Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 339: Debt for wine

Zhang Shiqing bent down slightly and was about to jump off the window sill, but one hand was still holding the wine glass, and the other hand became unsteady and fell backward. Feng Juniang was well prepared and immediately reached out to catch her, holding her to the ground safely.

The wine in the glass spilled on both of them. Zhang Shiqing laughed so hard that he couldn't stand upright. After a while, he said: "Almost. Thank you Sister Feng for saving your life."

"Well, I really like saving people's lives. Oh my, my skirt is wet. You careless little girl, come and change with me."

Zhang Shiqing shook his head and backed away, "There is still a bottle of wine that has not been finished. I won't leave."

Feng Juniang couldn't stand the wet stains on her clothes and asked Xu Chu, "Can the young master keep an eye on the little princess?"

"Yes." Xu Chu put the things in his hands on the ground and freed his hands.

"I'll go and come back quickly." Feng Juniang hurried downstairs.

"Bring a jug of good wine if you have it!" Zhang Shiqing reminded loudly, picked up another jug ​​of wine from the corner, filled the empty cup, and asked Xu Chu, "Where is your cup?"

"I've had enough for tonight."

Zhang Shiqing shook his head, "Your ability to drink is more than that. This is one of your few advantages."

"Really? I have other advantages?"

"All together can't overcome your boredom."

Xu Chu stepped forward and lowered his voice slightly, "Listen..."

Zhang Shiqing handed over the wine glass, "The rules tonight are, drink before talking."

Xu Chu took it in his hand and drank it all in one gulp. Zhang Shiqing was very satisfied and took the wine glass and refilled it, "Let's talk."

"If you don't want to marry outside the Great Wall..."

"What if?" Zhang Shiqing interrupted, raising his neck and drinking up the wine in the glass.

"You have to prove to Huanyan that getting married will not help anything, but will only bring disaster. After returning home, you must please the eldest daughter-in-law no matter what..."

"I don't." Zhang Shiqing refused flatly, still pouring wine into the glass.

Xu Chu did not argue and continued: "He Rongbu is definitely not a sincere ally. You must let the wife of the Crown Prince understand that once the two countries go to war, you two are in the enemy's country and will be the first to suffer. In this way, she may ask If you reveal some truth, I will try my best to get it from He Rongpingshan..."

Zhang Shiqing handed over the wine glass, and Xu Chu took it in his hand and drank it all in one gulp.

"Why do you want to give me advice?" Zhang Shiqing asked. He simply didn't need the wine glass and took a sip from the spout. Then he poured more than half a cup for Xu Chu.

"You need my help." Xu Chu said seriously, and he would drink if he could.

"You have already helped, you said the general trend..."

Zhang Shiqing was about to take another sip of wine when Xu Chu took the jug and drank. He drank until not a drop was left, but a lot was spilled and a large area was wet on his chest. Then he said: "The trend of the times is irresistible. Human power cannot resist it. Everyone has a choice, whether to go with the trend or go against the trend. Those who go against the trend cannot change the general trend, but they may be able to change their own situation. "

Zhang Shiqing looked at him blankly and said nothing.

"Your brother wants to be emperor, and Huanyan wants to conquer the world. This is their general trend. Remember these two points, and you will definitely take advantage of the opportunity..."

"You drank all the wine." Zhang Shiqing said.

"What?" Xu Chu smiled, and suddenly heard the sound of someone going upstairs. He spoke faster and whispered: "I'm sorry for coming up with an idea at this time, because I am not convinced until now..."

Feng Juniang went upstairs and saw Xu Chu holding a cup and a pot in his hand. She nodded and said, "Young Master is right. You really can't let the princess drink anymore."

Zhang Shiqing laughed and said: "In order to prevent me from drinking, he drank all the wine. In fact, I was not drunk at all."

