The arrogant remarks left the two veterans speechless. What kind of birthday gift was that?

Zhan Guo, who had begun to ignore the affairs, tried to avoid making any more weird remarks and said carefully:

"This is indeed a very good opportunity, but the difficulty lies in how to find his trace. Roger is not a rookie waiting for us to besiege him. He is a cunning fox, and will the three admirals be needed to go out together at that time?"

The topic of sending out the three admirals made the atmosphere even more heavy.

Kizaru, the admiral who did not want to meet Thrall again, did not express any opinion.

He had to put out fires and be responsible for the safety of Cake Island.

He was already very busy.

The current situation on the sea is that the three admirals each have their own important tasks to do.

Akainu calculated that the current three admirals could not spare a single person, and Roger's fist of destroying the sea made the navy and even the world government very wary.

At least Akainu had to admit that an admiral was no match for Roger. If he tried to fight against him, he would be in danger of falling, just like the Celestial Dragon who was close to the strength of the admiral, and even his ashes could not be found.

Akainu tapped the table with his fingers, and then asked the two veterans

"Senior Garp and Senior Sengoku, can you guys come together? I will join forces with you if we find Roger."

After all the calculations, we can only ask the semi-retired veterans, and Garp and Sengoku's current position makes it reasonable for them to refuse the request.

Seeing that Akainu was also going to go, Aokiji, who was listening, quickly advised that as the backbone of the navy, he must not take risks.

"Marshal, you are planning to take action, it's too risky, why don't I do it for you."

Akainu shook his head, leaving the other party with a 45-degree angle of beautiful profile

"Aokiji, you still have the responsibility to defend the G1 Fortress. Now I am the only top fighter left. Don't worry, I will be fine."

As for whether others agree or not, Garp has already agreed.

"Sakasu-sama, I can take action. Roger's strength is getting stronger and stronger. It has reached a level that cannot be left alone. It is obvious that he has eaten a devil fruit and turned into a giant of several thousand meters."

When Garp thought of Roger, who was already ridiculously strong, eating a powerful devil fruit, it is conceivable that even he is not sure to compete with the opponent.

Akainu nodded politely.

"Well, thank you for your help, Senior."

Karp's eyelids twitched when he was called a senior again, and he suggested with a fake smile.

"Sakasu-sama, can you please stop calling me senior? It feels weird. You might as well just call me by my name or old man."

Zengoku also nodded in agreement. Akainu has changed a lot since he became the admiral, such as calling them seniors. Perhaps this is revenge for those who don't support her. It's Aokiji who surrendered without authorization.

Garp's frustrated look made Akainu smile and replied.

"Senior, you have been calling me Sakasu-ji these days. To show my respect for you, it is not excessive for me to call you senior."


Garp was speechless and could only sit down. He and Sengoku looked at each other and could see that they were both in pain.

Kizaru crossed his legs, folded his arms, and didn't say a word from beginning to end. He wanted to complain in his heart. What happened to the navy now? In just one month, it has become a different navy from what he knew.

Akainu is 53 years old. Why did he become so weird after becoming an admiral? He even called people"senior". You dare to call me"senior"? And there are two idiots staring at her. Can she stay in the navy?

If I had known that Akainu would become like this when he became an admiral, I should have stood up and competed with him for the position of admiral.

Soon, not only the navy was dispatched, but even the CP organization of the World Government did its best to search the Grand Line, and they were willing to turn the Grand Line upside down to find Sar.

Unfortunately, they wasted nearly 10 days without finding any trace. Even if someone noticed that the other party might be in the doldrums, they could do nothing about it.

To lead a team into the Calm Belt, one must have at least the strength of a major general or even a vice admiral. Even with a sea-building stone warship, it is impossible to completely avoid the attack of sea kings.

If attacked by a large sea king over 3,000 meters, even a vice admiral may die in the Calm Belt.......

15 days later, Dinghai Island in the New World is the headquarters of the Sal Pirates. As a huge investment in building Dinghai Island, it is like a huge city. There are many ships going back and forth between the two ports every day, and the residents of the island look happy. Of course, how can they not be happy after spending tens of billions of berries to build a base camp? In addition, there are four powerful fortresses around the island, which gives people a full sense of security.

At the prosperous port of Dinghai Island, a 4-meter-tall little giant is fishing. The little giant dressed as a monk is Urouge, one of the 12 supernovas.

Urouge, who once dared to suppress the pacifist, is now wrapped in bandages and looks seriously injured.

Urouge moved his body and realized that he had almost recovered. He couldn't help but sigh to himself and said

"Jack the Drought of the Beasts Pirates is really powerful. If it wasn't for Rayleigh passing by and saving my life, my journey might have ended here."

In the past four months, Urouge, like other supernovas, broke into the territories of many big pirates and even the Four Emperors. A group of newborn cubs failed to make much waves. Some supernovas were recruited, while others were defeated.

Urouge was also unlucky to enter the territory of the Beasts Pirates, and was even more unlucky to meet Jack the Drought who was practicing. The two sides did not communicate much, and he was certainly no match for Jack, who had not even fully awakened his domineering, and was defeated along with his own pirate group.

If it wasn't for Rayleigh who happened to pass by and save his life, he would definitely be killed by Jack for his arrogant words.

And he was in order to avenge In order to thank Rayleigh for saving his life, he proposed to join the Sal Pirates and become the captain of an affiliated pirate group. He also realized that he needed to rely on someone to become stronger first.

Although Urouge's age was a bit old, he was still a potential newcomer, so Rayleigh did not refuse his request to join the affiliated pirate group. Instead, he took the time to teach him to fully comprehend domineering.

After more than ten days, even Rayleigh was satisfied with the speed at which Urouge's strength increased. He was indeed one of the supernovas that Roger had praised. It seems that this year's twelve supernovas are indeed extraordinary.

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