Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 338: Ascending the Pavilion

When asked about the alliance with the Qinzhou World Army, Feng Juniang and Zhang Shiqing didn't speak. Xu Chu stood up and smiled: "I guess that's the case. The wine is young and the night is long, and the tea is light and the heart is warm. I want to go out for a walk."

Feng Juniang said: "I'll go get some more wine."

Xu Chu shook his head, "There is no need to work, you should go back and recover early."

Zhang Shiqing stood up and said, "There is a Qibao Pavilion in this mansion. It is said to tower into the clouds. I have always wanted to take a look. Are you two interested?"

Xu Chu was very happy, "I'm afraid it's not tall enough."

Feng Juniang was a little hesitant, "It's better to have a drink. I'll go and tell you. Soon..."

Zhang Shiqing smiled and said: "Sister Feng is such a free and easy person, but once she becomes an official, she also has a heart of caution and fear."

Feng Juniang had no choice but to stand up, "It is true that you should be 'cautious and fearful', but you are not so 'fearful' that you dare not wander around. I am not boasting. Without me to lead the way, you really won't be able to get to Qibao Pavilion."

Zhang Shiqing stepped forward and took Feng Juniang's arm, "How about we take the 'Seven Treasures' away quietly and give you three pieces later?"

"Bribbe me with nothing."

The three of them left the house and took advantage of the excitement to go to Qibao Pavilion. Feng Juniang led the way. The guard was very respectful to her and gave way.

Feng Juniang did not allow anyone to follow her. She asked for a lantern, which she held in her hand to illuminate the winding path.

Qibao Pavilion is located in a corner of the mansion. There is usually no one living around it. The path can barely accommodate two people walking side by side. Feng Juniang pointed in front and introduced the scenery on both sides. Although it was difficult to see the whole picture in the night and it was hazy, it had a different flavor.

The warm wind blew on his face, making Xu Chu feel refreshed.

Zhang Shiqing refused to walk properly, sometimes fast and sometimes slowly, sometimes forward and sometimes backward. Sometimes there would be flowers in his hands, sometimes grass, but never the same.

After passing through several doors, Feng Juniang stopped, raised her head and said, "This is the Qibao Pavilion."

Not far away is a small building, which looks a bit like a wooden tower. It is thicker and shorter, with about three or four floors. It can't be seen clearly in the night, but it has an old-fashioned atmosphere and there is no trace of jewelry.

Zhang Shiqing was greatly disappointed, "I thought it was so high."

Feng Juniang smiled and said: "You said it 'towering into the clouds' yourself, but no one else mentioned it. It is said that this pavilion has a lifespan of more than two hundred years, several years older than Yecheng. I have not gone in to see it, so I just happened to borrow it. Please take this opportunity to find out.”

The stairs in the pavilion were even older and creaked immediately after being stepped on, which was both dissatisfaction and warning.

Feng Juniang reminded in a low voice: "Be careful, there are many legends about this pavilion. We visited late at night. We must be polite and don't make it angry."

Hearing these words, Zhang Shiqing became interested again, excited and nervous at the same time. He grabbed one of Xu Chu's sleeves and said, "I don't believe your nonsense. It has been more than two hundred years. If there is anything abnormal, why didn't the previous owner take it away?" Push down?"

"Hush, princess, be careful. It is said that at least three masters wanted to destroy Qibao Pavilion. The first one summoned the craftsmen and was about to do it, but suddenly fell to the ground and died suddenly. The second one just said the words, he got seriously ill and was bedridden. Sorry, the third person had a headache just because he had this thought in his mind. After he kowtowed to apologize, the pain disappeared. After that, no one dared to touch this pavilion."

Zhang Shiqing hummed, half-believing but actually a little scared. He approached Xu Chu and asked in a low voice, "Do you think the rumors are true?"

"We don't want to demolish the building, do we care whether it is real or fake?"

Zhang Shiqing pushed him, "Don't say those two words. If it is old and has poor hearing and only pays attention to those two words, you will be in trouble."

"Haha." Xu Chu suddenly stomped his feet, "Just wake it up and let it hear every word we say."

Zhang Shiqing's hand was still pulling on his sleeve, and he poked Xu Chu several times, "You are usually so boring, but when you should be rigid, you are indulgent."

Feng Juniang, who was walking in the front, said: "It doesn't matter. Qibao Pavilion points directly to people's hearts and doesn't care what others say."

The three of them had reached the top floor. They found an empty room surrounded by windows, some open and some closed. The night breeze passed through the house, which was quite cool. Occasionally, they would step on leaves and grass that had drifted in from time to time. Zhi, Zhang Shiqing would be shocked every time.

Feng Juniang placed the lantern on the ground, "There seems to be nothing to see."

Zhang Shiqing let go of Xu Chu's sleeves, turned around in a circle, and asked doubtfully: "Where is Qibao?"

Feng Juniang said: "It has been taken away long ago."

"Hey, the Qibao Pavilion has great magical powers. The master is not allowed to...that, but he doesn't care about the treasure being taken away?"

"It... was probably asleep at the time. To it, the treasure is just an accessory on our body. It's a pity to lose it, but it won't hurt us."

Zhang Shiqing was a little disbelieving and turned to Xu Chu, "I want you to tell me the truth with your usual boredom: Are Sister Feng trying to coax me? There are no Qibao in the Qibao Pavilion, nor any magical powers?"

Feng Juniang smiled and said nothing.

Xu Chu said: "I don't know much about this pavilion, and I dare not say whether what Mrs. Feng said is true or false, but I know that I have an open heart and no fear of ghosts and gods. The Qibao Pavilion used to be a place for worshiping Buddha. The so-called Qibao is nothing more than a title. Even if If it is true, it is just decoration. If the Buddha statue is removed, the seven treasures will not remain.”

