Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 43 It’s hard to say

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Even for father and son, it was not easy for them to meet the general. Lou Chu sent a letter out of the city and waited for a long time. It was not until the day before the wedding that he was allowed to go to the military camp outside the city to see his father.

Guo Shifeng went with him, full of confidence: "I don't have any other skills. I only have a sharp tongue. With it, I will be able to convince the general."

Lou Chu had experience and reminded: "Don't mention 'making trouble' in front of the general. Brother Guo only needs to tell the plans of the emperor and King Guangling intact."

"Understood, let the general make his own decision."

The army has yet to leave, and more vendors have gathered outside the military camp. In broad daylight, there are women in colorful clothes walking around, flirting with the passing soldiers.

Lou Chu couldn't help but worry about the future of this army. He rode on his horse and said to Guo Shifeng: "Underestimating the powerful enemy in the front and disrupting military discipline in the rear, this army's western expedition may not go as smoothly as expected."

Guo Shifeng laughed and said: "The enemies of Qinzhou are just a group of rioters who have been defeated repeatedly. General Kelan brought too few soldiers. They can only guard the big city and cannot reach the countryside. The rioters fled, scattered and reunited, so it was difficult to exterminate them. This time is different. A hundred thousand troops are enough to sweep through deep mountains and ravines, and they will definitely eliminate the roots. It is normal for soldiers to have fun before starting a war. This has been the case from ancient times to the present. Only when they have fun can they fight to achieve a quick victory. Only when he is in debt can he strive for merit and kill the enemy bravely to obtain military rewards. The Seventeenth Young Master does not need to worry about the outcome of Qinzhou, but he has to worry about who will lead the army in the west. "

Lou Chu had to admire Guo Shifeng's eloquence.

There is no change in the military camp, order is in order, the soldiers stand tall and straight, and the knights dismount in front of the camp gate without exception.

In front of the Chinese military tent, Guo Shifeng was stopped because his name was not on the general's interview list.

The foundation of the building asked Guo Shifeng to wait outside the tent and enter the tent alone.

The general is discussing Qinzhou's strategy with more than a dozen of his subordinates, including where to defend, where to attack, scheduled battles, and guarding checkpoints... He explains each item in great detail. As for the transportation of troops, that is a top priority. , had been arranged long ago.

Cao Shenxi, the deputy general in charge of grain, also arrived and sat side by side with the general. His chair was moved half a foot forward to show his courtesy.

Cao Shenxi was a veteran general who was originally a subordinate of the general. Later, he made independent achievements and was granted the title of Xiao Guogong. He was a humble man and never competed for credit and position in the court, which was highly appreciated by the late emperor.

Lou Chu had seen General Cao from a distance before, but this was the first time he was so close.

Cao Shen's beard and hair are all white, and he is strong and thin. Sitting next to the general, he looks like a stunted sapling next to a big tree. No matter whether there is wind or no wind, he just nods his head and rarely speaks.

The rest of the generals are mostly from the old corps of the generals, and they cooperate smoothly with each other, like arms and fingers.

Only one person always raised questions.

The prince supervises the army, but he is young and has not officially entered the military camp. He sends the officials from the East Palace to the camp first to observe the military affairs, which is called "auditing", but when he opens his mouth to interrupt, no one can shut him up.

Liang Shengzhi had just been promoted from the Sheren of the East Palace to Prince Xima. This was an exceptional promotion, partly to reward his ancestor, Taifu Liang, for his years of assistance in government, and partly to keep his status in the military camp from being too low.

Liang Shengzhi took full advantage of this and questioned almost every plan, always starting with the same sentence: "I don't understand this very well, but..."

One of his "buts" required the relevant generals to explain it in dozens or dozens of sentences.

At the end, Liang Shengzhi said with a long voice, "I see, it's different from what I understand. It doesn't matter. You continue to talk and don't be influenced by me."

The general never answered Liang Shengzhi's questions, and even refused to look at him. Everyone could see that the general was suppressing his anger.

Lou Chi stood at the door waiting.

The discussion was finally over, and the general waved his hand and ordered the generals to leave. Liang Shengzhi refused to leave. He held up his hands and continued to speak. Two generals who knew the general's thoughts best forced him away, claiming that they wanted to invite him to drink and talk about war.

Cao Shenxi stood up, with some effort, not as strong as he appeared, and bowed to the general to say goodbye. He turned around and saw the young master at the door, and said with a smile: "This is the descendant of the general, he has the demeanor of the general back then. "

"When did I become as weak as him? This is my son, the seventeenth, named Lou Chu."

Lou Chu stepped forward in two steps and saluted Cao Shenxi, "My nephew has met General Cao."

"This kid looks a bit like..." Cao Shenxi tried to remember.

"His biological mother is Princess Wu." The general said.

"Oh." Cao Shenxi smiled and said goodbye, looking a little embarrassed.

Just because of the princess of Wu, Cao Shenxi was imprisoned by the general and almost died. The situation was even more dangerous than in previous battles.

The general watched Cao Shenxi walk out of the tent and sneered: "It's not easy to pretend to be honest after so many years."

Louji came forward to pay homage to his father.

"Is something wrong?" Lou Wen was impatient. He was still holding back the anger he received from Liang Shengzhi just now, and he might be able to vent it out at some point.

"The child learned some news, which is related to the safety of the Lou family. He couldn't tell everything in the letter, so he asked to see his father."


"The child's words are unfounded, so I will bring the person who provided the information."

Lou Wen frowned slightly, "The Lou family is a general, how come you are such a literate person? Alas, it is really not good to read too much."

