Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 34: Spear Dance

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A group of soldiers escorted more than a dozen prisoners through the street. The people gave way and talked a lot. Rumors spread among the crowd like a breeze. Suddenly the breeze turned into a strong wind. Someone shouted: "These people are accomplices of the assassins! Assassination!" Emperor, disrupt the Eastern Capital!"

Small and large stones were thrown at the prisoners like rain, and the officers and soldiers tried hard to suppress them and disperse the crowd. Even so, almost all the prisoners had wounds on their bodies and faces.

Lou Chu stood on the street and watched this scene in surprise. He knew best that these prisoners were innocent people and had nothing to do with the assassins. What surprised him was that whether they were caught or beaten, the prisoners all accepted it, as if they were really committed the crime of treason.

He went back to his home to pack some commonly used things, and before leaving he couldn't help but mention this matter to his old servant, "Those people look like honest people at first glance, and they don't look like criminals, but no one defends themselves. It's really strange. "

For the old servant, entering the imperial city is entering the palace, which is a great honor, so he was very happy and prepared his baggage in advance. Hearing the young master's doubts, he laughed and said: "What's so surprising about this? This dynasty The rules are strict, which means that if the government arrests someone, you have to obey. If they say you are a traitor, you have to admit it first and wait until the official finds out later. If you have an excuse or resist, you will be beaten to death. ”

"I knew the rules were strict, but I didn't expect them to be so strict."

"Haha, the young master is the son of a great general. No matter how strict the rules are, they won't apply to you. Of course I can't think of it." The old servant suddenly sighed, "It's nice to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Don't talk about the young master, even a humble old servant like me. Because with the name of the General's Palace, I am tougher than ordinary people when walking on the street. Even if they live a good life, I don't envy them..."

The old servant started to nag again, so the building owner set off in a hurry.

At the gate of the imperial city, the baggage was carefully inspected and then returned to Mr. Lou respectfully.

It was Qiao Zhisu who came to pick him up. Lou Chu went to see his father first, put the baggage in his room, and immediately went to Zishi Garden.

He arrived a little late today. The other attendants had already mounted their horses and were jogging on the field. The emperor hadn't shown up yet, and the soreness of the building's foundation from yesterday had not gone away. He had to pick a horse to catch up with the others.

Several people had seen off Zhang Shiduan at Guiyuan last night. They were very drunk at the time, but they were not drunk at all at this time. They seemed to have gone to bed as soon as it got dark yesterday. Their attitudes were very different from those at the banquet. They were chatting and laughing with each other, except for each other. The foundation of the building was ignored.

The foundation of the building fell silent and concentrated on horseback riding, slowly gaining some tips and benefits.

The emperor arrived very late, his face was gloomy, and he was in a bad mood. The attendants immediately shut up, not even daring to raise the corners of their mouths.

The emperor changed three horses in a row before he was satisfied. He went around in a circle and said to the eunuch who was following him: "Take the horse."

The two eunuchs immediately entered the small arsenal and lifted out a long spear. The spear was not that heavy, but they still carried it carefully, raised it high, and handed it to His Majesty.

The faces of the attendants changed slightly, and Lou Chu had a premonition that the emperor was going to do something extraordinary again.

The emperor held the spear in one hand, pointed the tip to the sky, galloped half a circle, stopped in the distance, laid the spear across the saddle, and looked at the crowd at the door.

The eunuch received the signal and immediately distributed white paper fans to everyone.

It has already been cold, so the paper fan is no longer needed and can only be inserted into the belt as a decoration. Zishiyuan's attendant often rides a horse, so he can't even use it as a decoration.

Lou Chi took the paper fan, and when he was wondering whether he should express gratitude, he found that everyone else had opened the paper fan, put it on their heads, and held it with one hand, looking ridiculous, but there was no smile on their faces.

The foundation of the building also had to be topped with fans, and I finally understood what the emperor wanted to do.

A dozen attendants were riding horses, and dozens more were standing, keeping a distance from each other. The timid ones were trembling slightly, and it seemed that they were not very confident in the emperor's method.

The emperor patted the horse and galloped. His method of holding the spear was somewhat special. The spear was very long. The end was held in the right hand, and the plastic rod was placed on the saddle. The tip pointed to the left and forward, and it pointed downward or upward with the pressure and lift of the right hand.

The emperor's first goal was the foundation of the building.

Lou Chu couldn't help but panic. For a moment, he even wanted to jump off the horse desperately, but he quickly calmed down and warned himself that he must not let the emperor see the panic. So he stared at the tip of the tree, tightened the reins with his left hand, and raised his legs. Clamp the horse firmly to prevent it from moving.

The emperor galloped up, and the long tree stabbed back quickly, and the two horses passed by each other. The foundation of the building felt his hands loosen, the paper fan was gone, and a chill flowed directly from the top of the head to the heels. It took a long time to calm down, but He didn't move after all.

Others were experienced and did not dare to move. The emperor moved freely through the crowd, and every stab was sure to hit. The paper fan was either hanging on the tree or broken on the ground, and no one could escape.

The foundation of the building was lucky. Three attendants and five eunuchs actually had their hands cut. They could only endure the pain and secretly rejoiced that the injuries were not serious.

No one dared to say hello.

After the emperor had stabbed the paper fan enough, he returned to the open space, waved his long spear as he wished, stabbed up and down with his fingers, and shouted loudly, as if he was challenging the heaven and the earth.

The eunuch took out a dozen more spears and distributed them to the attendants.

