Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 35 Welcoming the King

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Lou Chu's face turned red from suppressing his emotions, but he refused to speak.

Lou Wen slowly exerted force with his hands, his eyes were cold and ruthless. At this moment, he was not a general, nor a father, but a soldier fighting hard on the battlefield. The blood from when he personally charged into battle many years ago surged through his body again. At that time, he He doesn't even have that much fat on his body, and he can tear an enemy in half with his bare hands...

Suddenly, Lou Wen saw that familiar face on his son's face. It flashed by, but it made his heart beat wildly. He loosened his hands and pushed his son away violently, as if avoiding a snake.

Princess Wu was once the glory of the general and the most eye-catching trophy of his conquests. After her death, it turned into a nightmare for him.

Lou Chu rubbed his neck, coughed twice, and was finally able to speak normally. He asked, "Liu You finally disappeared?"

"Yeah." Lou Wen was still in a daze, his eyes avoided his son's face, and he used his rough breath to cover up the fear in his heart, "Don't say you don't know."

"The child really doesn't know."

"Liu Youzhong has been to your home before?"

"Yes, just two days ago, after he met his father, he visited my house and we chatted for a while."

"Chatting...what to talk about?"

"He said he was a little confused as to why the emperor suddenly cared more about me and even promoted me to his side."

"How did you answer?"

"I said I didn't know, maybe it was because of the recommendation from the eldest princess, or maybe it was the article..."

"Don't mention that bullshit article of yours, it's useless." Lou Wen yelled and turned his gaze to his son again, becoming ruthless again. He was not even afraid of hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, let alone the death of one of them. Gone wronged souls.

"Yes, the child is really puzzled."

Lou Wen's breathing became heavier and heavier, but he didn't make another move, "On the second day after meeting you, Liu Youzhong went out of town to meet friends under the pretense of asking, but he never came home. His so-called friends never saw him, and he just disappeared. Nothing is left."

Lou Chu was as surprised as his father, "Liu Youzhong...doesn't Mr. Liu have family in the capital?"

"Yes, one wife, two concubines, three sons and one daughter, but he didn't take any of them with him. People like him don't take their wives seriously at all. No matter where they go, they can remarry and have children."

"Does he have an enemy in the capital?"

"That's the problem. Liu Youzhong only has friends in the capital and no enemies. He has been close to our Lou family in recent years. I am not boasting. I am his backer. The whole of Luoyang knows this, so if Liu Youzhong When I feel scared, I am only afraid of one thing, and that is that the Lou family will collapse. "

Lou Wen stood up, he was the Lou family. If he fell, the Lou family would fall. If he stood up, the Lou family would be as stable as a mountain.

"Liu Youzhong has the most accurate fortune-telling. He can see things that others cannot see. There must be a reason why he left without saying goodbye after seeing you. If the Lou family is in trouble, it must be on you."

On the contrary, Lou Chu calmed down, first bowed and saluted, and then straightened up and said: "In my humble opinion, what Mr. Liu is concerned about is not 'Why does your Majesty care about my child', but 'Why does Your Majesty suddenly care about a son of the general?'"

"Don't beat around the bush."

"Mr. Liu must have seen that the imperial court wants to harm the Lou family."

"Is that all?"

"My child can't think of any other reasons." Lou Chu paused and continued: "My father said before that it was 'not the right time,' but my child thought that the 'time' might not be in our hands. People are like swordsmen and I am like fish and meat. If you want... …”

"Stop talking." Lou Wen once again stopped his son from speaking, and his tone was no longer so tough.

Lou Chu bowed and took a few steps back.

Lou Wen stood there thinking for a long time, looking up at his son several times, not knowing how much to believe him, "Tomorrow... tomorrow you go out."

"Yes, where to go?"

"Go to Big Foot Station outside the city and greet the King of Jibei for me. Qiao Zhisu will go with you."

"King Jibei?" Lou Chu was very surprised.

Lou Wen hesitated before deciding to tell his son something, "The King of Jibei has been ordered to return to Beijing long before the assassination. He is about to arrive at Bigfoot Post. You go to greet him and let him see your appearance. Maybe he can make a decision." Family affairs."


