Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 416 Military Advisor

Although they didn't mention it, the heavenly kings united to attack Sanguan, but they actually had only one purpose - food. If it weren't for Gong Fan's long-standing inventory, no one would be willing to go back, especially not to cooperate with the Hundred Eyes King.

Du Heimao seemed honest and honest, but when he got angry, he looked like Du Gousan. He pulled out his knife on the spot and shouted: "I'll cut this kid into several pieces first, and let's see who dares to destroy the food? Brother Gong has worked hard to save it." You actually want to destroy the food we produce, how can you bear it..."

"Sit down!" Xu Dashi shouted.

Du Heimao was most afraid of the Hundred-Eyed King. When he heard the sound, he immediately put away his knife and sat down obediently. Mu Jian and Yan Xiaoguo also shut their mouths and slowly returned to their seats, but they did not hide the resentment on their faces.

"Is this a trick you came up with to destroy food?" Xu Dashi asked.

"It's obvious, no one needs to figure it out."

"Hey, I know the character of Brother Gong and his men better than you. If no one encourages them, they will die at the door of the granary without thinking of a way to destroy the grain."

"But once they thought about it, they didn't hesitate. Now that the food has been transported to the plank road, the mountain road is difficult to travel, and it is difficult to turn around."

"Haha, okay, you are indeed a man who was once king and a hero, but we don't need heroes now, so there are only two roads in front of you."

"A way to die and a way to live?"

Xu Dashi smiled and nodded.

"Let's forget about the dead end." Xu Chu also said with a smile, "Killing me is easy, but it's of no use. To be honest, I have known Brother Gong's subordinates for a short time. They don't particularly care about my life or death, but they will think it's because of this. The heavenly kings will attack the city immediately to seize the food, and the consequences will be unimaginable. Please tell me how to survive."

Xu Dashi slowly stood up, opened his arms, and said: "Although the World Army does not need heroes, it does need heavenly kings. The way to survive is to ask you to be one of the eight heavenly kings."

Xu Chu shook his head, "I have promised to Brother Gong's subordinates a long time ago that I will only hold the position of leader for the time being and will return it in the future, and will never succeed as the King of Heaven."

"Of course the Shenxing Heavenly King must choose from Brother Gong's subordinates. We lost three Heavenly Kings in Hanzhou, and the title is vacant. I will give you one."

Xu Chu was still thinking about it, but Du Heimao, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help but interject: "He is an outsider, and he came up with such a dirty trick as destroying food..."

"Why do we need to find and store food?" Xu Dashi asked.

" order to survive the winter and feed a large group of soldiers..." Du Heimao said uncertainly.

"Exactly, the purpose of accumulating food is to support people, and the purpose of raising people is to accumulate food, and in the end, it is all for people. Mr. Xu is a person, and he is usually not invited. Now that he is here, how can he not be treated as an honored guest? You don't need to persuade me. , I am willing to give him the title of Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King."

Du Heimao and others were all shocked. They were afraid of the Hundred-Eyed King and should always be on tenterhooks. They had never seen him so kind and reasonable, and unexpectedly, there was also a hint of jealousy.

"Who would not fall in love with the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King Li Xian, the hero of the world?" Mu Jian praised, his tone unnatural.

The other two heavenly kings also expressed their agreement. Xu Dashu waved his hand and ordered the three heavenly kings to shut up. He smiled and said: "Mr. Xu has been silent. Is it because he can't make up his mind?"

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said, "No, before I met the Hundred-Eyed King, or even before coming to Qinzhou, I had already made up my mind: I don't want to be a king, I would rather be a counselor."

"This kid is so ignorant, he clearly looks down upon..."

Xu Dashi gave Du Heimao a slap in the face, neither light nor hard, as if he was hitting someone in anger, but also as a gesture of intimacy. Du Heimao laughed twice, pretending that it was intimacy. When Xu Dashi took two steps, he quietly He raised his hand and rubbed the place where he was beaten.

Xu Dashi came to Xu Chu and asked, "Did you also say the same thing in front of Shan Yu?"

"Otherwise, why would he be wanted?"

"Haha, I admire you, then you can stay and be my counselor. Host a banquet and give Commander Xu a clean slate."

For the Incarnation Army, hosting a banquet is no small matter. When the heavenly kings visit each other, they rarely hold banquets.

The banquet took a while, and Xu Chu was sent to the guest tent to rest. The eleven accompanying soldiers were all there.

The tent was not big, and twelve people sat across from each other. The soldiers stared at Xu Chu with interest. They had heard about the decision of the Hundred-Eyed King and thought it was a good thing.

There was no smile on Xu Chu's face, he lowered his head and said nothing.

Leader Zhang, who was sitting opposite, said cautiously: "As Mr. Xu becomes a military advisor, can you persuade King Bai Mu to withdraw his troops?"

Xu Chu shook his head slowly, "Xu Dashi is a powerful enemy, more powerful than I expected."

Everyone in the tent was startled when they heard Xu Chu calling Baimu Tianwang by his name. According to the new army's rules, Tianwang is Tianwang. Unless he insists like Gong Fan, no one else can call him by his name at any time.

"Isn't it a good thing that the King of Hundred Eyes appreciates Mr. Xu?" Leader Zhang said in a serious tone.

"This is a delaying tactic on his part, not sincere."

"Whatever, the food is in our hands anyway. It seems that Mr. Xu's strategy is very effective. They don't dare to attack the city."

"Xu Dashu will not attack the city for the time being, but will ask the city defenders to voluntarily transport the food back and then hand it over to him."