Although the bottle of wine was not much, Feng Juniang was still a little surprised when she drank it all so quickly. She handed a new dress to the little princess. Then she saw that Xu Chu's collar was also wet. She sighed and said, "I can only do this once." Take care of one.”

Xu Chu put the cup and pot on the ground and said with a smile: "I'm fine, just blow it with some air and it will dry. I'll go downstairs and wait."

Zhang Shiqing said: "Don't go downstairs, go and guard the window. If Qibao Pavilion does something bad, you have to block it for me."

Xu Chu had no choice but to walk to the window, with his back to the two of them, looking out at the night. There was a rustle behind him, and Zhang Shiqing's voice soon came, "Okay. Where did Sister Feng find the dress that fits me perfectly." "

"You stayed here by yourself, remember?"

"Oh, I remembered. When I first moved to Yecheng, I often stayed overnight at Huanyan's place, so I left a few pieces of clothing behind. Later, she became increasingly busy and refused to drink, so I came less frequently."

Seeing that the night was getting dark, Feng Juniang said: "Okay, I've been here at Qibao Pavilion, and I've had a good time drinking. It's time to go and rest."

"He drank to his heart's content, but I didn't." Zhang Shiqing suddenly ran a few steps and picked up the first pot. There was still a little wine there, and she poured it all into her mouth.

Feng Juniang sighed again and said to Xu Chu: "I am the daughter of an ordinary family. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes and only listened to what people said, I would never believe that the princess would drink from a pot and break the etiquette to this extent."

Xu Chu just laughed, and Zhang Shiqing threw away the wine bottle and said with a smile: "I have done so many unethical things, and you only care about this one?"

"I have heard a lot about the mischief of the royal family. I always thought that it is common for people like the princess to be covered in jewels, to beat and scold their slaves, and even to kill people. But they must behave appropriately and not make people laugh."

"Is this the impression our Zhang family gives to the people? You can kill people, but you must drink from a wine glass?"

"It's best not to drink, Princess. Drink a little rice wine occasionally, but don't touch strong alcohol, especially you shouldn't get drunk."

Zhang Shiqing laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight again, and after a while he said: "I know why Sister Feng has such thoughts. It is true that there are Zhang family members who kill without restraint, such as... the Emperor of All Things, and the former King Guangling and King Yidu. "

Feng Juniang smiled and nodded.

Zhang Shiqing noticed something was wrong, "My father and the King of Xiangdong also had killing names? I don't believe it. Sometimes I think they are too honest and are often bullied."

Feng Juniang said: "They are all rumors anyway. Who knows whether they are true or not? When it comes to killing people, which one of today's heroes has killed countless people?" Then she said to Xu Chu: "Young master, it's time for you to rest, right?"

"Well, I am indeed a little sleepy."

"That's because you drank all my wine and you have to pay me back in the future."

"Return." Xu Chu smiled.

Feng Juniang picked up the lantern and still walked in front, followed by Zhang Shiqing, and then Xu Chu.

"Xu Chu, did you kill countless people when you became king?" Zhang Shiqing suddenly asked, omitting the word "young master" and calling him by his first name.


"Killed by his own hands?"

"Of course not, but it's all my fault."

Feng Juniang in the front argued: "I have seen many so-called heroes. Young Master is the one who kills the least, and at least there is a reason. He never kills innocent people indiscriminately. For this reason alone, no one can do it. King Jingshi, Ning Ning Wang, Liang Wang... killed enough people to go around Yecheng, and most of them were unjust ghosts. "

Xu Chu said nothing. He deserved the evaluation of "never killing innocent people indiscriminately".

Zhang Shiqing didn't say anything else. He left Qibao Tower and walked not far. Some maids greeted him on the opposite side. It was time for Zhang Shiqing to leave. He stopped and said to Xu Chu, "I want to ask you one last thing."

"Excuse me."

"As long as you don't do it yourself, doesn't it count as killing innocent people indiscriminately?"

"It has nothing to do with it."

"What does it relate to?"

