The counties in the western part of Hanzhou had not been completely pacified, and most of them were occupied by the Yizhou army. Small groups of Jiangshi army were still roaming in some remote areas. Lou Ai and Tie Yuan each sent a team to escort Xu Chu. Tie Yuan also ordered the Yizhou army from all over the country to come to Hanping City to join up as a general.

The situation changed too abruptly. Although most of the Yizhou army obeyed the order, some people firmly believed that there was a trick and led their troops to flee to Yizhou, which was on the same road as Xu Chu, but they ran faster.

When they arrived at the pass of the two states, the Hanzhou army could no longer see him off. The Yizhou soldiers sent Xu Chu through the pass, and they had to return to Hanping City. "We have sworn that we will never return home unless we stop He Rongren in Hanping City. We cannot abandon General Tie."

Although Tie Yuan was a foreigner, he had established a considerable prestige among the Yizhou army and was deeply respected by the soldiers.

Xu Chu and his entourage walked a little slower because they had to pass on the message everywhere. Some new news caught up with them in the Baoxiang Valley Road: the Yizhou army had just entered Hanzhou, and a large number of Jiangshi troops arrived behind them. They were chased by He Rong's people and had become dogs without a home. They were willing to surrender to Tie Yuan and Lou Ai without asking for any conditions.

The Jiangshi army suffered heavy casualties, and almost all their families were left behind in Qinzhou. More than half of the soldiers died and escaped. Lou Ai despised these "troublemakers", but also felt that they were no longer a threat, so he and Tie Yuan each shared half to strengthen the army.

Xu Chu really wanted to know which kings survived, but before he got the news, he had already entered Yizhou.

Another group of Yizhou soldiers continued to escort him to Jindu City where the King of Shu was.

Soon after arriving in Yizhou, Chang Yanzhi sighed, "I have traveled all over the Nine Provinces. Sanzhou is far away, and I don't want to go there either. In this life... Hey, why am I saying this? No, no, I haven't traveled enough. I still want to continue traveling around the world with you. But to be honest, after traveling to so many places, Yizhou looks the most prosperous, and it doesn't look like it has been through war at all."

There were wars in Yizhou, but the heroes occupied each side and were willing to defend rather than attack. There were occasional battles, but they were not fierce. Except for conscription, they rarely affected the people and villages. Smoke could be seen everywhere, and people were constantly walking on the road.

When the people saw the soldiers, they would hide, but they would not escape without a trace. Instead, they watched from afar. The brave ones even dared to ask loudly about the progress of the war. They heard that the Yizhou army and the Hanzhou army were still forming an alliance to jointly resist the He Rong people. They were all very happy and felt that their hometown would be safe.

On the way, Xu Chu chatted with the soldiers of Yizhou and learned that most of them were from Luozhou. He felt very friendly. The soldiers also liked him as a native of Dongdu, although most of them had never been there. When talking about the decline of Dongdu, they all sighed.

The Jindu City was not as magnificent as Dongdu and Xijing, but it was intact and crowded with people. Xu Chu and Chang Yanzhi were used to the decline, and they felt refreshed as soon as they entered the city.

The two were sent to the post house, where they had wine and meat every day, but they were not summoned by the King of Shu for a long time, and they could not even see an official who could pass on the message. The postmaster knew nothing about anything and could only provide food and accommodation.

Three days later, Chang Yanzhi was a little anxious and complained: "Tie Yuan still remembers the young master, but the King of Shu has no feelings for him. He enjoys wealth and honor in Jindu City and forgets who protects him in Dongdu City."

"When you see the King of Shu, you must not mention Dongdu."

"The road to Shu is difficult, and it is even more difficult to see the King of Shu. How can I have the opportunity to mention Dongdu? Alas, Tie Yuan's letter is still here, and the King of Shu doesn't want to read it?"

"The problem may be with this letter."

"Hmm? Tie Yuan is the general trusted by the King of Shu..."

