Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 289: Casual Talk

The old servant opened the window, turned around and said, "The weather is getting warmer, the grass is green outside, and the flowers are blooming. My master lives in the valley, don't you want to go out for an outing?"

Xu Chu took a deep breath, "It's indeed a fresh fragrance, but I can't go out yet."

"Master, you still don't understand?"

"I didn't even do the first step of thinking without thinking."

"A good person, why do you have to have no thoughts? That's not like...animal." The old servant felt that he had gone too far, and immediately explained: "Of course, the young master is different. Even if the young master has no thoughts, he is still... …Master.”

Xu Chu smiled and said, "If you have something to say, just say it. There's no need to beat around the bush."

"Haha, you still understand me. The Prince of Jibei sent someone over and brought a lot of rice, flour, diesel, and cloth. He said that it would be supplied every month in the future. To say that the Prince of Jibei's family are really good people and have a broad mind, it's not Bearing a grudge, it was a great blessing that the young master got married to the princess. "

The old servant babbled on, praising the King of Jibei's family as unparalleled in the world, and then changed the topic: "Others can't do it. With their background, they can't compare with the royal family. It's only been a few days. If the young master doesn't go out, he can't. No matter what happens, everyone outside thinks that they are uncles. They don't work or do anything. They sleep with their eyes closed every day, drink with their eyes open, or tease Mrs. Feng's maid. Tell me about that girl. Huan is just a little prettier than the ugly guy, so why would he make a bunch of men jealous?"

"Well, there are indeed fewer women in the valley."

"Sir, that's not the problem!" The old servant was very dissatisfied.

"Did the maid complain to you?"

"That's not true. She puts on a arrogant look every day, but she is actually happy inside."

"It's boring in the valley. It's inevitable that everyone will be a little indulgent. As long as you don't go too far, just let them go." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"Alas, the young master really... caused trouble in the end, and it was you who lost your reputation."

"Well, it's just gossip, I can bear it."

"It's just gossip. How long has it been since the young master saw Mrs. Feng and Jiang Tian?"

Xu Chu thought for a while, "Yesterday, today...and the day before yesterday, Mrs. Feng didn't show up for three days. It seems that Tian Jiang has never lived in the valley, right?"

"That's right, Tian Jiang only comes back once every three or five days. He doesn't come to see the young master, nor does he chat with everyone. He leaves later, but he often goes to the grave to guard. They say Tian Jiang values ​​​​loyalty, but I think he is a weirdo. …”

"What Tian Jiang does will be good for us."

"I hope so. There is also Mrs. Feng. She is a woman who leaves the valley alone without any maids or attendants. She doesn't say where she is going or what she will do. She might cause a big trouble for us one day."


"What did the young master say?"

"Interesting." Xu Chu smiled.

The old servant shook his head helplessly, "Young master has been like this since he was a child. Others are not smart enough, but you are too smart. If you think it is interesting, I don't care. I just keep an eye on the warehouse and ensure that the master is fed and clothed."

The old servant was about to leave, Xu Chu said: "Remove the screen and open the door."

"Wouldn't that make it even more noisy? How can the young master be so 'unthinking'?"

"I don't want to sit quietly without thinking, I want... to be still in the midst of trouble."

"It's better to go to the city." The old servant murmured, opened the door, and called someone outside to help him carry away the screen.

The small room suddenly seemed much more spacious. The warm wind blew in through the doors and windows, bringing with it bursts of fragrance and intermittent noises.

The old servant was right. Since the officers and soldiers of Yecheng were stationed outside the valley, Chang Yan and others have become more and more idle and lazy. Drinking, bragging, and wrestling are their favorite pastimes. As soon as Feng Juniang's maid appears, their voices will immediately rise. It will rise unconsciously.

Xu Chu couldn't see anyone and could only hear voices. A smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth. He felt that this was good, as he would think less than when sitting quietly.