"In my heart, when you kill innocent people indiscriminately, you will feel uneasy."

"According to this, people who hate themselves will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Isn't this the case for all heroes?"

"So at least in the eyes of the heroes, the people they kill are never innocent. As for outsiders, their views will always be different."

Zhang Shiqing smiled, as if he understood something, "You must remember to owe me half a bottle of wine."


Zhang Shiqing met up with his maid and left by another way.

Feng Juniang sent Xu Chu back to his residence, "If Yecheng is willing to form an alliance with the World Coming Army, can the young master serve as an envoy?"


"Because of the little princess?"

"No, it will only be counterproductive for me to be the messenger. Meng Yingbo will do."

"From what I heard, he seems to have betrayed the Golden Saint."

"If the Golden Saint is determined to retaliate, this alliance will be fruitless."

Feng Juniang smiled and said: "What the young master said is absolutely true. I will go to see the princess and hope that she can make a decision quickly. In that case, the young master will no longer have to worry about his life. But there is no need to rush, because Qinzhou is unfavorable and the princess will suffer. It’s a lot of pressure.”


Xu Chu had already slept during the day. He went back to the house to change his clothes, sat on a chair in a daze, and went to bed after a long time.

Early the next morning, Sun Yalu arrived with the servant who delivered the meal, "Nao Nuo, you came uninvited. Can you dine with Mr. Xu?"

Of course Xu Chu would not refuse, and the two of them chatted while eating.

Sun Yalu said: "The crown prince will ascend the throne in seven days, and the Empress Dowager has agreed to issue an edict tomorrow. The King of Jibei is a little troublesome. The ministers' opinion is that the crown prince will be adopted as his son by the Emperor of All Things, and the King of Jibei will give him another title. What is the specific title? , still under discussion.”

"Minister still cares about this kind of thing?"

"There is no way. Yecheng has brought too many old ministers. Without them, Yecheng cannot be called orthodox. With them, the hands and feet will inevitably be somewhat restricted. But there are also advantages. The ministers dispute the title, and the constraints on Princess Huanyan are reduced. You can do whatever you want.”

Xu Chu waited for the other party to continue.

Sun Yalu had almost finished eating, and put down his chopsticks and bowl, "Are the Advent Army really willing to accept recruitment?"

"Form an alliance." Xu Chu had to correct everyone.

"Yes, we will form an alliance, but the emperor is still in Yecheng."

"The emperor is in Yecheng, and the coming king is in Qinzhou."

"It will definitely work?"

"Seven points sure."

"If it fails, Yecheng will lose all face."

"Except for getting more and more chaotic, nothing in the world seems to be inevitable." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"Master Xu is unwilling to go to Qinzhou in person?"

"When I go to Qinzhou, there will be disaster. Meng Yingbo is enough. In addition to him, Yecheng needs to send another trustworthy envoy who can clearly convey the goodwill of Princess Fangde and the Crown Prince."

Sun Yalu nodded, "The Avatar Army believes in Maitreya, would it be helpful if Yecheng made some concessions in this regard?"

"It's very helpful." Xu Chu said with a smile. Sun Yalu was indeed a smart man. In just a few words, he already understood what Xu Chu meant.

Sun Yalu stood up and cupped his hands and said: "Although Mr. Xu cannot serve as an envoy, if the alliance is formed, there will be many places where Mr. Xu is needed."

"If you need anything else, please ask."


"Mr. Sun, wait a moment."

"Master Xu, do you have anything else to say?"

"How long has He Rongpingshan stayed in Yecheng?"

Sun Yalu was slightly startled, "It's been more than a month, right?"

"As an envoy, he has stayed long enough. The marriage has been delayed again and again. Isn't he anxious?"

Sun Yalu smiled, "Young master Xu, there is no need to say more, you should not interfere in this matter."

Xu Chu really couldn't intervene, but he believed that what he said just now would arouse some suspicion and maybe open a little gap.

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