Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 288 Causing Trouble

After the outsiders left, the valley suddenly became quiet. Chang Yan and others took back their weapons and worked with the old servant to clean up the mess.

The old servant kept complaining: "The ostentation is so big, and there is so much waste left behind. Look at the mess here. I don't know how long it will take to clean it up. Is this peach preserves? I haven't eaten a bite." Just throw it away, what a sin..."

Feng Juniang claimed to be Xu Chu's maid, but she and the maid were the only two women in the valley, and they never received orders. The maid had more work, and Feng Juniang could only serve a cup of tea.

She wandered in the valley for a while, with nowhere to go and no one to talk to, so she came to Xu Chu's room.

As soon as the people left, Xu Chu returned to his old state and sat there motionless. When he saw Feng Ju Niang, a smile appeared on his face.

"Isn't the princess willing to stay?"

"There is nothing to do in the valley. She has been in a hurry to leave."

"Did you not enjoy the roll of the dice?"

"I'm happy, but I've lost all my jade pendants and silver knives, and I really can't use anything as a bet."

"Thank you, sir."

"Thank me for what?"

"I'm pretending to be a coward, to please the princess, and to support my statement. Otherwise, the princess will most likely come to settle accounts with me."

"It's not an excuse...what did you say?"

Feng Juniang smiled and said: "It's nothing, I didn't say anything bad about the young master anyway."

Xu Chu smiled and did not ask further.

The sky was dark, Feng Juniang lit the candle on the table, folded the screen completely, and pushed it aside, "I have a feeling that the young master... doesn't seem to refuse anything at the moment."

"There doesn't seem to be anything I need to say no to."

"No?" Feng Juniang took a few steps forward without taking off her shoes. She knelt down beside the table, only a few feet away from Xu Chu, and said with a smile, "Master, are you willing to accept me?"

Xu Chu also smiled, "You don't mean it."

"How do you know that I am not sincere? Besides, this kind of thing has nothing to do with sincerity. As long as the young master opens his mouth, I will definitely not refuse."

Xu Chu really thought for a while, then shook his head, "No, there are no secrets in the valley. Things will definitely spread, which will be bad for you and even worse for me."

"I knew the young master would answer like this." Feng Juniang left the table, turned around and said, "But I'm a little surprised. The young master is worried that the matter will spread, and who will find out about it? Chang Yan and the others will definitely not be unfavorable to the young master."

"When Yecheng learns, they probably won't take me in anymore. When Qinzhou learns, they might send troops to attack."

"Haha." Feng Juniang couldn't help laughing, "It turns out that the young master is afraid of his hen, and he is afraid of both."

Xu Chu also smiled and nodded, "Both of them are difficult to deal with."

"Of course, the princess has not grown up yet. In two or three years, she may be even more arrogant than the Golden Saint. But there is no need for you to worry, the princess is innocent. I can make her not mind this matter, and even fight with her." She became his best friend. As for the Golden Saint, you must have heard about it. She was defeated by another incarnation army in Qinzhou and didn't even gain a foothold. How could she send troops to Yecheng? "

"Everything in the world is unpredictable. Why are you saying this? It seems that you expect me to do something to feel sorry for them."

Feng Juniang put away her smile, "I do hope that the young master can... go out of his way. Now..." Feng Juniang shook her head.

"How am I doing now?"

"Like a clay figure, you can do whatever others want. When someone comes, you laugh, when someone debates, you accept it. When the princess is bored, you play dice with her... How are you different from the former King of Wu? I think... You seem to be possessed again, this time not by the Incarnate King, but by a lazy man with a weak mind."

"Lazy guy?" Xu Chu laughed again.

"But Kou Daogu values ​​you very seriously, at least more than other Fan disciples, so I'm a little confused. What on earth are you thinking, young master? What do you want to get?"

“I’m trying not to think about anything, so I know what I’m going to get.”

"Kou Daogu said that although you two are from different walks of life, you can see each other. Listening to the young master's words, you can not only see each other, but you can almost work together hand in hand."

"Haha, we haven't even met each other. How can we meet and join hands?"

Just as Feng Juniang was about to answer, a voice came from the door, "I've never met him before. I'm going to cause a lot of trouble."

Tianjiang didn't show up for a day. When the people from Yecheng were there, he didn't know where he went, and then he showed up.

"Causing trouble? Who is causing trouble? What trouble is causing trouble?" Feng Juniang asked in surprise.

Tian Jiang walked directly to the mat and faced Xu Chu: "Is this valley and this mat so important to you? Is it so important that you are willing to risk your life for it?"

Feng Juniang was even more surprised, "Tian Zhuangshi, can you speak more clearly?"

Tian Jiang refused to answer, but Xu Chu spoke up: "Yecheng may think that I am still ambitious and will kill me to eliminate future troubles."

Feng Juniang was surprised and confused, "You think the ambition of the young master is still there? How did they see it? Is it because of the debate between the young master and Kou Daogu?"

Tian Jiang said: "It's not possible. Yecheng left soldiers a few miles outside the valley. In name, they wanted to expel irrelevant people and wanted to keep the valley quiet. In fact, they were to supervise the exchanges and cut off Mr. Xu's contacts with the outside world."

"Who can the young master associate with in his current state?"

Tian Jiang still didn't look at her, and only spoke to Xu Chu: "You could have deceived her, why did you expose your true feelings?"

"I don't have the ambition that Yecheng thinks, so I can't be fooled. I can't help them if they misunderstand me."

