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Xi Yuanyu hoped to use a successful night attack to retaliate against the rebels and eliminate them in one fell swoop.

He made all the plans, and the generals nodded, but when he informed Guan Changling, he was questioned.

"You want to bring all your troops to attack the rebels?"

"There are only 8,000 officers and soldiers. Although the rebels are in chaos, they have 20,000 generals. Our army has sent too few people. The night attack can only defeat the rebels outside the city. Although the victory is useless, this battle should be based on capturing the city. The task is completed in one battle."

Like the rebels, the officers and soldiers often exaggerated their strength. They claimed to have 30,000 troops, but in fact they only had 8,000. However, having 3,000 cavalry was Guan Changling's largest asset.

He doesn't like taking risks.

"What if the rebels set up an ambush?"

Xi Yuan replied doubtfully: "So what? The rebels are a mob, with less than a hundred cavalry, and the soldiers are not good at bows and crossbows. They only rely on swords and guns, and they are no match for the officers and soldiers. Our cavalry broke into the camp, and the infantry followed, and they reached the city gate. . If Meng Nilun can open the door, it will be done. The infantry will attack the city, and the cavalry will turn around to chase the rebels outside the city. It is said that Xu Chu has been staying outside the city. He is the leader of the bandits. Once he is killed, the city will be defeated... …”

"He is the son of the general..."

"Yes, if you can avoid killing, try not to kill. Capturing Xu Chu alive will frighten the rebels."

Guan Changling still didn't like the idea, but he was using all his strength to resist the pain attached to his bones and had no energy to argue with the enthusiastic young general. Moreover, Xi Yuanyu came from a high-ranking family and had a bright future. No matter how many military exploits he made, Incomparable.

"Take away all the cavalry among the seven thousand people, and leave one thousand infantry behind."

Xi Yuan was overjoyed and resigned, summoning the generals to arrange a night attack that night.

Meng Nilun and dozens of surrendered soldiers served as guides. They had two tasks. One was to recruit surrender after entering the camp, and the other was to open the city gate to allow officers and soldiers to enter the city.

"It's important to open the city gate. Is that Bao Dun really willing to listen to you?" Xi Yuanyi had to ask clearly.

"Back to the general, Bao Dun is a good local citizen and not a traitor. As long as the officers and soldiers promise to be innocent, he will open the door and welcome him. I am willing to put my head on my neck to guarantee it."

Xi Yuanyi had indeed seen the official document from Runan City in Dongdu. Many common people asked for an official position for a local hero named Bao. However, the court had its own rules: civilians must be recommended before they could be appointed officials. No matter how many common people signed their names, it would be worse than There was only a handful of recommendations from the previous county governor.

"The officers and soldiers came here only to quell the chaos. They entered the city to rest for two or three days, and then they had to turn back to the capital. Runan City is still guarded by Bao Dun. General Guan acted expediently according to the order. You can give him an official position, and you can do the same. If you are guilty, you will be punished. Punishment must be rewarded, and this is always the case in the imperial court.”

"I will be very satisfied if I can obtain a sinless body." Meng Nilun showed obvious joy on his face.

After nightfall, Xi Yuanyi frequently sent out scouts. He was very happy to hear that the rebel camp was brightly lit as usual and said to the generals: "Although there are many descendants of the general, no one can inherit the talent of a general. That building foundation is He is just an assassin, so there is nothing to fear. Those who can capture him alive will be rewarded heavily, and those who kill him will also be rewarded."

Xi Yuanyu also chose to set off on the fourth watch. He used cavalry as the main force, so he did not choose the trail and went straight to the main road. Meng Nilun would take them around the antler fence in front of the camp and break into the camp through a gap on the side.

"It's the time to make great achievements. I hope you all will work hard and meet in the city for dinner after dawn." Xi Yuanyu encouraged the generals and set off on horseback.

The two armies were not far apart, and the cavalry arrived at a moment's notice. Xi Yusu ordered the generals not to call out, so as not to frighten the rebels. What he wanted was to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Meng Nilun took the lead, galloped down a slope, turned a small bend, and turned upwards. As expected, there was no obstacle in front of him, only a simple wooden fence, which the cavalry could easily cross.

The camp was very quiet, with rows of torches and numerous tents. After Xi Yuansu entered the camp, he shouted, and the soldiers made a noise. Some people ran out of the tents and fled in all directions, without any fighting spirit.

This scene was all expected by Xi Yuansu, and he shouted to Meng Nilun: "Go and call the city gate, and leave this to the infantry behind."

Without stopping, Meng Senglun led the officers and soldiers through the entire camp and went straight to Runan City.

Marching late at night, the first priority of the cavalry was to follow the general. They passed through the camp without stopping, so no one noticed that the number of rebels seemed a bit small, with only one or two people running out of each tent.

The camp was closer to the city gate, and as soon as they arrived, someone on the city tower shouted: "Who is there below the city? Why is there such a noise in the camp?"

Meng Senglun raised his head and said, "Is there Bao Hujun in the city?"

"It's me, are you General Meng?"

"Yes, I have surrendered my officers and soldiers. General Guan and General Xi know that Bao Hujun was deceived by Xu Chu. They are willing to pardon your innocence and make you the Lord of Runan City, as long as you are willing to open the door and accept the officers and soldiers!"

"Are the two generals here?"

"General Xi is here!" Meng Sylun said loudly.

Xi Yuanyu stopped a little further away, with several soldiers blocking the front and raising shields to protect him.

Hearing Meng Nilun's words, Xi Yuanyi said loudly: "General Pinluo's deputy, Xi Yuanyi, is here. If General Bao can abandon the dark side and open the door to recruit troops, it will be a great achievement, and the court will reward him!"

