Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 126: Surrender

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Guan Changling was not young and was suffering from injuries. When the weather got cold, his joints all over his body ached. He could neither stand nor lie down. It was like a never-ending torture, torturing him moment by moment, but the executioner refused. When he asked, after all these years, he still didn't know what he should explain.

Perhaps this was pure punishment, punishment for too many killings in his youth.

"Come directly to me if you have the ability." Guan Changling whispered to himself, challenging the invisible enemies, twisting his neck with great effort, and his joints creaked. Soon after, he was defeated and faced the guards at the door. He said angrily: "Bring me a few more charcoal pots. Those are just for burning. What's the use of keeping them?"

The guards hurried out of the tent to find more charcoal pots.

Guan Changling sat slantedly on the chair and tilted his head slightly. This was a position he found after many attempts and could slightly reduce the pain.

More charcoal pots were brought into the tent and placed in a circle around the old general. The heat was steaming and filling the entire tent, except that it could not get into Guan Changling's body. His skin was dried out by waves, and there was pain in his bones. But it didn't lighten up much.

"It knows it's winter outside, and it knows nothing can fool it." Guan Changling whispered through gritted teeth.

The two young guards guarding the door didn't seem to hear anything. They were used to the old general's muttering and never answered.

"The last general Xi Yuanqi asked to see General Guan." Someone said outside.

Guan Changling put down his hand, and the guard opened the curtain to let the seeker in.

Xi Yuanyu was in his twenties and came from the Xi family of Duke Heng. He had a tall and straight figure and was gifted with long arms. He was good at bow bending and dancing. He stepped forward to salute. Just as he was about to speak, Guan Changling said coldly: "Here we go again." You want me to go to war? You can avoid it. I have made up my mind. Now that Runan City has been captured and the rebels have something to rely on, it is not advisable to push them too hastily. If the rebels succeed in their night attack, they will be arrogant and our army will show weakness. The rebels attack and wipe them all out."

Xi Yuan said suspiciously: "General Guan will decide on major military matters. I have other things to do."

"Yeah." Guan Changling was jealous of the young man's energy and health, and wished he could cut off those arms and keep them for himself.

"There are rebel generals coming to surrender."



"I said kill those who surrender. Anyone who surrenders at this time must be a spy."

Xi Yuanyi took two steps forward and said, "This man is different. His name is Meng Nilun. He was brought back by Zhou Lu, the son of Dongyang Marquis. Together with the rebel soldiers who surrendered before, the opinions of several parties are consistent and it should be true."

"The son of Marquis Dongyang is still alive?"

"Alive, he was captured by the rebels and imprisoned for two days. Meng Nilun rescued him."

"The Marquis of Dongyang and I have a good relationship. He once specifically asked me to take care of his son...bring him in first."

Xi Yuanyi quickly brought Zhou Lu into the tent.

Zhou Lu stepped over the charcoal basin, threw himself in front of General Guan, knelt down, and cried loudly, "Uncle Guan, I almost couldn't see you."

Guan Changling said angrily: "I know that I am not dead, and you don't need to remind me. Tell me, others can run back, why did you fall into the hands of the rebels?"

"I was not the only one who was arrested. There were hundreds of people. I was also unlucky. I ran in the wrong direction and ran into the rebels..."

Xi Yuanyu interjected: "General Zhou is lucky to be able to escape, not to mention bringing back a general of the rebel army."

Zhou Lu realized that this was not the time to complain, but to turn defeat into victory and success. He immediately said: "Yes, yes, I brought back a general. He is willing... Uncle Guan, do you know about treason?" Who is the military leader?”

"This is a military camp, and I'm not anyone's uncle."

"Yes, General Guan, the rebel leader is someone we all know."

"I heard his name is Xu Chu, but I don't remember this person."

"He changed his surname to Xu, but his original surname was actually Lou."