Lou Chi could only listen.

"What are you waiting for? Call him in. I want to hear what news you got."

"Yes." Lou Chi turned around and walked out of the tent, calling Guo Shifeng to come in.

Guo Shifeng had been standing for a long time and was a little exhausted. However, as soon as he entered the tent, he immediately became majestic and showed no sign of fatigue.

The foundation of the building introduced, "This gentleman's name is Guo Shifeng. He once studied in the Yuxue Hall with his child and is now an aide to King Guangling."

The general didn't care what he said. When he heard the words "Guangling King's Staff", he raised his eyes and asked, "What is your name?"

"I'm here, Guo Shifeng, to meet the general." Guo Shifeng stepped forward and saluted, bowing deeply to the ground.

"Yeah." The general said perfunctorily.

Guo Shifeng coughed and said, "Tomorrow the seventeenth young master will get married. The general will have to go back to his residence to accept the bride's kneeling."

"Let's see if I have the time."

"Haha, the person the Seventeenth Young Master is going to marry is Princess Fangde, the daughter of the King of Jibei. For both public and private matters, the general has to go back to the palace, right?"

"This is my family matter. Are you allowed to speak as an outsider?" The general was about to find a target to vent his anger.

Guo Shifeng bowed his head deeply to the ground again, "If the general returns to his home, he will definitely be gone without leaving."


"The emperor has already made a plan with King Guangling to seize the general's military power."

"Why should you take away my military power? I have not committed any crime."

"If you want to incriminate yourself, why bother? The assassin who was caught before has completely become the emperor's servant. He can say whatever he is told. He will testify that the general is the assassin's mastermind, and the seventeenth son will pass the message."

The general looked at his son and said, "If you bring this matter up again, hasn't your Majesty already forgiven you?"

Lou Chu said: "Your Majesty's forgiveness today will not affect your 'awakening' in the future."

Guo Shifeng said: "Zhang Sheduan, the eldest son of Prince Guangling, claimed that he had seen the assassin and heard the assassin confess the name of the general. Following the emperor's secret order, he recruited Prince Guangling to return to the capital in an attempt to seize the military power of the general. Then he was charged with treason and copied The Zhanlou family is full of people.”

The general was silent for a moment, then suddenly shouted: "Here comes someone!"

Two guards came in.

"This man is a spy sent by the enemy. Take him down and keep him under strict guard."

Both Lou Chi and Guo Shifeng were shocked.


"You want to be locked up with him?"

Lou Chi had no choice but to shut up.

"General, I still have something to say..." Guo Shifeng took a step forward and was held down by two guards from behind.

"Gag his mouth and don't allow him to talk to anyone. Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed."

The guard had nothing ready-made, so he tore off two pieces of Guo Shifeng's sleeves, gagged one, tied the other tightly, dragged him out, and then found ropes to bind his whole body.

Guo Shifeng kept whining and looked at the foundation of the building asking for help.

The foundation of the building didn't move, and he didn't speak.

After they left, Lou Wen said coldly: "What else do you want to say?"

The foundation of the building cupped his hands and said, "It won't be too late for my father to tell me after my father finds out Guo Shifeng's origins."

An imperceptible smile appeared on Lou Wen's face, "If you can't hold a sword or a gun, or wield a pickaxe, it's good to be a little smart. Be careful, don't be too smart. This is not what our Lou family has to eat."

"My child understands."

"Go back and concentrate on preparing for the marriage. Don't worry about other things."

"Yes, father. Will father return home tomorrow?"

Lou Wen hesitated and didn't answer.

Lou Chu resigned, not caring much about Guo Shifeng's safety. As long as he told the truth, he would naturally be treated with courtesy by the general.

There were two people when they came and one person when they left. Lou Chu sighed in his heart. It was too difficult to persuade someone. The higher the position, the more proud and confident he is. There are countless interests entangled in him, so his considerations must be far-reaching. Unlike imprisoned people like Lou Chu and Ma Wei, who will make big profits if they succeed, and lose their life without a future if they fail, it is much easier for them to make decisions.

Suddenly a group of soldiers rushed in on the official road ahead, holding sticks and shouting loudly. Anyone who refused to follow was immediately beaten with sticks.

"Give way! Give way! Give way! Give way!"

A large area of ​​the official road occupied by vendors and pedestrians was instantly cleared.

The second group of soldiers came over and ordered the people on both sides to kneel down. They stood behind the building with their horses, but no one came to force them.

A full two-quarters of an hour later, amid the low-pitched complaints of the kneeling people, the third group of soldiers appeared. They were all knights, each holding a flag. Behind them was a band, with dozens of people riding in separate vehicles, playing the sheng, drums and reeds.

"Prince! His Royal Highness is on a tour!"

The people who were full of complaints just now became very happy and kowtowed one after another.

The foundation of the building stands farther away.

A long train motorcade rolled by, the canopy was dazzling and the flags were flying. People on both sides could not see which car the prince was sitting in.

As the motorcade passed by, the people stood up one after another. I don’t know who started the process. They cheered one after another. It took a long time before they stopped.

Pedestrians talked about it and were proud to see the prince's honor guard with their own eyes. Even in the city, people were still talking about it on the streets. The panic caused by the city-wide search not long ago had disappeared.

When Lou Chu arrived home, he finally gave up his fantasy and had to admit: since the prince entered the camp, the general must return to the city to attend the wedding tomorrow.

The emperor had calculated everything and did not hesitate to use the prince as a "hostage" in exchange for the general's peace of mind.

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