Xi Yuanji didn't really want to let these rebels go, so he tried to be as vague as possible when making his promise.

Chengshang hesitated for a while and replied: "Wait a moment."

The city gate creaked open, and Meng Sylun took the lead and was the first to rush in.

Xi Yuan stayed outside and waited until the cavalry was halfway in before joining the team and entering the city.

The outer city and the inner city were less than a stone's throw away, and the cavalry that came in first had already dispersed to both sides.

Xi Yuan rushed to the inner city gate suspiciously and asked, "Why isn't this gate open? Where is Meng Seng Lun?"

Meng Senglun disappeared, Xi Yuanyi was confused, someone above him said: "Wu army, welcome General Xi."

"Who are you?" Xi Yuanyi shouted.

"I am Song Xingcai, a soldier of Wu army, under the order of the Grand Commander, I have been waiting for General Xi for a long time."

Xi Yuanyi immediately turned around and went out of the city, but saw that the city gate was closed. Someone on the top of the city shouted: "General Xi, surrender is a big deal, let me think about it again!"

Xi Yuanyi was shocked, but not too panicked. He still had 3,000 cavalry, and facing the rebels who were not good at bows and crossbows, he still had a chance to turn defeat into victory.

The infantry soldiers outside the city were also confused. They followed the cavalry into the enemy camp. They were very excited at first, but after a lot of destruction, they were surprised to find that the tents were empty. A few rebels had already fled along the path to the outside of the deer horn fence, and at the same time moved the obstacles to block the exit.

The infantry commander was still calm. When he found that he had fallen into a trap, he immediately sent someone to contact General Xi and arranged his formation to break through the deer horn fence from the inside.

More than a dozen miles away, Guan Changling was still enduring the pain and told the guards not to disturb him unless the news of a great victory came.

Guan Changling leaned on the chair and slept for a while. In his dream, he was still a young general, more agile than Xi Yuanyi, but he was carrying a huge stone on his back and was pressed down and could not move...

"General, General..."

Guan Changling opened his eyes and recognized that it was his guard after a while, "Did General Xi capture the city?"

"No news yet. The court sent an envoy to see General Guan immediately."

When Guan Changling left, the situation in Dongdu was not very good. When he heard that the envoy had arrived, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart, "What did he say?"

"He just said that he would come overnight and wanted to see the general immediately."

"Bring him in." Guan Changling got up with difficulty, and another guard came to support him.

Guan Changling straightened up and exhaled heavily. He decided that no matter who the envoy was, he would only perform a military salute. Kneeling down was too difficult for his old bones.

There were not one envoy, but six or seven envoys entering the tent. The first one held a staff and his cloak was covered with frost. He really came at night.

Guan Changling did not see the envoy's face clearly, and bowed his hands and said, "Respected envoy..."

The envoy stepped forward and returned the greeting, saying, "I am not a respectful envoy, but the son of an old friend. Uncle Guan, do you still remember me?"

Guan Changling looked carefully for a while, was suddenly startled, and fell backwards, "You..."

The envoy reached out to support him, and another person stepped forward to support Guan Changling's other side and sent him back to the chair.

The envoy stepped back two steps and bowed again, "I am Xu Chu, and I pay my respects to General Guan."

Guan Changling was so surprised that he could not speak. He turned his head to look at the guards at the door, but found that the two men were standing still, with two swords on their necks.


Xu Chu shook his staff and said with a smile, "I have kept the gift from General Cao."

Guan Changling sighed. Cao Shenxi originally wanted to use Xu Chu to pacify the rebels in the south, but he ended up raising a tiger to harm himself. "The general will be reinstated soon. You still have a chance to turn back."

Xu Chu shook his head. "As long as the traitor is in power, the court will not be at peace. The Liang family will be in power and will never give up the little emperor. Lan Xun is shameless. The more times he loses, the more he wants to eliminate dissidents. As long as the two families are still in the East Capital, how can the general hold military power again? My foolish nephew can see it clearly from outside. Does Uncle Guan still have illusions?"

Guan Changling was silent.

Xu Chu continued, "When my foolish nephew was with the general, he often heard him say that among the old generals, only General Guan was mature and prudent and the most loyal to him. Therefore, whenever there was a big plan, he would discuss it with General Guan, and entrust his descendants to General Guan first."

"I am old and can no longer help the general - I feel sorry for him." Guan Changling sighed.

"There is only one way to help the general. The more critical the Eastern Capital is, the more the Lan and Liang families will be forced to employ the general. If General Guan can..."

"I can't." Guan Changling refused directly and stood up by his own strength. "Rebellion is ultimately a matter for you young people. I am only a stepping stone for you. The general has been loyal all his life. His family already has a son who assassinated the emperor. There can't be any more traitorous generals under his command."

Guan Changling grabbed the knife on the table next to him and wanted to make a last stand. The little man who helped him just now stepped forward to take the knife. With a gentle push, Guan Changling sat back on the chair.

Xu Chu also sighed, "If the country doesn't exist, how can there be traitorous generals? Uncle Guan, don't worry. The Eastern Capital will fall soon. The Lan and Liang families are just making a dying struggle."

"Kill me, I won't go along with you." Guan Changling's eyes widened.

Tang Weitian next to him said: "Grand Commander, there is no need to waste time talking to him. Let me tear him to pieces."

"No, Uncle Guan is my elder. Even if he is rude, I cannot be ruthless." Xu Chu thought for a while, "Shut Uncle Guan's mouth and take him out to persuade the officers and soldiers to surrender."

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