"Well, it's really boring. Sister Feng, I would rather listen to your opinion."

Feng Juniang smiled and said, "Just listen to me. Let's look for it. There may be treasures hidden somewhere." After that, she picked up the lantern and looked around.

Zhang Shiqing followed her, "There really is a hidden treasure, and it was picked up by the cleaning servants."

Xu Chu walked to an open window and found that it was not open. The window was gone, leaving only the window lattice.

Most of the mansions can be seen from here, and the low night is dotted with several lights, as faint as fireflies. Xu Chu suddenly thought that there must be a light accompanying Princess Huanyan at this moment...

"Ha, there is such a treasure!" Zhang Shiqing shouted in surprise from behind.

Xu Chu turned around and saw Zhang Shiqing holding a wine bottle to show off to him, and Feng Juniang standing beside him smiling.

The three of them walked together. Feng Juniang only said a few words to a few guards when she just left the small courtyard. I don't know how she conveyed the order, but she actually had two pots of wine and several cups prepared in the pavilion in advance. Place it on a tray in the corner.

"I don't know if Qibao Pavilion has magical powers, but Sister Feng really does." Zhang Shiqing was very happy. He held the wine bottle close to his nose, took a slight sniff, and praised: "Good wine."

Feng Juniang put down the lantern again, picked up a cup, asked the little princess to fill it, and handed it to Xu Chu, "The first cup is for the young master. If the young master is not in a hurry, we will not come here."

Xu Chu came over, took the wine, and said with a smile: "Getting credit for one sentence is exactly what I like."

Feng Juniang picked up the second cup, filled it and handed it to Zhang Shiqing, "The second cup is for the princess. Without the princess, Qibao Pavilion will be soulless and boring."

Zhang Shiqing said to Xu Chu: "Hold it for me."

Xu Chu held a glass of wine in his hand.

Feng Juniang picked up the third cup and said, "This cup is dedicated to myself. Without me to lead the way, you wouldn't be able to get here."

Zhang Shiqing put down the flask and took his own cup from Xu Chu's hand. "You have to drink the first cup in one go, and then everyone does what they want. Well... I want to say something: I often drink, I often get drunk, and I often wake up. After coming, I often forget all about the scene at that time. This time, I still look forward to getting drunk, but I don’t want to forget this situation.”

Zhang Shiqing looked at Feng Juniang first and then at Xu Chu, with a happy smile on his face.

Feng Juniang said: "Master, don't you say a few words?"

Xu Chu hummed and was thinking, Zhang Shiqing said: "He must be boring when he opens his mouth, and it will disturb the wine. Come on, I'll drink first as a token of respect."

The three of them drank the wine in the glass one after another. Zhang Shiqing poured the wine again. As she said, she would not drink it all in one go. She would walk around with the glass and occasionally take a sip. She was not interested in the night outside. She would knock here and there. Take a step and still hope to find some real hidden treasure.

Xu Chu still went to watch the lights.

Feng Juniang walked up to him, took a sip of wine, looked at it for a while, and pointed somewhere, "That should be the princess."


"The princess has many things to do all day long and sleeps late, especially late these days. The young master thinks that it is difficult to achieve big things in Yecheng and others don't care about it. The princess seems to... care a little."

"Feel sorry."

"I'm sorry to the princess? I won't convey these two words. If the Jizhou soldiers are really defeated, will they still have a chance to recruit the World Army?"

"It's not about seeking peace, it's about forming an alliance."

"Well, make an alliance."

"As long as there is an emperor in Yecheng, there is a chance. Although the World Army rebels, it has no long-term plan, let alone the ambition to compete for the world. If Yecheng can sincerely form an alliance with it, it will avoid its sins and get strong support. But we have to do it early, there are many leaders in the Incarnation Army, and if a hero emerges, he will become a powerful enemy."

Feng Juniang nodded, "Princess Princess..."

Zhang Shiqing came over. She didn't find the treasure, but she had already drank three glasses of wine. Holding a pot in her other hand, she said to the two people at the window: "We are obviously here to enjoy the scenery, why are we talking about forming an alliance again?"

Xu Chu and Feng Juniang drank up the remaining wine in their glasses. Zhang Shiqing refilled the cup and shook the jug, "There's not much left. There's still a jug left over there. Let's drink it slowly and savor it. What kind of wine is this? I don't think I've drunk it before. Pass."

"I don't know. I'll ask later." Feng Juniang said.

"No need to ask, I will remember this taste, and I will definitely remember it when I drink it again in the future." Zhang Shiqing took a sip, smacked his lips gently, tasted it carefully, then suddenly handed the flask to Xu Chu, and walked to the window. Holding the window lattice with one hand, he raised his legs to climb up.

"Stop." Xu Chu was startled, but couldn't make a move to stop it.

Feng Juniang pressed Zhang Shiqing's shoulders, "My princess, are you drunk so soon?"

"It's still early. Don't worry, I'm good at climbing. Even if Qibao Pavilion is really towering into the sky, I won't fall down."

Zhang Shiqing shook off Feng Juniang's hand, and with a strong effort, he actually stood on the window sill.

Feng Juniang placed the wine glass on the windowsill and carefully protected the princess with both hands.

Xu Chu was not worried, "How is the scenery different?"

Zhang Shiqing took a look and said, "It's no different, except that the wind is stronger. Xu Chu, I don't want you to go to Qinzhou."

"I never said I was going to Qinzhou."

"If Yecheng forms an alliance with the bandits, I will definitely let you be the envoy."


"Don't answer, I said mine, you do yours." Zhang Shiqing turned around, "Everyone may not follow what you said, and I don't have such extravagant expectations. The general trend is that people are like ants, and I understand it. "

Zhang Shiqing blinked and smiled innocently.

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