A leader and ten soldiers volunteered to accompany Xu Chu to meet the Hundred-Eyed King. When they saw the endless camps ahead, their hearts began to beat.

A soldier whispered: "I only ask for one thing. Don't gouge out my eyes and leave me a whole body."

The leader's surname was Zhang. When he heard these words, he turned around and scolded: "I am the King of Hundred Eyes. I have already counted. Besides, even if I want to dig, it won't be your turn..." He did not dare to say the second half of the sentence.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. When the ancients died unjustly, they would say, 'Pull out my eyes and hang them on the city gate so that I can see your demise.' If I die unjustly, I have the same intention."

Leader Zhang laughed dryly.

The King of Hundred Eyes had already learned the news and sent a team of people out to greet him. The leader recognized Xu Chu at a glance, raised his hands on his horse and said, "Long time no see, King Wu."

Xu Chu looked familiar to this person, but couldn't remember where he had seen him before. He raised his hand and replied, "I have abdicated for a long time, please don't use this title again."

"Mr. Xu." The man used Gong Fan's military title with a smile on his face, "Mr. Xu, don't you remember me?"

"Forgive me for my blindness, have you ever been to Dongdu?"

The man nodded and said: "It's not Mr. Xu's fault. There were hundreds of thousands of descendants gathered in Dongdu at that time. I am neither a Wu person nor a close confidant of Mr. Xu..."

"You are the incarnated military mage, your surname is Xia." Xu Chu suddenly had an impression.

"Mr. Xu actually remembered that my name is Xia Qihou."

The names of the descended military mages often have numbers in them, which are not rankings, but represent the depth of "mana". The highest is nine. Xia Qihou is considered a third-level mage, one level higher than Xue Liujia - this is a drop. The consequence of the King's careless consideration was that he initially stipulated that the seventh, eighth, and ninth levels were Arhats and Bodhisattvas, and could not be used by mortals. However, he cared about money and material when awarding rewards, so he had no choice but to exalt his reputation. Gradually breaking through the limits, he himself stayed where he was.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "General Xia has abandoned his path and joined the army?"

Xia Qihou did not wear a long robe or a high hat, but only a suit of armor. He was no different from an ordinary leader. "There are many ways to serve Maitreya. It is said that different paths lead to the same destination. What the Incarnation Army is currently lacking is not mages, but soldiers. The wind is strong on the roadside. Please come with me, Mr. Xu, and let’s go to see the King of Hundred Eyes together.”

The group of people set out on the road. Leader Zhang and the ten soldiers were relieved to see that Xu Chu had an acquaintance, and they were looking forward to this trip.

Xu Chu felt that this might not be a good thing.

Sure enough, Xia Qihou controlled his horse and drove slowly, side by side with Xu Chu. After walking silently for a while, he suddenly said: "There are actually not many mages left in the World Army."

"Oh, why is that?"

"The Golden Saint said that mages are useless and only know how to confuse people's minds. Except for a few old mages with relatively high merits, everyone else must pick up weapons and fight side by side with the soldiers. When she said this, it was as if we had never been together. It's like a battlefield, she forgot. Many mages died on the battlefield in the Eastern Capital. Besides, if we didn't boost the morale of the World Army, who would dare to fight the soldiers?"

"General Xia said, I remember all those things."

Xia Qihou was so angry that he snorted, "The Golden Saint dislikes poverty and loves wealth. After getting a group of surrendered officers and generals, she forgot her origin, obeyed the advice of Cao Shenxi and others, and will accompany her father to conquer the country. The mage looked down upon her. What happens now? She abandoned Xijing and fled to the desolate land in the north. Sooner or later, she would die at the hands of the He Rong people. The backbone. This is divine punishment, and the Golden Saint is suffering divine punishment..."

Xia Qihou kept talking, and Xu Chu suddenly said: "You originally wanted to support the young king, but you failed, right?"

Xia Qihou's face turned red. They had indeed launched a "palace coup", hoping to take back the power from the Golden Saint and transfer it to the young King of the World. Of course, before the young King came of age, he must be The mage takes care of and guides you.

"The young king is the king who has come to this world. The Golden Saint has seized power first. We just want everything to return to the way it was before."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Of course. The Hundred-Eyed King will help you 'restore your original appearance'?"

When the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King was mentioned, Xia Qihou did not want to talk any further and said coldly: "The spirits of Maitreya Buddha and the King of Avatars will arrange everything on their own. Mr. Xu doesn't need to ask, just look."

"As long as my eyes are still there, I will keep watching."

Xia Qihou snorted.

The Hundred-Eyed King is famous for his ruthless tactics, but his camp is still in the style of the World Army. There are only rough arrangements and no details. Only the area near the main tent is strictly guarded.

People who approach the main tent will immediately notice the "flag" even if they have not heard the relevant rumors.

It was a flag hanging on a wooden pole, with red edges and a black background. There were no words or images on it, but five rows of weird things. Those who knew about it were frightened and did not dare to look more, while those who did not know felt that it was strange. After hearing about it, I feel so sick that I feel like vomiting.

Everyone dismounted, Xia Qihou deliberately stayed under the banner for a while so that the guests could see more clearly, "Mr. Xu, have you seen the single eyeball at the top?"


"That was the left eye of the former King of Kumie. Not long after it was sewn on, on the night of the success, there was thunder and lightning in all directions. Several flags in the camp were chopped down, but the Hundred-Eyed Divine Flag was unharmed."

"General Xia hasn't put down his old profession yet." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"How can I forget the spells I have learned? After the Buddhist kingdom is established, I will still take off my military uniform and put on my Taoist robe. Please, the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King has been waiting for a long time."

Xu Dashi did not regard Xu Chu as an equal leader of the Avatar Army, so he did not set out his tent to welcome him, nor did he make any other preparations.