"Wait." Xu Chu sighed, without much explanation.

After five days, the official in charge came over with a rather cold attitude. He asked a few questions casually, took Tie Yuan's letter, and said nothing more.

Chang Yanzhi couldn't help asking, "Thank you for passing on the message. My son is an old friend of the King of Shu..."

"The King of Shu has many old friends. Even if we only meet one a day, we can't meet them all. Don't worry, you've already lined up. Just wait patiently. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. We have to follow the rules wherever we go, right?"

As soon as the official left, Chang Yanzhi whispered, "He wants a bribe."

Xu Chu laughed and said, "We have nothing in our hands, no wonder no one cares."

"Don't Tieyuan understand the rules here? He didn't even say he would give us a little gift."

"Haha, This is the wonderful thing about bribes. Everyone wants it, but no one knows where it goes. "

"It doesn't matter where it goes, as long as you can see the person - by the way, does the young master have to see the King of Shu? I often hear you say that there are people who can be persuaded first, and then there are words to persuade. Now it seems that the King of Shu is definitely not a person who can be persuaded."

"We have to try it. Hanzhou is waiting for reinforcements."

"The King of Shu won't even save his own soldiers, right?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know what kind of person the King of Shu is."

Soon after nightfall, someone else came to visit.

"General Wei!" Chang Yanzhi was surprised, and hurriedly invited him into the house, served tea, and then tactfully left, chatting with the postman and asking for news.

Wei Xuan did not stay in Hanzhou, and ran all the way back to Yizhou. On the way, he heard Tieyuan's order, but he did not turn around.

He changed into casual clothes and said with a smile: "I just heard that Master Xu was coming today, but I didn't inform you in time. I am so presumptuous to visit you. I hope you will forgive me."

"General Wei is a distinguished guest, how can I be so presumptuous?"

The two exchanged politeness. Xu Chu did not mention Hanzhou, and Wei Xuan did not say the purpose of his visit. After drinking a cup of tea, Wei Xuan said: "I am a military general. Master Xu, please don't think I am too straightforward. Let me ask you: What will Master Xu say after seeing the King of Shu?"

"Just reminiscing about the past. If I can stay, I will stay. If I can't stay, I hope the King of Shu can give me some money and send someone to send me off."

Wei Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's all?"

"That's all."

"But I heard that Mr. Xu once promised General Tie that he would persuade the King of Shu to send troops to support Hanzhou."

"I promised to find reinforcements for Hanzhou, but I didn't say that I had to ask for troops from the King of Shu. General Tie is an old friend of the King of Shu. The King of Shu and I have only met each other a few times. As the saying goes, there is no close relationship between strangers. The King of Shu has a close relationship with Tie The general knows what he is doing, and it is beyond my power to persuade him."

Wei Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Those who know the current affairs are heroes. No wonder people say that Mr. Xu is smart and wise. He really understands things better than ordinary people. But if he doesn't borrow troops from the King of Shu, where else can Mr. Xu seek help? ?”

"I haven't been to Jingzhou yet."

"Xi Suan died in Hanzhou. Jingzhou hates Tie and Lou to the core. How can we send troops to rescue them if we don't take advantage of them and rob them?"

"The King of Liang in the Eastern Capital is an old friend of mine."

"I don't recognize the King of Liang, but I heard that he can't protect himself now - maybe Mr. Xu really has this ability, and Hanzhou is also in trouble, but it was still persuaded by Mr. Xu to seclusion and refuse to accept He Rong's cavalry. It was just reported yesterday Chanyu was very angry at the news, and in the name of Tiancheng's court, he sent an order to send all the troops from the world to besiege Hanzhou. He also claimed that within a month, those who surrendered would be forgiven, but the two culprits were not among them. After one month, regardless of surrendering. Failure to surrender is a capital offense."

"It was not my idea for General Tie Da to form an alliance with Building Chief Shi."