I also got a shot from the foundation of the building, which I picked up quite lightly. It turned out to be a hollow wooden tree. It looked just like a real wooden tree, but in fact it didn't have much lethality.

But what the emperor is holding must be the real gun.

The attendant caught up with the emperor and imitated his appearance in the dance. Others had practiced it before, but it was the first time for Lou to come into contact with such a weapon. Although it was light at first, it became heavier and heavier after holding it for a long time, which also affected the ability to control the horse. Very inconvenient.

Fortunately, the emperor was tired, so he finally stopped, rested his saddle on his saddle again, looked at the eunuchs in the distance, and said, "You can make mistakes, but you can't make stupid mistakes."

The attendants didn't know who had made the mistake, so they listened honestly. They usually squeezed to the emperor's side, but now they just wanted to be as far away as possible.

"Shao Junqian!" the emperor shouted loudly.

The attendants breathed a sigh of relief, because it was not them who angered the emperor.

Shao Junqian stood with the eunuch, and when she heard the shout, she hurried over.

"Shao Junqian!" the emperor shouted again.

Shao Junqian, who was far away, was stunned, stopped, hesitated for a moment, and put a wooden board on her head. She stood there alone, and the eunuchs behind her made way to avoid colliding with the emperor's mount.

"Follow me to charge the enemy."

The emperor urged his horse forward, and more than a dozen attendants followed behind, speeding up at the same time, with long spears standing in a row. Although there were few people, their momentum was not weak at all.

Others were aiming at the empty space, but only the emperor had a clear goal. He held the spear with his backhand, raised it high, aimed the tip at the wooden board less than a foot long, approached it, and stabbed it fiercely.

Shao Junqian screamed and fell to the ground. Behind him, the long spear pierced through the wooden board and stabbed into the ground, and the spear shaft swayed slightly.

Shao Junqian's hand was injured, not seriously, and he bled a little, but he was very scared and struggled for a long time before he stood up.

The emperor turned around and came back to him, disappointed and angry, "Even for you, I can only make an exception once, don't betray my trust in you again."

Shao Junqian cried. As a close minister, serving the emperor like serving a father, tears are always the most effective way to admit mistakes. Shao Junqian burst into tears, ran to the horse, raised her hands to hug, and finally changed to gently support one of the emperor's calves, choking and saying: "I am a fool, extremely stupid..."

"You are not stupid, just not serious enough." The emperor gently lifted the stirrup and kicked Shao Junqian away, his tone suddenly became sad, "I have high hopes for you, I thought you... you... go!"

The emperor rode away on horseback, not galloping on the field, but rushing out of Zishi Garden, not knowing where to go.

This kind of thing had never happened before, and both the attendants and the eunuchs were at a loss.

Shao Junqian was the first to react, shouting "Your Majesty, be careful" and running after him. The eunuchs followed him like a swarm of bees, leaving more than a dozen attendants to look at each other.

Someone jumped off his horse to chase him, and Lou Chu said, "Without the guidance of the eunuchs, we'd better not walk around."

"But your majesty..." The man swallowed his words halfway through, nodded to Lou Chu, and expressed his gratitude.

The rules in the imperial city are strict. The emperor can do whatever he wants, the eunuchs can follow the emperor closely, and the favored attendants can occasionally break the rules. Others should be careful.

The attendants were so hungry that their stomachs growled. Although there were cakes in the nearby houses, no one dared to go and take them when the emperor was angry, so they could only bear it.

After an hour, the palace finally remembered these poor attendants and sent people to lead them out of the garden, while packing up the horses and long spears.

Lou Chu did not have to leave the imperial city. It was already evening when he came to see his father. His legs were weak and his stomach was empty, but the rules here were not small. As a son, he could only stand aside and watch his father and two staff members eat, quietly swallowing his saliva.

The general was not in a good mood, which directly affected his appetite. He did not eat much. He was holding a letter and cursing: "Hard Fatty is a fat pig. He only grows meat but not mind? He said that the officers kept him and he had to stay in the camp outside the city for a few more days. He thought he could fool me? He was confused by a few cups of yellow soup and did not want to come back to suffer. He also said that he was very relieved to have his seventeenth brother serving His Majesty - why didn't he ask me if I was relieved?"

The general looked at Lou Chu with a squint, and was so angry that he couldn't say, "Your father is still alive, why do you look like a dead man?"

Lou Chu really hoped that the old servant at home was here, so that he could see how difficult it was to be a favored son. He stepped forward and told the emperor about his anger.

The general's anger subsided a little, and he said to the two staff members opposite him: "Just for a typo?"

Qiao Zhisu smiled and said: "Shao Junqian was conceited about his talent. He did not submit the edict to the Ministry of Personnel for review, but sent it directly to the general. As a result, he made a typo, which brought shame to the court. How can Your Majesty not be angry?"

Lou Chu suddenly realized that Shao Junqian suffered so much because of a typo.

"It's just a typo, not an important one. I can clearly understand the meaning of the edict. Alas, they are all childish, and none of them are mature."

After chatting for a few more words, the two staff members left, and the general waved to his son.

Lou Chu took a few steps forward and was very close to his father. "Father, please teach me."

Lou Wen put his hand on his son's shoulder, gently pulled him to his side, sighed, and said, "You are hiding something from me."

"I dare not, I will tell you everything."

Lou Wen stretched out his other hand, grabbed Lou Chu's neck with both hands, and forcibly pulled him in front of him, saying word by word, "I gave birth to so many sons just so that I wouldn't feel bad when I kill a few of them one day. Boy, tell me the truth, where did Liu Youzhong go, maybe I can spare your life."

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