Two people appeared at the door. They carefully looked at the host at the table, but did not enter the room for a long time.

Xu Chu said: "When did Master Fei arrive in Yecheng?"

Fei Zhen was a little surprised at Xu Chu's state and replied: "It's been a few days." Then he entered the room and introduced another person, "This is Mr. Fan's disciple, Mr. Yin Fuyin, the Minister of Rites."

Yin Fu is about the same age as Fei Zhen, a few years younger than the late Fan Guan. He was already an adult when he became a disciple. He served as an official for many years and became the minister of the Ministry of Rites. Among them, he is not outstanding, but he is deeply appreciated by Fan Guan and is the only disciple who has received permission from his master to become an official, so he has the greatest reputation.

Yin Fu was tired and tired, and he had obviously just arrived after a lot of traveling. He held up his hands and smiled and said: "I don't dare to accept it. I have already put up my seal and returned. Now I am just a commoner."

Xu Chu sat on the banquet and returned the gift with his hands raised, "I have heard about the name of Minister Yin for a long time, but I didn't have the opportunity to meet him when I was in the Eastern Capital. It's a pity. Today, Minister Lao Yin came to our valley in person. I'm very lucky."

After the two sides exchanged a few words, Fei Zhen and Yin Fu sat down opposite each other.

Feng Juniang was not there, and there was not even a person serving tea. Fortunately, these two people did not come to drink tea. Fei Zhen said: "A few days ago, Mr. Xu and Guan Daogu discussed Taoism. They were famous in Jizhou. Although the winner was divided. , but there was no gain or loss. The Fan disciples were still not convinced, so they invited Shilang Yin to come and discuss it again. "

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time." Xu Chu said.

Like Xu Chu, Yin Fu also had no fighting spirit. "Thanks to all the brothers and sisters, they recommended me to come and find out, but I don't want to argue."

Fei Zhen turned around and said, "Is Minister Yin retreating from the battle?"

Yin Fu said with a smile: "Master Fei, if you think about it carefully, I never said that I would come to compete with Mr. Xu. Why did I say that I would retreat before the battle?"

Fei Zhen frowned slightly, "I don't know if we didn't understand, or if Minister Yin didn't explain clearly."

"I think I didn't explain it clearly." Yin Fu readily admitted his mistake, "Actually, after the brothers in the audience told me about the detailed debate between Mr. Xu and Senior Brother Guan, I gave up my plan to discuss it again."

"You still call him 'senior brother'?"

"Master did not expel him from the school during his lifetime, so what qualifications do I have to hold him accountable for his crimes?"

"Alas, Minister Yin is still the same as before - I really don't understand, why did you become an official in the first place? I have offended too many people, and I have been suppressed until now. However, Minister Yin is recommended by everyone, but you yourself refuse to accept it." Fei Zan glanced at Xu Chu opposite him and said, "You two are meeting today, why should I talk so much?"

Yin Fu said: "We have already met. Mr. Xu, if there is nothing important, let's chat for a while. Mr. Fei can't just listen."

Xu Chu said: "Exactly, I was about to ask how Lord Fei came to Yecheng."

Fei Zhen just shook his head.

The old servant happened to enter the room and saw two more old men at the table. He couldn't help but be startled. He secretly complained that Chang Yan and others were not guarding the door tightly and no outsiders knew they were here.

"Master, do you have a guest?"

"Well, bring us some tea."


Yin Fu said: "Is the tank filled with water from a well or from a stream in the back mountain?"

"The stream in the back mountain," the old servant replied.

"Well, you don't need to make tea, just plain water. The water from the stream here tastes refreshing and slightly sweet. It is especially sweet in early spring. Sir Fei, do you want to try it too?"

"The guest does as the host does."

It was indeed convenient for the old servant. Three bowls were filled with water and delivered to the three of them.

Yin Fu picked up the bowl and took a sip first, and praised: "The taste has not changed. When I came to visit my ancestor, I stayed for three more days just to drink the water from the stream here."