"Stop saying that you have no intention of getting married." Lou Wen became stern again, "Madam and the princess have worked hard to get the Queen Mother to agree to be a matchmaker, but they must seek the opinion of the King of Jibei on which of his daughters is suitable."

Lou Chu suddenly thought of Princess Huanyan, but she was the daughter of King Xiangdong and had nothing to do with King Jibei.

"Yes, the marriage will naturally be decided by the father and mother. The child is just confused. What benefits will it bring to the Lou family by marrying the King of Jibei?"

"So I said that you are too young and don't understand anything, so you dare to talk nonsense and rush in. You have the courage, but you don't have enough vision. The King of Jibei was born to the Empress Dowager, the same child as your Majesty, and he is the most favored among the kings. "Ai, marrying his daughter will be a closer relationship and make the Lou family's status more stable."

"Is there any issue with seniority?"

The King of Jibei was born to the Empress Dowager. According to Mrs. Lan's calculation, she was of the same generation as Lou Chu, so her daughter was naturally a generation younger, and she would not be too old.

Lou Wen said angrily: "Don't make excuses, you don't have to worry about these things."

"Yes, father, Qiao Zhisu and I will go to meet King Ji Bei tomorrow."

Lou Wen whispered: "I want to see how much His Majesty 'values' you. Go down."

In the bedroom, two staff members prepared some food and wine. When they saw Lou Chu coming in, Qiao Zhisu smiled and said, "I haven't eaten enough just now. Can we have some together, Mr. Lou?"

The staff knows how to be a good person, and the food and wine on the table are not touched, but they are actually prepared for the foundation of the building.

The floor leader bowed his hands in thanks, and after sitting down, he poured wine for his staff.

The red mark on Lou Chu's wrist had not yet disappeared, and it was even more noticeable on his neck. He did not shy away from it, and ate a few bites of food to fill his stomach. He asked, "Is the general's temper always like this?"

The staff laughed, and Qiao Zhisu said, "Seventeenth Master is lucky. The general's temper... when he is angry, he likes to fight. When he is happy, he is the same, and he may be even more ruthless."

Another person said, "The general is a god who has descended from heaven. He is the most powerful general in the universe and is invincible on the battlefield. He usually doesn't know how to control his strength, but he takes good care of his children and grandchildren. So Over the years, my brother and I have seen the general scold and beat people, but we have never seen him kill people. The general really cares about every one of his children and grandchildren. "

Lou Chu smiled and said, "Fathers are strict and sons are filial. The general's strictness is for the sake of his children and grandchildren."

"Seventeenth Master is right. To be honest, it is easy for wealthy families to have playboys, but the Lou family has more than a hundred children and grandchildren, and there has never been an unfilial son. It is rare. It is all due to the serious family style of the general. "

Of course, the staff had to flatter the general, and Lou Chu catered to them. The three of them talked lively, and no one told the truth.

When it was almost time to rest, Lou Chu asked Qiao Zhisu: "To leave the city tomorrow, do I need to ask for leave from the palace?"

"I have already arranged it, Mr. Seventeen, don't worry."

Qiao Zhisu arranged more than just asking for leave. The next morning, Lou Chu and Qiao Zhisu went back to the general's mansion, changed into new clothes, took valuable gifts, and rode out of the city in a carriage. Dozens of servants rode in a mighty manner, galloping on the road, and no one dared to stop them.

Lou Chu had no title or official position, so he was not qualified to use the ceremonial guards in the mansion, but as long as the general allowed it, no one would really interfere.

Dajiao Posthouse was exactly half a day's journey from Luoyang. It was originally named Shenzu Posthouse, and the people called it Dajiao. Gradually, the government also accepted this name.

Officials who came to Beijing rested at Dajiao Posthouse, and they were full of energy when they came to Beijing the next day, so they would not delay visiting relatives and friends.

