Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 44: Substitution

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When Lou Chu woke up, he was in a daze for a long time. He remembered that today was his big day, but there was no joy in his heart. Instead, he felt vaguely uneasy.

According to custom, the groom has to entertain guests at home all day long, go to pick up the bride in the afternoon, and take the bride home to meet her parents at dusk. The ceremony has been planned for a long time. The seventh brother Lou Shuo will serve as the guest, and another uncle from the family will serve as the master of ceremonies. Arrange everything properly, and the foundation of the building only needs to act as a show-up puppet and accept the manipulations honestly.

There were so many guests that the small new house couldn't accommodate them, so most of them were accommodated in the General's Mansion. Only twenty-three out of ten of the guests could be recognized, and there was nothing to say except a toast.

In contrast, Ma Wei, Zhou Lu and other classmates made Lou Chu feel more at ease.

"The groom is a little nervous." Zhou Lu successfully squeezed his way to Lou Chu, staying close to him at all times, as if he wanted to marry him on his behalf. "Don't be afraid, things will happen naturally. If only you had said it earlier, we will find someone to do it for you." Get enlightened."

The guests around him, both familiar and unfamiliar, laughed in unison. The Lou family was not from a scholarly family, and any joke at the wedding was not too much. On the contrary, it could lighten the atmosphere and enhance the relationship between the host and the guest.

Throughout the morning, Lou Chu drank a lot of wine, and finally managed to say a few words to Ma Wei.

"Brother Guo was left in the camp by the general."

"The general doesn't believe him?"

"It's hard to say. Brother Guo better not tell any lies."

"How could it be? What Guo Shifeng said..."

The guests came and Ma Wei had to shut up, and the two had no chance to communicate.

In the afternoon, Lou Chu, surrounded by a team, headed to the Prince's Palace in Jibei to welcome his bride, attracting countless envious looks and discussions along the way.

Just yesterday, Lou Chu was hiding behind the crowd and watching the Crown Prince's procession pass by from a distance. Today, he became the center of attention. Of course he couldn't compare with the Crown Prince, but the feeling was somewhat similar.

The entire street in front of the Prince's Palace in Jibei was cleared, with flags blocking out the sun and drums and music blaring. Many princes and nobles sent people to cheer for the bride, and the wedding team could only move forward slowly.

In front of the palace gate, the eldest son Zhang Shiyu and a group of cousins ​​welcomed the groom. The palace also had a master of ceremonies, guiding both parties to salute and enter the main hall to meet his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Lou Chu did everything as he was told. He didn't know whether he was too cautious or it was true. He felt that the Prince of Jibei and his wife were far less enthusiastic and cold than when they met before. They didn't seem to like his son-in-law very much - maybe it was because his parents married their daughter. normal behavior.

The palace also prepared a banquet to entertain the groom. It didn't last long. When the auspicious time came, the bride got into the sedan chair and left.

The banquet was very lively, and the children of the clan were more playful than Zhou Lu and others.

After a few rounds of drinking, Zhang Shiyu winked, and on the pretext of relieving himself, he went to a deserted area in the backyard. After waiting for a short time, Zhang Shiyu followed him out, with a look of helplessness on his face, and hurriedly walked over. When he came closer, he bowed his hands and made the following gesture. Kneeling posture.

The foundation of the building hurriedly held on, "Your Majesty, why is this?"

Zhang Shiyu smiled bitterly and said, "I have something I can't do with Mr. Lou, and I must ask for your help."

Lou Chu was stunned, "From today on, we are a family. If the prince needs help, just ask, why should you be polite?"

"It's not easy to help."

"As long as it's within my ability, I won't hesitate."

Zhang Shiyu turned his head and glanced at the banquet hall. He took the floor and walked a few more steps before saying, "Well...can I marry my brother-in-law with someone else?"

"Huh?" Lou Chu was stunned again, "Substitution...what does this mean?"

Zhang Shiyu was so embarrassed that sweat broke out on his face, "My sister is really spoiled to the point of being lawless. She...she ran away last night and disappeared without a trace, and she has not been found until now!"

