goodbye just after meeting again? Unconsciously, a trace of sadness suddenly surged in his heart, and his mind kept recalling the other party's bragging in the past.

"Haha, little Roger, your uncle is a great pirate who fought a great battle with the admiral.

Robin covered his lips and was also very surprised. The old man who was so energetic just now left without saying anything, and he was also Thrall's elder.

Thrall sighed and carried the old man's body on his back.

"Uncle Bonte has lived to be 96 years old. He should have no regrets except for getting married. Let's go. I want to bury him in the family cemetery."


Robin followed Sal and walked towards the direction of his home deep in his memory. Uncle Bonte's house was next to it.

When the two left, Sal also glanced at Peacock, who also noticed this place. The brigadier general was so scared that his heart beat wildly and he quickly shifted his sight.

A drop of sweat slid down his forehead and dripped along his chin. Peacock covered his plump heart and muttered in fear.

"What a scary man! I don't think I can withstand one move from him. No, I should be able to withstand one move. No, no, I can at least withstand five moves."

Thinking of how cowardly he was just now, Peacock slapped his head in annoyance.

"It doesn't matter how many moves I can hold on. I can't beat him anyway. Who is the old man Roger is carrying?"

Peacock, who couldn't remember who the old man was, still planned to send the information back to the headquarters. Such things didn't need to be bothered by a small general. Next, she would start to intercept the spread of the news.

Moreover, compared with the generals of the Navy Headquarters, she was more inclined to join the secret special force"Blade". At least the secret force was very free.......

At the edge of Roger Town, in the backyard surrounded by five ordinary houses, there were several ordinary tombstones in the clean little yard. They were all Roger's elders.

Sal first cleaned the cemetery, then dug a pit in the open space, and then put the coffin containing Bonte down, and then placed a white lily.

Before closing the coffin, Sal also noticed that the corners of the old man's mouth were upturned. It seems that Uncle Bonte was still very happy when he left.

"Uncle Bont, I am leaving now. I will come to see you if I am free in the future. As for the family tomb, you don’t have to worry. I will let Ace come back to sweep the tomb every year. Although he has the same last name as his mother, he is still a descendant of the Gol D family."

The execution platform was destroyed, and the last uncle passed away. The last thing Sal had in Rogue Town might be this family tomb.

Turning around and looking at the room on the far left, the furniture inside was still the same as when Roger just went to sea. When he left that year, he casually asked Uncle Bont to keep it for him. Unexpectedly, it was kept so well.

Robin beside him watched everything quietly. She could feel that the man was in a bad mood.

After Sal was covered with soil, Robin gave Sal a warm hug. Sure enough, a woman with the world in her heart can warm a man's heart.

Sal took the opportunity to take a bite of her plump red lips, and then said lightly

"It's time to go out to sea, but this time we're going to go through the doldrums. The Navy already knows that I'm alone in the East China Sea, and they will definitely not waste the best opportunity."


At the Marine Headquarters in Marinford, the huge restoration work is still in progress.

In a conference hall, in front of the Navy Seagull L logo, a beautiful figure holding intelligence in hand and wearing high heels walked towards the people participating in the meeting.

This person is the new Navy Admiral Akainu, and this meeting is rarely attended by two retired veterans, because the subject of this discussion forced Garp and Sengoku to participate.

A crisp voice sounded, telling a special intelligence

"Roger appeared in the East Sea Rogue Town. The Five Elders ordered our navy to surround and kill Roger. What do you think?"

Akainu's number one brother, Green Bull, immediately stood up and patted his chest vigorously to promise.

"Big sister, leave it to me. I will definitely take Roger's head and give it to you as a gift."


Such a brave speech made Akainu's mouth twitch. Although Araki is quite powerful, facing the intelligence of Roger, let alone defeating him, it is still unknown whether he can come back alive.

However, in order to take into account the self-esteem of his loyal younger brother, Akainu still advised elegantly

"Huangmu, you have another mission, I can't send you to carry it out this time"

"Is that so? Oh, what a pity! I wanted to get Roger as a birthday present for my elder sister."


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