The surname Lou was not common. Guan Changling was startled and temporarily forgot about the pain in his body, "That Lou Shiqi?"

"Yes, that's him."

"Are you sure?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, and I even said a few words to him. We are classmates at the Yuxue Academy and have known each other for many years."

"Hey, he is indeed the son of the general, but why did he change his surname to Xu? Oh, that's his mother's surname. So, he is really accepted by the people of Jiangdong."

"Yes, the people of Jiangdong regard him as their great governor. Rescue me... The Meng Nilun I brought back was originally a general of Wu State. He thought he was kind to Xu Chu, so he used his name to kill seven leaders. Xu Chu was very angry. He even humiliated him in public and beat him more than ten times. Only then did Meng Nilun surrender with me. "

"What's going on? Please tell me in detail."

Zhou Lu told everything he had seen and heard. Meng Nilun knelt in front of Xu Chu's tent for half a night and was still not forgiven. Instead, he was beaten more than a dozen times the next morning. He could accept all this, but Xu Chu Chu actually sent him to a soldier with a small surname as a servant. As a descendant of the seven tribes, Meng Senglun could not bear such humiliation anyway, so he released Zhou Lu that night and took him out of the Wu army camp.

Zhou Lu was afraid of being deceived, so he struggled for a long time before leaving with Meng Nilun. He hid this experience and instead claimed that he saw the discord between the rebel generals, so he waited for an opportunity to provoke and persuade Meng Nilun to rebel.

Guan Changling chuckled lightly, raised his head and asked Xi Yuan: "How can rebellion be so easy? Popularity, intelligence, and military skills are all indispensable. After all, young people can't calm down. Lou Chu is a smart man, but he Having lived in Dongdu since childhood, it is ridiculous to want to win the loyalty of Jiangdong people just because of his mother's identity. As for the art of war, he is a scholar and can only talk about it on paper. Zhou Lu, did you learn the art of war when you were in the Yuxue Academy? "

"If you don't learn, it's just knowledge in name only, very boring."

Guan Changling sighed again, "The sons of generals are supposed to be influenced by family tradition. Unfortunately, they only enjoy the benefits brought by their fathers and grandfathers, and have not experienced the hardships of their fathers and grandfathers. They have no idea how difficult it is to lead troops, how complicated fighting is, and how difficult it is to lead an army. He has an eye above his head, and can silence us old guys when talking about it, but when it comes to the battlefield, he is in a hurry and comes up with random ideas, and in the end it is us who have to clean up the mess. "

Xi Yuanyu knew that these words were meant for him, so he blushed and did not answer. Zhou Lu, who was also behind the gate, didn't care and nodded in agreement frequently.

Guan Changling sighed and said to Zhou Lu: "What is the use of a man named Meng besides surrendering?"

"He said he could help the officers and soldiers defeat the Wu army and recapture Runan City."

"The rebels, no matter how they call themselves, in the eyes of the court, are just a group of rebels." Guan Changling corrected.

"Yes, they are all rebels."

Guan Changling thought for a while and said, "Bring it in and let me take a look."

Meng Sylun entered the tent and knelt down at the door, "Submit your general Meng Sylun and bow to the general."

"Well, take off his clothes."

The two guards couldn't help but take off Meng Nilun's clothes, hold down his head, and expose his scarred buttocks.

It was indeed a new wound caused by a stick. Guan Changling recognized it and nodded. The guard stood up and allowed Meng Nilun to dress.

"Can you help the officers and soldiers seize the city?" Guan Changling asked coldly.

"Yes. I am loyal to Xu Chu. To ensure his safety, I..."

"I'm not interested in talking about seizing the city."