Fei Zhen also took a sip and hummed. He thought it was good, but not to the point of surprise. He was an honest person and would not say anything if he didn't have anything to say. Even for the sake of politeness, he was not willing to praise casually.

Xu Chu drinks the water here every day without saying anything.

Only the old servant was happy, "This is the overnight water that was brought yesterday afternoon. I asked someone to bring two more fresh water."

After the old servant left, Xu Chu said, "Master Fei, would you like to talk about your experience?"

"Why are you talking about me again?"

"Just chatting, I also want to hear Mr. Fei's experience." Yin Fu said with a smile.

Fei Zhen gave a long hum, "Anyone who wants to hear my experience is interested in Empress Dowager Luan, and I think these two are no exception. It's simple. Empress Dowager Luan would rather go to Jiangdong and join Stone City, but I don't want to Go. The Queen Mother will remove me from my official position. She will go east and I will go north."

Fei Zhen was a taboo of the venerable, and said nothing about Ning Baoguan. If anyone else would have asked a few questions, Xu Chu and Yin Fu really just had a chatting attitude and listened to what they heard.

Yin Fu said: "Stone City is quite chaotic, and it is difficult for a gentleman to deal with it. But the Queen Mother is your Majesty's biological mother, so she will definitely be treated with courtesy."

Xu Chu said: "Shilang Yin came from Jiangdong. Is the road smooth?"

"Well, it's not as good as before. Although there is an emperor in Jiangdong, there is no imperial court. The counties and counties are self-reliant and the towns are strong. Fortunately, I know some people who crossed the river. It is a little better when I get to Huaizhou. At least the road is smooth, but all passers-by have to wait. With the permission of the Sheng family, I was kept in Guangling City for a few days before being sent to Jizhou. Jizhou was a scene again. Although soldiers and generals came and went frequently, they did not harass pedestrians, and it was truly unobstructed. "

"So we are all here." Fei Zhen said, looking at Xu Chu, "The two of us are here to provide for our retirement. Mr. Xu is young, why are we here?"

"You two take care of your old age, and I'll take care of your heart."

Yin Fu nodded, "Siguo Valley is indeed a good place to nourish the mind. It has good mountains and good water. As soon as the master arrived here, he planned to die here. In the end, he was buried here and he got his wish. It is said that the only one left to take care of him was The person who preceded me is Junior Brother Song. I have never seen this person. Has Mr. Xu seen him? "

"Well, bury Mr. Fan with him. His name is Song Qizhu, and he has returned to Jingzhou."

"That Xiangyang tycoon Song Qizhu?" Fei Zan asked.

"It's him."

"How could Mr. Fan, a great master, accept such a person as his disciple?" Fei Zhen wondered.

Yin Fu said: "The older I get, the more I believe that we should approach Taoism from the practical side. He once said, 'I would rather do three things than think about the Tao.' I accepted this junior brother Song, probably because I liked him." "

"Song Qizhu is indeed a man of action, and he has great ambitions. When he returns to Jingzhou, he will definitely achieve a great career." Xu Chu said.

Fei Zhen understood on the side and said, "Since Mr. Fan wants to start from the real world, why doesn't he become an official?"

Yin Fu said: "The master also said that when he was young, he should do good things in the world. Unfortunately, he was obsessed with pursuing the great road and missed the opportunity. After getting old and weak, he has more than enough ambition but not enough strength. Therefore, he admires disciples who dare to do things. "

Fei Zhen understood better and turned to Xu Chu: "Although it is just a casual chat, we might as well talk about something serious: Mr. Xu claims to be an orthodox member of the Fan family. Why does he only follow Mr. Fan's example of meditating in the valley and not abide by Mr. Fan's aspirations in doing worldly affairs? "

Xu Chu was silent, feeling that Yin Fu was much more difficult to deal with than Kou Daogu.

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