Lou Chu couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

Zhang Shiyu was stunned, "What...what do you mean?"

Lou Chu calmed down and said seriously: "I'm sorry, I just...just...Sister Shi Qing is young and courageous, which is admirable."

Zhang Shiyu also laughed out loud, "Who would have thought? When the kings return to the capital, everyone must be more or less honest. Sister Shi Qing is not usually the boldest among us, so she made the boldest move."

"It seems that sister Shiqing really doesn't want to marry me."

"She is a short-sighted fool!" Zhang Shiyu said angrily, and was not polite to his sister, "How many times have I told her that although Mr. Lou is imprisoned, he is deeply appreciated by His Majesty and will surely prosper in the future, but she She just didn’t believe it, and kept saying that you were ‘boring’, and even... Well, my father and mother were so angry that they said they would beat her to death immediately after catching her, because they didn’t want her as their daughter.”

Of course, the Prince of Jibei and his wife would not really commit such a murderous act, and the building foundation could not add fuel to the flames. He hurriedly said: "Sister Shi Qing is young and has a love for fun. After you find her, slowly persuade her, and you must not beat or scold her."

"Whether it's beating or scolding or trying to persuade, that's all for the future. What should we do today? Relatives and friends are here. We are not an ordinary family. When the news spreads, not only the two families are embarrassed, but also the Queen Mother and His Majesty. I can’t explain it.”

Lou Chu knew very well that the palace must have come up with a solution, so he handed it over and said: "Getting married is a small matter, and the reputation of the two families is important. I have nothing to say. It all depends on the arrangement of the palace."

Zhang Shiyu almost hugged Lou Chu, "In name you are my brother-in-law, but in fact you are my brother. You have saved the whole family of the King of Jibei. My father, mother and I will definitely remember your righteous deed today and be grateful throughout our lives." "

"The prince said, let's find a way to solve today's matter first."

"Well... that's it. The marriage must not be postponed. Sister Shiqing must marry to the Lou family today, but... can you marry someone else to your brother-in-law?"

"It's okay, but this person..."

"Brother-in-law, don't worry. The palace will definitely not find anyone to pretend to be someone. One thing is, we won't tell who the person you took away today is, and don't ask, brother-in-law. Don't enter the bridal chamber tonight. We will pick him up at midnight. Let’s go and get over today. Within three days, the real new wife will be sent to your home.”


"And the general's side..."

"Let me tell you, the general is sensible and will not object to such an arrangement."

For the King of Jibei, obtaining the consent of his son-in-law was secondary. The most important person was actually the general.

Zhang Shiyu bowed deeply, "Such a good brother-in-law, why does my sister... Oh, let's not mention her anymore. She will be sent to the Lou family in the future. Please be sure to discipline your brother-in-law strictly. My father said that as long as she is not beaten to death, she can be dealt with by the Lou family as she pleases." ”

Lou Chu smiled and said: "It's not like that. Smart people often do excessive things. Sister Shiqing will always figure it out."

Zhang Shiyu was overjoyed and thanked him endlessly. He returned to the banquet hall and directly called him "brother-in-law" in front of the guests. He always praised his brother-in-law for his talent and talent, which made Lou Chu feel embarrassed.

The auspicious time has come. When the bride got into the sedan chair and went to say goodbye to her father-in-law and mother-in-law, the King of Jibei and his wife returned to their former enthusiasm and wanted a little more. The King of Jibei personally delivered it to the gate and gave her a dowry more than what was previously agreed upon. of more.

The wedding team returned to Lou's house in a mighty manner.

Sure enough, the general came back from outside the city at exactly the right time, only a little before the bride entered the house.

Mrs. Lan also returned home from the palace, and she and her husband were toasted by their daughter-in-law. There were many sons in the Lou family, and only a few of them could enjoy such treatment when they got married. Most brides paid a symbolic visit to their parents-in-law, and never saw the general and his wife at all.

