Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 436: Strange Disease

Xu Chu entered the palace early in the morning on an empty stomach - this was once the residence of King Yidu. He liked strange rocks and rocks, collected them from many places, and had to find ways to transport them from thousands of miles away. After his death, there were also Some stones were transported into the palace and placed in an open space hastily. They have not been moved again.

In a courtyard, Xu Chu waited for nearly an hour, still with an empty stomach. Strangers came and went, all walking in a hurry, as if they were about to take guests to see the King of Shu, but in the end they were all busy with other things. matter.

Xu Chu admired the piles of strange rocks piled up in the courtyard and wondered how such huge things were transported in.

Finally, a young man dressed as an eunuch came, stood beside Xu Chu, and coughed lightly, "Xu Chu, Mr. Xu?"

"It's me."

"Please follow me." The eunuch's voice was soft, as if he was still seriously ill, or he was afraid of disturbing other people. His footsteps were also very soft, and the landing was almost silent. Xu Chu was infected, and he was also a little tiptoe without knowing it.

The path in the palace was winding and it was easy to get lost without a guide. Xu Chu saw more jagged and weird rockeries along the way, and couldn't help but ask: "What does King Yidu want with these strange rocks?"

The eunuch looked surprised and whispered: "Of course... I appreciate it."

"Like appreciating flowers, birds, fish and beasts?"

The eunuch showed a hint of disdain, "Young master Xu was born in a noble family in the east capital, but you can't appreciate the beauty of the cave? Every stone here is a priceless treasure."

"The bastard in the family left the 'noble family' early to stand on his own, so he was inevitably ignorant and ignorant."

The eunuch smiled softly and said nothing more.

At the entrance of another larger courtyard, Xu Chu waited for a while again. This time he was accompanied by an eunuch, but he could not speak. Once he wanted to speak, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the eunuch raised his hand to stop him.

The rules here seem to be stricter than those in the Dongdu Palace.

Finally, Xu Chu was allowed to enter the hospital, and the eunuchs accompanying him bowed and left.

The person who led Xu Chu to the hospital was a middle-aged palace maid. She walked not far away, pointed to an open space and said, "Wait here."

Xu Chu looked at the correct position and stood obediently.

The palace maid did not stay to stand with him, but walked into a room opposite and did not come out again for a while.

The courtyard looked big from the outside, but after walking in, it was just a small area. The place was occupied by houses. Xu Chu turned around and saw a soldier standing next to each pillar under the surrounding corridors, wearing bright colors. Armor, holding a halberd.

After all, Gan Zhao was from the army... As soon as this thought came to Xu Chu's mind, he realized that the soldiers were all women. He quickly looked away, thinking that the armor they were wearing and the weapons they were holding were probably not real.

Another woman walked out of the main room. She was wearing a Taoist robe, but her face was smeared with makeup. She saluted like a palace maid, and her voice was equally soft, "The King of Shu has summoned Mr. Xu."

Finally meeting this old friend, Xu Chu became more and more curious about what Gan Zhao had become.

The living room is very large. Where the tables and chairs should be placed, there is a wide low couch across the way. The curtains are hung low, covering it completely. Seven or eight palace ladies are surrounding it, either wearing palace clothes or Taoist robes. The air is filled with The strong aroma of medicine made Xu Chu suddenly think that the person he wanted to meet was an old queen who lived deep in the palace.

But what came from behind the curtain was a familiar voice, "I've been waiting for you for so long, and finally you are here."

The palace maid in Taoist robes who led the way signaled Xu Chu to kneel down. Xu Chu pretended not to notice, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I was also looking forward to it in the post house."

There was a hint of exhaustion in Gan Zhao's voice, "It's not because I'm being careless on purpose. I've been in poor health recently. Even though I've taken care of myself in every possible way, I still feel like I'm not strong enough. I struggled to get up today."

"What disease did the King of Shu suffer from?"

"Master Xu also knows medical skills?"

"When I had nothing to do in Dongdu, I read some medical books." Xu Chu lied casually. He had read medical books, but he was not interested and never delved into it deeply. After a pause, he added: "When I was eleven years old, I moved out of the General's Mansion and became seriously ill. The doctors in the city couldn't explain the cause, and even the imperial doctor couldn't figure it out. Then a wandering Taoist priest came uninvited and claimed that he was destined to me. He not only cured my illness, but also cured me. He left behind a medical book called "Thousands of Strange Prescriptions", which specializes in treating strange diseases that ordinary doctors can't even name. "

"Why haven't you heard Mr. Xu talk about it before?" Gan Zhao was obviously interested.

"I read it very seriously at first, but then I realized it was a joke."

"How do you say this? Didn't the wandering Taoist priest cure your illness?"

"I was cured, but my disease is too rare, and the diseases recorded in "Thousands of Strange Prescriptions" are even rarer. After I learned it, there was no use for it. At the end of the book, I also wrote a sentence: "This book is titled Qianqi, also known as Healing Dragon, cannot be used on people who are not princes. I think there are only a few princes in the world, and there are few who get sick, and even fewer who get strange diseases. What's more, I am just a concubine of the Lou family, and I don't have any. As ordered by the prince, the Taoist priest was obviously making a joke on me by leaving this book, and even the treatment was probably a coincidence."

Gan Zhao's voice was a little excited, "Isn't it just a coincidence that Mr. Xu will become king in the future, wouldn't it be in line with the saying of 'healing the dragon'?"

"I proclaimed myself king, but the world did not recognize me. Moreover, I had no beginning and no end. I abdicated the throne sadly. I cannot be considered a true prince."

"Hey, once you become king, you will have the body of a dragon, which will remain unchanged for life. Let's not talk about it for now. What were the symptoms of Mr. Xu's illness?"