When Xu Chu came in, Xu Dashi was sitting on a chair and talking with three big leaders. When he saw the guests, Xu Dashi raised his arms but did not get up. He smiled and said: "The famous King of Wu, I finally see you. I still want to see you." I thought you were just a rumor and not a real person.”

"I don't want to be the King of Wu..."

"I understand, I understand. I heard that you don't even want the title of 'Shenxing Tianwang', so I will follow the crowd and call you 'Mr. Xu'. Alas, in today's world, everyone is king, everyone dominates, and heroes are everywhere. Let’s go, there are many heroes flying around, but there are not many people like Mr. Xu.”

"Actually, I'm timid."

"Haha, Mr. Xu dares to tell the truth, which proves his courage. Come on, let me introduce Mr. Xu. This is Mu Jian, the King of Destruction of Suffering, Yan Xiaoguo, the King of Demon Subduing, and Du, the King of the Sun. Black hair."

Xu Chu noticed that the names of the three new kings were all simple, so he raised his hands and said with a smile: "What a coincidence, I happened to meet three kings with the same name a few days ago, but there are others, I guess they are fake—— There is still a Yan Pei Ying left in Sanguan City, who claims to be the Demon-Suppressing King."

The three new kings are all relatively young. Yan Xiaoguo said coldly: "Yan Pei Ying is my second uncle's brother. He used to be the Demon-Suppressing King, but he is no longer."

"But I didn't hear him say he wanted to follow my example and abdicate."

"It is not up to him to decide whether to abdicate or not. There are tens of thousands of mouths waiting for food. If he allows himself to be captured, he will naturally lose his position as king and let someone else take his place."

"What if the swallow-pecking eagle comes back?"

Mu Jian on the other side wanted to show his loyalty in front of Xu Dashi, so he interrupted: "If he comes back, he will just hand over his right eye."

Mu Jian's original intention was to let Xu Dashi know that he didn't care about his brother's murder or gouging out his eyes, but Yan Xiaoguo was a little unhappy and said in a colder voice: "If Yan Pei Eagle comes back, I will decide how to deal with it. No hard work King Mietian is worried."

Mu Jian said nonchalantly without replying.

Du Gousan had a violent temper, but his successor Du Heimao was a simple and honest man who always smiled. He would lightly stroke a bunch of black hair on his right cheek when he had nothing to do. This was the reason why he got his name. He smoothed things over by saying: "Don't worry, The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King is preparing to restore the number of eight kings, sixteen venerables, and twenty-eight divine beings, and there are always positions to be arranged.”

"Thirty-two gods." Xu Dash corrected. He hated the number "twenty-eight" because it was not a multiple of sixteen.

"That's right, thirty-two gods, and sixty-four demon claws..."

"Devil General." Xu Dashi's voice became stern.

Du Heimao looked nervous and was about to pull his black hair off. He laughed dryly and said: "I'm always so stupid and can't remember anything. Fortunately, everything is decided by the King of Hundred Eyes, so I feel a lot more relaxed. Haha, I fully support Baimu Tianwang’s decision without any hesitation. Foolish people should be more honest and let the capable ones work harder, haha.”

Xu Dashi's expression calmed down a little, and he looked at Xu Chu again, looking up and down, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm very busy, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"May I ask what the purpose of the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King and the Heavenly Kings joining forces to come here?"

"Brother Gong is the most popular. If he dies, we must avenge him."

"The murderer has paid his life and there is no need for revenge."

Xu Dashi glanced at the new Sun King. Du Heimao was slightly stunned, and after thinking for a while, he said: "The murderer you are talking about is my brother Du Gousan? No, my brother died unjustly. Before the truth is found out, who can It can’t be said that he killed Brother Gong!”

"Dozens of Gong Jun soldiers can all testify."

"Then wait until I see them. I won't believe you alone." Du Heimao stared provocatively.

Xu Chu did not argue anymore and asked Xu Dashi, "What about revenge?"

"Brother Gong is dead. The name of Shenxing Heavenly King cannot be lost. We must elect a new Heavenly King."

"Except for these two things?"

"I will discuss the rest of the matter with the new king, and there is no need for Mr. Xu to interfere. I heard that Mr. Xu will temporarily stay as the leader of the Gong army. I respect the choice of Brother Gong's subordinates. When everything is settled, Mr. Xu is willing to stay. I welcome it and am willing to Go, I won’t force you to stay. There’s only one thing you need to make clear: Did you force King Xiong to die?”

"If I had the ability to force the enemy to death, how could I be arrested by the He Rong people?"

Xu Dashi stared at Xu Chu for a while, then suddenly laughed, "I believe you, no one can deceive me with lies near the Hundred-Eyed Divine Flag."

"With the help of the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King and the Divine Flag, I was finally proven innocent."

"Innocent. Tell me when you will open the door to admit friendly forces."

Xu Chu said with a smile: "I am here just for this matter. Although our army is weak, we do not want to be manipulated by outsiders. The whole army has unanimously decided not to open the city gate, not to ask for friendly troops, not to need revenge, and not to establish a new king. Please Go back the way you came, and everyone goes their own way.”

Xu Dashi had no expression on his face and said to the three new kings: "Look, it's exactly the same as what the sacred banner told me. The sacred banner also told me that it wants the King's Eye, both of them. When will it get the emperor and the Shan Yu?" Eyes, it’s done.”

The new kings nodded.

Xu Chu said: "Did the Divine Banner tell the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King that we have transported the stored grain to a dangerous place on the plank road? As long as you attack the city, we will immediately sink the grain and fight to the death. We would rather die in battle than starve to death."

The three new kings stood up at the same time and cursed loudly, but only Xu Dashu remained motionless after hearing the words.

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