The whole ceremony was complicated and detailed, and the foundation of the building was still being pulled by the master of ceremonies like a puppet. The only thing I was curious about was who was pretending to be the bride next to me. Every move was orderly and there was no trace of panic. Of course, the hijab was long and thick, so no one could see. Something strange happened.

The ceremony was finally over, and the bride was sent into the bridal chamber. The bride was still outside entertaining guests, going around in circles, and taking the opportunity to toast her father.

There were many people around, so Lou Chu made a toast and whispered: "My child has something to say."

Lou Wen frowned, "Today is your wedding day, don't make me angry with those words again."

"No, it has something to do with Jibei Prince's Palace."

Lou Wen was still hesitating, and Mrs. Lan next to her said, "Just listen to what the child has to say. Is it possible that your own child can still harm you?"

Lou Chu nodded gratefully to Mrs. Lan. So far, among all the people he had persuaded, Mrs. Lan accepted it the fastest and most thoroughly. Today, when she left the palace, she still kept the princess and her daughter-in-law in the palace, never leaving the Queen Mother.

"Find me in the back hall later." Lou Wen said reluctantly.

"It's best that mother is here, she may need to make up her mind on this matter."

Lou Wen frowned even more, but Mrs. Lan smiled and nodded.

Lou Chu went to toast another round of wine and asked his seventh brother Lou Shuo to take care of the guests while he went to the back hall.

Lou Wen and his wife were talking quietly, and when they saw Lou Chu coming in, they both looked at them.

Lou Chu made it clear what happened at the Prince's Mansion in Jibei in a few words.

Lou Wen was furious, "I came all the way back from the military camp, and the person who knelt down to me was not the princess! Does the King of Jibei look down on our Lou family?"

Mrs. Lan was not angry at all and said: "Don't be upset, General. I listen to the wishes of the Prince of Jibei. The person who will get married on your behalf is definitely not a slave."

"So what? What's fake is fake."

"At this critical time, it is difficult to tell the truth from the false. Why should the general care? No matter who the bride is, the King of Jibei has not changed his mind about marrying a daughter. The whole world knows that his daughter is the wife of the Lou family. That is enough. Mrs. Lan advised.

Lou Wen still looked angry, "I don't care what kind of king's daughter she is. When the bride comes back, she must be severely punished to make her understand that the Lou family has other rules. Madam, you can't be soft-hearted, Lou Chu, you Don’t be soft-hearted.”

Lou Chu said yes, and Mrs. Lan also said: "Of course, our Lou family has even married a princess, but we still can't control a newly appointed princess?"

Lou Wen's anger subsided a little and he said to Lou Chu: "I already know, please step back."

He handed over his hand but did not leave. He asked, "Does father want to go back to the camp tonight?"

"It's dark, the city gate is closed, and no one can get out." Lou Wen understood what his son meant, "You get married honestly first, and don't worry about other things. I will interrogate the person you brought. Before I You are not allowed to leave your house before leading the army, do you understand?"

"Yes, father." Lou Chu knew that his father could not be persuaded, so he had to leave.

In the back hall, Mrs. Lan said: "This kid is a bit smart. The general should listen to his opinions more."

"Hey, madam, do you know how many people like this are around me? They are all smarter than him, and their ideas are better than the last, but they are all different and even contradict each other. I have listened to them all, and in the end it is up to me. It's up to one person to decide. I know what he is thinking. If he is not severely suppressed, he will make trouble in the sky. "

"The same temper as Princess Wu."

"Don't mention her."

"I'm going to see the bride. At least I need to find out who is toasting us and calling us parents-in-law."

"If King Jibei dares to use slaves to deceive me, don't blame me for being rude."

Mrs. Lan shook her head slightly, feeling that her husband was even more angry than usual.

Outside, Lou Chu was accepting the guests' persuasion and teasing. As the night deepened, he felt a little scared. He felt that these days were too peaceful, and the princess' escape from marriage was not a big deal.

All the important officials who should return to the capital have returned, and even General Lan, who was on the Western Expedition, has come from Qinzhou. The only one missing is Shen Zhi. What is the emperor waiting for?

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