"Wu's army claims to be one hundred thousand, but in fact it only has 50,000, half of which are family members, and some are old, weak, sick and disabled. There are less than 20,000 people who can actually fight. They have incomplete armor and few horses. They rely on bluffs to confront the officers and soldiers. Moreover, Wu's army is said to be one hundred thousand. Not long after its founding, there was internal discord. The seven clans and the smaller clans were at odds with each other. The generals from Jingzhou had just arrived and were always worried about being annexed. The Bao family was a local native and was deceived by Xu Chu into thinking that the eastern capital had fallen, so he agreed to donate the city. However, the result was not In two days, the officers and soldiers will arrive.”

"According to you, the rebels should have collapsed without a fight."

"Xu Chu has no other skills, but he is really good at talking. He can talk to people and tell ghosts. He never blushes when telling lies. He loves making empty promises the most, so he barely managed to save Wu Jun. In fact, he was vulnerable to a single blow. Stationing the camp outside the city is not really about fighting the officers and soldiers, it's just about bluffing people."

"The night attack was also his idea?"

"Yes, but the person who led the night attack was a general from the seven tribes. Xu Chu took advantage after the fact."

Guan Changling said with a smile: "The general told me that his son loves to take risks and is a big trouble. Sooner or later, he will be ruined and bring disaster to the entire Lou family. It is true that a son is better than his father."

Meng Senglun said: "As soon as the officers and soldiers arrived, the Wu army officers and soldiers all knew that they had been deceived by Xu Chu, and they felt very regretful. However, there was no way to escape and no way to surrender. If the officers and soldiers rushed forward, they would inevitably collapse."

Guan Changling asked Xi Yuan doubtfully, "It's the same idea as yours before. It seems you've guessed it right."

Xi Yuan said hurriedly: "I didn't expect the rebels to be so unbearable and just showing off their bravery."

Guan Changling said: "The rebels are a mob and there is no point in winning. What I want is Runan City, the complete Runan City."

Meng Senglun walked forward on his knees and said, "The city lord Bao Dun originally guarded the city for the imperial court. He was deceived by Xu Chu and mistakenly surrendered to the Wu army. I am willing to sneak back into the city and persuade Bao Dun to surrender. I will open the city gates and admit the officers and soldiers. I just want to control the city." The general can spare his family the death penalty afterwards."

Guan Changling has been cautious all his life and is known for his maturity under the general. He does not like conspiracy and conspiracy. After listening to Meng Nilun's words, he was silent for a long time.

Xi Yuanji couldn't help but advise: "Don't miss this opportunity, General Guan. The cold winter has arrived, and the soldiers urgently need to go to the city to recuperate. What's more, the people in Dongdu are anxiously waiting for General Guan to lead his troops back."

"This is not how battles are fought..." Guan Changling sighed, and thought for a while, "The surrendered general cannot be returned. Another person will be sent to contact the general who is guarding the city, and we will observe for another two or three days. If the rebels are successful, It’s not too late to attack again if it’s on the verge of collapse.”

Meng Silun said: "Once Xu Chu finds out that I have escaped with General Zhou, he will probably be furious and suppress the soldiers with force. This will make the internal discord even worse, but it will not be visible from the outside."

Guan Changling groaned, and the pain all over his body returned. He missed his home in Dongdu. Only thick walls could block the winter chill, which was better than a hundred charcoal basins.

"Xi Yuan Sui."

"The end will be here."

"Take the generals down, gather the other generals, discuss a plan, and then come back and tell me."

"Yes." Xi Yuanyi's face was filled with joy. A quick decision had always been his strategy.

"No matter what, Lou Chi is the son of the general. Try to save his life and take him back to let the general deal with him."


Xi Yuanyu led Meng Sylun out of the tent and said at the door: "Go to attack the camp tonight and retaliate in the same way. The more people you surrender, the greater your contribution will be. Not only can you avoid death, but you can also Get a big reward, understand?”

"Xu Chu is ruthless, don't blame me for being unrighteous. I don't ask for anything else, I just hope that the court can absolve me of the crime of rebellion."

Xi Yuan doubted Meng Senglun, but after the victory, he did not intend to absolve anyone of their guilt.

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