"Mr. Xu is too modest." The two chatted for a while, and Wei Xuan suddenly said: "After much deliberation, King Liang of Luozhou may send troops to aid the Han Dynasty. Why should Mr. Xu waste time here? It is better to go to the Eastern Capital as early as possible. As for the cost of transportation With escort, I can do it without the King of Shu saying anything.”

Xu Chu smiled and said: "After all, the King of Shu and I have met each other. If I pass by without seeing you, the King of Shu will blame me and I will be ashamed to visit again in the future."

"Hey... Mr. Xu meets the King of Shu, is it really just to reminisce about old times?"

"As far as I know, the King of Shu is by no means a soft-eared person, and I am not a talkative person either."

"Haha, the King of Shu is definitely not soft-spoken. Mr. Xu... If you really want to see the King of Shu, just meet him. But I am a soft-spoken person and can't help. I can only remind Mr. Xu: Be careful what you say after meeting the King of Shu. "No matter how the king of Shu used to be, he is now the leader of a state. He has many soldiers and generals, loyal ministers and obedient people. Looking at all the heroes in the world, except for the He Rong tribe, there is no one who can surpass him."

"There are only a few people who dare not go to Qinzhou to meet Shan Yu, and King Shu is one of them, which shows how powerful he is." Xu Chu said with a smile.

Wei Xuan said goodbye, but there was no news for several days. On the eighth day after Xu Chu moved into the post house, he was finally notified, asking him to make preparations and go to see the King of Shu early the next morning.

Meeting in the morning is not a good sign, it means that Xu Chu will not be left to have dinner together, and will probably be sent away in a few words.

The person who came to deliver the notice was not an official like last time, but a military general. After verbally conveying the order, he cupped his hands and said, "Master Xu, don't you recognize me?"

"The face looks familiar. I think I saw him in Dongdu, but I really can't remember."

The general smiled and said, "My name is Tie Yuan. I am Tie Yuan's younger brother. I met Mr. Xu, but we didn't exchange names at that time."

Xu Chu said: "There were many offenders at that time."

"Mr. Xu was a very busy man at that time. To be honest, this was not my duty originally. I wanted to come over. Firstly, I wanted to see Mr. Xu. Secondly, I wanted to inquire about my brother's condition. Thirdly, I wanted to have a few gossips. Want to say.”

"Brother Ling is fine. Some soldiers were lost and some were replenished. However, the plank road on Baoxie Road was not completely destroyed. He Rong people are repairing it. It is estimated that there will be a battle within half a month. Brother Ling is most worried about this side. He Although he acted without authorization in Hanzhou to protect the Yizhou Army, it was inevitable that he would be disloyal."

Iron Bird sighed, "It's not just a 'discussion', it's just a direct declaration that my brother is a treasonous general."

"Can the King of Shu not trust your brother?"

"King Shu... you only trust one person now. Mr. Xu will come to the palace tomorrow and explain it clearly to my brother, right?"

"There is no need to explain those things. Regarding Brother Ling, whether you believe it or not depends entirely on the King of Shu. Your Excellency has no way to advise you, and I, an outsider, have no way to do it."

"I'm stupid, Mr. Xu..."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "My mouth can only speak according to the situation, but it cannot change people's hearts."

Tie Zhi sighed again, with an obvious look of disappointment on his face, "Mr. Xu is right, no younger brother can help his elder brother, let alone outsiders?"

"Is this the 'gossip' General Iron wants to say?"

There was no one around Tie Zhi, but he still looked around and whispered: "Master Xu doesn't want to persuade King Shu, so don't persuade him at all, so as not to offend the villain."


"I wonder if Mr. Xu has heard of Che Quanyi's name?"


"He already hates Young Master Xu."

"Why is that? We haven't even met yet."

"Anyway, Mr. Xu, please be careful." Tie Zhi refused to explain and left in a hurry.

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