Everyone was stunned, and someone laughed. Leader Zhang also laughed and said: "Mr. Xu... think too much? I don't know what King Baimu thinks, but the city defender, even the most ordinary one, Even the little pawn won’t agree to hand over the food.”

Xu Chu smiled slightly and said, "The little pawn disagrees, but the big boss may not."

Everyone was even more confused. Xu Chu continued: "Xu Dashu was worried that the defenders in the city would really destroy the food supply, so he left me as a military advisor to reassure everyone. Next, he will send people into the city to use his position as the 'Shenxing Heavenly King' Use it as bait to win over a certain big boss and ask him to call back the grain truck."

"Mr. Xu, please rest assured. No one will be fooled. Even if you win people's hearts, you can't make the whole army obey."

Xu Chu smiled again, as if he had been persuaded, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Maybe taking refuge in the King of Hundred Eyes is also a way."

"Ah?" Head Zhang was shocked, "Mr. Xu won't be tempted first, right?"

"I just have this idea. The King of Hundred Eyes said that the purpose of accumulating food is to nourish people, and to raise people is to accumulate more food. There is some truth in this saying. Now there is chaos in all directions, and the heroes are standing side by side. The officers and soldiers of Hanzhou are strong, and the soldiers of Qinzhou The He Rong people are even more powerful. The He Rong people will not be able to advance or retreat. The He Rong people will capture the entire Qinzhou by next year at the latest. Where will the He Rong people go? If they surrender to the He Rong people, they will have to capture the city for them. Every battle will inevitably involve heavy casualties; if you don't surrender, you will have to confront the He Rong people. One army has no chance of winning. You must unite and rely on the strength of numbers to deal with the He Rong people or find a way out. "

Leader Zhang and the ten soldiers nodded, "That's the truth. Now that He Rong's people have not freed their hands, we can still run rampant in the Qinxi area. Once He Rong's army arrives, no incarnation army will be our opponent."

When everyone had finished talking, Xu Chu said: "If Xu Dashu uses this rhetoric to persuade the defenders in the city, will he let them hand over the food?"

Everyone was immediately speechless.

After a long silence, Leader Zhang said: "I think the brothers in the city will be convinced, because I still haven't figured out what's wrong with Mr. Xu's words just now. Shouldn't the Advent Army join forces?"

"Yes, but we must not join forces under the command of Xu Dashi. This man is far more ferocious and sinister than any other hero. What he cares about is not the survival of the World Army, but his own power. He will never accept anyone's challenge. Gong If the army handed over food, it would be the great savior of the new armies and a thorn in Xu Dashi's side. No matter how nice he said it in advance, once Gong's army in the city handed over food, he would be massacred immediately, and handing over food became a problem again. For grabbing grain, the soldiers here will thank Baimu Tianwang instead of Brother Gong and you who worked hard to accumulate grain."

The people in the tent were all ordinary soldiers. Everything Xu Chu said made sense, but they suddenly became panicked.

"What should we do? Mr. Xu, please think of a countermeasure. We will all listen to you." Leader Zhang said eagerly.

"I will go to the banquet later and ask Boss Zhang to find an opportunity to return to Sanguan as soon as possible and convey my words to Qiu Wuye and ask him to take precautions: the people Baimu Tianwang wants to win must be Brother Gong's two Nephew."

Leader Zhang nodded repeatedly, "No problem. I recognize many of the people here. They are not careful about me. I will come back after transferring the conversation."

"Do you recognize many of the people here?"


"Then you stay and send two others back to the city."

"Okay, what should I do if I stay?"

"Go talk to your acquaintances."

"What to talk about?"

"Just talk."

Leader Zhang was stunned, but he already trusted Xu Chu, "Okay."

Several other soldiers said: "We also have acquaintances, do you want to chat?"

"Everyone, except the person who delivers the letter, goes to chat."

Although they didn't understand Xu Chu's intention, everyone was a little excited.

The banquet over there has been set up, and someone is coming to invite you.

The banquet was quite grand. In addition to several heavenly kings, five venerables, ten gods, and more than twenty big bosses were invited. Although the food and wine were not exquisite, they were extremely rich, and it did not seem like a lack of food at all. .

Xu Dashi solemnly introduced the new "strategist" to everyone, praising Xu Chu as rare in the sky and unparalleled on earth. He obviously learned a lot about the deeds of the King of Wu from the old army officers and told them with added detail, which shocked all the leaders. first.

But everyone knew who the real owner was in this tent. The promotion of the "strategist" ended quickly, and the banquet quickly turned into a compliment to the King of Hundred Eyes. Even when Xu Chu was mentioned, it was to praise the King of Hundred Eyes for his wisdom. Know the pearl.

After several rounds of wine, everyone was enjoying themselves, and even Xu Chu had a full meal, eliminating the half-starvation and half-fullness he had felt for many days.

Xu Dashi drank a lot of wine, his face was red, but his eyes were not drunk. He turned to Xu Chu who was sitting at the same table and smiled: "The military advisor is famous all over the world and is famous for his wisdom. Do you have any clever ideas to offer me?"


"The military advisor is going to tell you a clever plan. Let's all listen." Xu Dashu said loudly. All the leaders stopped drinking and talking and listened carefully. In fact, they paid more attention to the movements of the Hundred-Eyed King.

"Merge all the new armies and return to Hanzhou as soon as possible." Xu Chu said.

Someone laughed and hurriedly stopped talking. Everyone was waiting for the Hundred Eyes King to set an example first.

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