Xu Chu could tell that Gan Zhao was full of energy when he spoke, and he was obviously not seriously ill, so he said: "There are no special symptoms, just physical weakness and palpitation from time to time. After a doctor checked the pulse, nothing was found, even I claimed that I was pretending to be ill. But I knew that it was a serious illness. My body was getting thinner, but I felt heavier and heavier. In the end, I didn't want to get out of bed, and every step I took felt like I was carrying a heavy weight. The disease has entered the internal organs, but fortunately it has not penetrated into the bone marrow. If he had come one day later, I would definitely die, and it would be difficult for gods to save him."

Gan Zhao's voice was excited, "Do I have the same symptoms as you?"

"Really? It's impossible. "Thousands of Strange Prescriptions" records at least sixty kinds of strange diseases, each with different symptoms. It's hard to see even one of them. How could it be such a coincidence that King Shu's symptoms are exactly the same as mine?"

"There were at least twenty imperial doctors who treated me, and they all had different opinions. Although I dare not say it explicitly, I know that they also thought I was faking illness!"

"You know best whether you are sick or not."

"That's right!"

"King Shu often feels weak and flustered?"


"At that time, I often felt stuffy in my chest for no reason. Even though the doors and windows were closed, I felt a slight chill, or the heat was unbearable, and I wanted to pour cold water on my head. Although it was a symptom of physical weakness, occasionally I felt that I had nowhere to vent my energy. I want to go out and run wildly. I am especially afraid of noise. I am not afraid of it all the time. Maybe at some point, a small sound can sound like thunder..."

"Yes, yes, it's exactly the same, but I didn't want to go out and run wild, but I thought... it's almost the same. Haha, what's even more coincidental is that Mr. Xu was sick, and a wandering Taoist priest came. Now that I'm sick, Mr. Xu is late If you don’t come, you won’t come long ago, but if you come to Yizhou at this time, isn’t it God’s will?”

Xu Chu looked surprised. He glanced at the maids and found that some of them were surprised and some were dubious, but they were all attracted.

"To be honest, I don't really believe in the theory of gods. When I became the king of the World Army, I had to make mysteries - what happened today is really puzzling to me."

"Ghosts and gods are definitely not false rumors... Someone told Mr. Xu about my illness? Is it an iron bird of prey?" Gan Zhao suddenly became alert.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "I don't have many acquaintances in Jindu City. I have only met Tie Zhi. If Tie Zhi knows the illness of King Shu very well, I really can't explain it..."

"No, no, he is not familiar with my illness. Forgive me for being rude, Mr. you still remember the original prescription?"

"The disease is strange, and the medicine is also strange, so I always keep it in my mind."

"Give me one quickly. There are all kinds of medicinal materials in the palace. I can make it quickly..."

"It's a medicine with three parts of poison. I don't dare to use it indiscriminately. I must see the face of King Shu before I dare to use the medicine."

"Master Xu is right..." Whispers came from behind the curtain, and Xu Chu realized that it turned out that the King of Shu was not the only one behind it.

The smell of medicine in the room was too strong, and Xu Chu felt suffocated after just staying for a while. Physical weakness and high energy, chills and heat, etc., are all common symptoms, and they are completely opposite. Even people who are not sick can choose themselves from them. "symptoms".

Xu Chu believed that Gan Zhao was definitely not sick and that someone had "persuaded" him to get sick.

Gan Zhao suddenly raised his voice, "I have made up my mind. There is no such coincidence in the world. Mr. Xu suddenly visited me and explained my symptoms accurately. He also received medical prescriptions from experts..."

The other person's voice also raised slightly, "Let me check in detail..."

"My illness cannot wait a day. Mr. Xu is my lucky star. Without his words, I would never have come to Yizhou. There must be a reason for his coming this time. I believe him. Open the curtain. "

Another voice reluctantly repeated the King of Shu's order: "Open the curtain."

The curtain was so thick that it took four palace maids working together to open it.

Gan Zhao was still the same Gan Zhao, but his face was swollen and his eyes were red. He was looking at Xu Chu eagerly. Beside him, someone knelt down. As soon as the curtain was opened, he immediately got down and stood aside with his shoes on, bowing his head and saying nothing.

This man must be Che Quanyi. He was of plain appearance. He stood there like an old gentleman who had been invited in by his master to ask questions. He was poor and dull. He didn't say anything even if his master didn't ask.

"Master Xu, come and check your pulse." Gan Zhao said expectantly.

Xu Chu took two steps forward and stared at Gan Zhao carefully, but did not reach out to check for pulse. He did not know how to check for pulse. He would reveal his flaws as soon as he touched his hand. "Weird diseases have their own strange ways to detect them. No need to check for pulse. Please come with me, King Shu." Breathe together.”


Xu Chu put his right hand on his chest, raised it up to indicate inhalation, and pressed it down to indicate exhalation, sometimes faster and sometimes slower, Gan's instructions were followed meticulously.

After going back and forth more than a dozen times, Xu Chu asked, "Does King Shu feel a little dizzy and slightly nauseous?"

"That's right."

"Well, what a coincidence, our symptoms are exactly the same."

"Can Mr. Xu cure it?"


Che Quanyi, who was standing aside, whispered: "King Shu, don't be fooled, I just followed my breathing, the same..."

Gan Zhao raised his hand to stop Che Quanyi from speaking, "You don't understand this kind of thing, so don't interrupt. Mr. Xu, please write the prescription quickly."

"After the strange sight, you also need strange treatment. To cure this disease, no medicinal materials are needed."

"What do you want?"



"Please King Shu come out with me and break rocks together. I guarantee it will be effective on the spot and will be cured within three days."

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