Tian Jiang opened Xu Chu's eyes tightly. The room was dark, and his figure blocked most of the candlelight, so all he saw was a shadow, but he still refused to look away. After a while, he said: "Mr. Xu Is there really no way?"


"Okay." Tian Jiang turned and left.

For a person like Tian Jiang, Feng Juniang would never waste her energy to give him a charming smile. She closed the door tightly and confirmed that if someone opened the door again, she would definitely hear the sound. , Yecheng suspects the young master?"

Xu Chu nodded.

"Isn't this... too unreasonable?"

"The Dongdu rebel army is divided into several groups. If they all win consecutive battles, Yecheng will not care whether I am ambitious or not. But the news coming now is that Jin Shengnu was defeated, King Liang was forced to accept Jiangdong's recruitment, and King Jin had to After uniting with Yecheng, there is no news from King Ning and King Shu, and there must be no victory. "

"Young Master has abdicated the throne and is no longer the King of Wu. What do these things have to do with Young Master?"

"If they are all prosperous and all the officers and soldiers under their command are satisfied, then of course it has nothing to do with me..."

"Oh, I understand. The rebel armies are defeated one after another, and the soldiers will miss the great victory when King Wu was there - someone came to invite the young master to come out?"

"Hopefully no one will come."

Feng Juniang smiled and said, "Young Master sincerely abdicated the throne, but he was not trusted. Prince Jibei's false sentiments only earned him the reputation of respecting virtuous people. It's ridiculous. But what the Young Master can't do, I can't do anything about, so I have to hide." One day at a time.”

Feng Juniang came outside the house, her mind was racing, and she asked the old servant who had just finished cleaning where the Tiantian was.

"It seems like it's going to the bottom of the valley. Look at the debris all over the floor. It won't take three days to clean it up. As of today, we have to let everyone eat and sleep first, don't you think?"

Feng Juniang didn't listen to the old servant's nagging and walked quickly to the depths of the valley.

There was no light in the depths, the grass and trees were rustling, and the moonlight illuminated a faint path. Feng Juniang had walked by it during the day, but she couldn't recognize it at this time.

After all, the tombstone in front of Fan Guan's grave was not removed or smashed. Tian Jiang stood in front of the monument, neither worshiping nor kneeling, wondering what he was thinking.

There were so many people during the day, but Feng Juniang didn't take it seriously. Visiting the grave at night, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, so she stopped far away and coughed.

Tian Jiang turned around, looked at her, and then turned back.

Feng Juniang said loudly: "The disaster is coming. The young master is now a wooden man. He can't move or come up with ideas, so we have to come forward. If Tian Zhuang can solve it by himself, please tell me so that I can feel at ease. If not, Why not discuss countermeasures?"

Tian Jiang turned around and walked over, stopping a few steps away from Feng Juniang, "I have heard of many of your deeds."

"Hey, I don't want to marry you. You don't have to worry about being killed."

"You don't care about others, why do you have to protect Xu Chu? I haven't heard that he has anything special about you."

Feng Juniang has been asked similar questions many times, and she feels tired, "Why? Let's just say it, because I have this ability. In other places, I am a beauty that everyone is vying for. Once I get it, I get it. Put it up and offer it." , He just won’t let me do anything. The young master really doesn’t have anything special about me, but he doesn’t control me. I’ve learned something these days and I want to try it out. Are you satisfied?”

"It depends on your ability."

"What kind of skills are you talking about?"

Tian Jiang's face darkened, "Your newly learned skills."

Feng Juniang smiled and said: "I have thought of a way. Although it is not eye-catching, it may be useful."

"Tell me and listen."

"What about you? Do you have any idea?"

"There are no solutions, but there are some ideas."

"After I say it, you will say it too?"


"They say that Tian Zhuangshi will always keep his word. I believe you. My method is actually simple. Yecheng suspects the young master for two reasons. One is that the rebels are not making good progress and will come to invite the young master to come out. I can't solve this matter. , and the other is today’s debate. People take it too seriously, which leads to all kinds of speculation. I think, why not turn this debate into a joke?”

"The debate is over."

"The debate is over, but the rumors are not. Judging from the people who came today, you can tell that the city must be bustling."

Tian Jiang took two steps forward and looked at Feng Juniang seriously for the first time, "Please continue."

"If I can discredit Kou Dao alone, can I make the debate a scam?"

"Did Kou Daogu offend you?"

"I smiled at him and he actually offended me by pretending to be serious."

Tian Jiang took two steps back.

"Don't worry, Mr. Tian, ​​you are not interested in me, and I am the same with you. We just need to understand each other."

"Your method is too despicable, I will not participate."

"Then let me listen to Tian Zhuangshi's 'previous work' method."

"I have some friends in Yecheng..."

"Tian Zhuangshi has so many friends."

"They are willing to monitor people coming and going for me. If any former rebels come to see Xu Chu, they will stop them before they reach Yecheng, and then I advise them to go back."

"Sure enough, our methods are not contradictory. Tian Zhuangshi doesn't have to worry about what I do. I just ask you to find a way to keep Kou Daogu in the city. Three days...five days are enough. If he is determined, I am willing to give in. That is, never use 'underhanded' tactics."

"Okay." Tian Jiang said.

"When the young master was still the King of Wu, I heard that he hated his subordinates taking matters into their own hands and even killed many people for it. Now we..."

"I am not his subordinate."

"What a coincidence, I am not one either." Feng Ju Niang said with a smile.

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