With the title of general and Qiao Zhisu's help, Lou Chu lived in the best room in the posthouse, and no longer had to squeeze on the same kang with others.

The servant who was sent to inquire about the itinerary of King Jibei a few days ago returned to the post station in the evening and brought the news that King Jibei would arrive at the post station in the afternoon five days later.

Of course, we cannot wait in the post station to welcome the distinguished guests. There is a pavilion ten miles away. Qiao Zhisu led people to build a colorful tent and prepare wine and food.

Lou Chu wondered why he had to prepare so many days in advance, and he understood it in the evening of that day.

Among the kings, King Jibei was the closest to the emperor and was deeply favored by the empress dowager. Every time he entered the capital, he would make a big fanfare. The dignitaries went out of the city to welcome him, either in person or by entrusting their children and grandchildren. Because there were too many people, in order to avoid scrambling, they agreed to stay at Dajiao Post Station and set up wine at Shili Pavilion. No one was allowed to take more than one step.

The location of the colorful tent was also particular. Although the general had great power in the court, he could not occupy the first place. Therefore, Qiao Zhisu had to prepare in advance to avoid being robbed of the territory by the people in front and behind.

In the next two days, more and more people came, and the post station could not accommodate them. People of lower status could only set up tents outside.

At noon on the fourth day, the advance envoy of the King of Jibei came to the post station, thanked all the greeters, accepted the name cards, and then announced the king's order: except for the royal family and the Lou and Lan families, all others were asked to go back. The hospitality was accepted and there was no need to greet them.

The so-called welcoming was just a gesture. Since there was a king's order, more than half of the greeters had left, and the post station became empty again. There was a place to accommodate the official messengers coming and going, and Qiao Zhisu's advance preparation seemed redundant.

The person who came to greet the Lan family was Lan Yong, the eldest son of the Pingxi General. Hearing that the Lou family only sent a concubine's son out of the city, he was very surprised and refused to come to meet him, and only sent a servant to deliver the name card.

In the evening of the fourth day, the prince of the King of Jibei who stayed in Luoyang came late, accompanied by more than a dozen cars, and many royal children came with him.

The post station became lively again.

Lou Chude went to pay a visit to the prince of Jibei and found that the two had met in the Guangling Palace, so they exchanged name cards again and got to know each other again.

The prince's name is Zhang Shiyu, who is younger than Zhang Shiduan, only fourteen years old. His behavior and speech are still like a child, but he is very easy-going. He likes Lou Chu very much, so he invites him to chat. Soon he talks about marriage and says with a smile: "I wonder if I will call you 'brother-in-law' or 'brother-in-law' in the future?"

"It's not settled yet."

"Why, you don't want to marry into my family?"

"How can I not want to marry into the Wang family?"

"It's not marrying up, and you don't have to worry. It's imprisonment, and His Majesty can lift it with a word."

Zhang Shiyu obviously didn't understand the true meaning of imprisonment, and Lou Chu didn't explain it. He sat for a while and wanted to leave, but Zhang Shiyu Refusing to let him go, "Let's drink together. From tomorrow, I will be locked in a cage."

Without waiting for Lou Chu to refuse, Zhang Shiyu ordered people to set up wine and sent people to invite Lan Yong. The other side claimed that the host had gone to bed and dared not wake him up. Zhang Shiyu didn't care, "I knew he wouldn't come. Your two families are obviously close relatives, but you rarely interact. I heard that the names of the sons of the Lan family all use the "gold" edge, in order to specifically defeat the stones of your Lou family. Haha, interesting."

Lou Chu replied: "Don't worry, the Lan family has little gold, and the Lou family has a lot of stone. We can bear it."

Although Zhang Shiyu is young, he has a good alcohol tolerance and doesn't get drunk even after drinking more than a dozen cups.

Someone outside suddenly laughed and said, "Brother, you didn't invite us to drink. I will complain to my father tomorrow."

"Lou Gongzi is here, do you dare to come?"

"Why not?"

Several women came in one after another. They were not all daughters of the King of Jibei, but also Princess Huanyan, the daughter of the King of Xiangdong.

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