Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 57: Sadness and Joy

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"Every minister in the court has selfish motives. Princess Huanyan also disappoints me. Even you, a remnant of the Wu Kingdom and a prisoner, actually try to assassinate her." The emperor was both proud and angry, "The world belongs to me. In the world, perhaps it is because of this that I am the only one who can hold the world in my heart without reservation, and you are just talking about it. "

The emperor looked up to the sky and sighed, so sad that he almost wanted to cry.

Lou Chu secretly glanced at his bedroom, ran in to get the dagger, and then ran out to stab the emperor - it was too late, and even if he had time, he might not be the emperor's opponent. He needed an unnoticed assassination.

The eldest princess didn't leave either. She came in from the outside and comforted the emperor in a low voice. Her eyes were gentle. Occasionally she looked at the other two people, but she could instantly become cold.

The emperor nodded slightly and seemed to feel better for a while. Then he suddenly became furious for no reason. He pushed the eldest princess to sit on the ground, pointed at her and said: "I will leave the children of the clan to your care. See how you pamper them." What a situation! When it comes to employing people, no one can be trusted."

The emperor originally had to bear the responsibility of "pampering" himself, but now he finally found a new culprit.

The eldest princess sat on the ground in panic, not daring to make any more excuses, and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, you can trust me and the King of Jibei..."

"Hey, one of you is short-sighted, and the other is drunk and incompetent. Don't think that I don't know what you are doing. If you have nothing to do, you will go behind the Queen Mother and slander me. It's all because of you two that I have trouble with the Queen Mother."

The emperor turned and strode away, almost tripping as he crossed the threshold.

The eldest princess sat on the ground for a while, then slowly stood up and said to the two people who saw this scene: "The burden of the world is all on your Majesty's shoulders... When the matter is over, Your Majesty will be able to distinguish between loyalty and treachery."

The eldest princess explained her predicament, then her expression changed and she said to Huanyan: "You betrayed His Majesty for a traitor who is bound to die. You can't escape the word 'traitor' no matter what."

The eldest princess waved her hands and walked away.

The remaining two people looked at each other for a while, with mixed emotions. Lou Chu said: "This burden in the world is too heavy for anyone. Your Majesty should really share it with others."

"Before he ascended the throne, His Majesty was thinking about how to wrest power back from his ministers. How could he share the power with others if he had not solved the big problem?"

"Millions of civilians will be conquered at any time, and an army of 100,000 will come at any time. What kind of power does your Majesty need? But I understand what you mean." Lou Chu paused for a moment, "Who will win between the Qinzhou rebels and the general? It’s still unknown, and His Majesty is not at ease.”

"The general is victorious in every battle in his life, and he has defeated many powerful enemies..." Before Huanyan could finish her words, two eunuchs came in and asked her to go out. Huanyan stood up and said with a smile, "We were chatting so happily that we offended Your Majesty and the eldest princess. Not happy anymore.”

What the emperor wanted to see was separation between life and death, not two people talking across the court.

Lou Chu stood up and said goodbye to each other, cupping his hands and saying: "It is the way of a gentleman to live in ups and downs in the world." He hoped that Huanyan could please the emperor like others and would not have to suffer in vain.

Huanyan shook his head and said: "There are many roads in the world, and I would rather take the straight road than take the winding path. Young Master Seventeenth, please don't feel guilty. My straight road has nothing to do with you, it's just that we happened to be together for a while. The road you insist on walking, In my eyes, it’s far from the right path.”

The foundation of the building was handed over again, "Princess, it's straight in the middle. I'll take the straight in the crooked road and say goodbye."

"Let's just say goodbye."

There was only one person left in the courtyard. After a while, an eunuch came in to clean up the house, but turned a blind eye to him. He didn't look at anyone, and wandered alone, aimlessly.

The emperor didn't show up for a few days, and neither did the eldest princess nor Huanyan. Lou Chu found the dagger and tied it to the inside of his ankle again, intending to never leave it again.

He once wanted to pass the news on, but gave up quickly. He couldn't find a chance at all. Even if he told his third brother Lou Gang about the emperor's plan, he would not be trusted.

At noon that day, Lou Chu was about to have a meal. The eunuch asked him to take a walk without telling where he was going. After walking for a while, Lou Chu recognized that this was the direction to the Qinzheng Hall.

When Lou Chu arrived, just as the ministers were leaving, Liang Taifu and other ministers passed by him one after another. Occasionally, people who knew him looked surprised and immediately looked away, pretending not to notice.

Lou Chu immediately understood that something had happened in Qinzhou.

In the palace, the emperor was sitting on the couch and chatting quietly with Shao Junqian who was standing aside. He looked very calm, without the mania, grief and anger of the previous days, nor the joy.

The eunuch who led the way retreated, and the other two eunuchs "held" the foundation of the building to one side.

Shao Junqian couldn't help but nod, and from time to time he quickly made a few strokes on the woodblock.

After a long time, the emperor finished his words, and Shao Junqian hurriedly left with the wooden board under her arm without even looking at the foundation of the building.

The emperor was free, took the teacup from the eunuch's hand, and sipped it leisurely. He seemed to be in a daze and did not notice the appearance of the building foundation.

Guo Wu Hou Lan Xun ran in, knelt down to kowtow to the emperor from a distance, then kneeled forward, trembling.

The emperor returned the tea cup to the eunuch and said to Lan Xun, "Uncle, do you have anything to say?"

The sound of "uncle" frightened Lan Xun out of his wits. Everyone in the court knew that the more polite the emperor was to someone, the more he would hate him in his heart.

Lan Xun kowtowed repeatedly and cried: "I know that I am guilty and deserve to die, but I have no intention of deceiving Your Majesty. It is... it is really..."

From the emperor to the ministers, everyone could burst into tears at any time. Lou Chu was not surprised, but he was surprised that this trick was so effective.

The emperor was no longer so kind, and said bitterly: "If the Queen Mother had not interceded, the general would not be able to atone for his sins even if he died."

"Your Majesty will give me another chance. Your Majesty and the Queen Mother will no longer have to worry about this refusal."

Lan Xun swore to the sky and risked the lives of his whole family. After a long time, the emperor finally said: "General, don't blame me for being ruthless. Wrong is a mistake and cannot be forgiven. I have drafted an edict to exempt you from the post of General Pingxi and the title of Marquis Guowu."

Lan Xun knelt down and thanked him, and finally said: "I have nothing to ask for. I only ask that I wait for the sinners to wait for a while, bravely kill the enemy, and atone for my sins a little, so as to comfort the hearts of Your Majesty and the Queen Mother."

"You still want to lead troops?"

"I don't ask to lead troops, I am willing to serve as soldiers and charge into battle... My whole family is willing to join the army to serve the country." There was a general who set an example, and Lan Xun must follow.

The emperor pondered for a moment and said, "I hope you will go to quell the chaos again..."

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."

"I haven't finished speaking yet. You are allowed to quell the rebellion, but you are not allowed to lead troops. Set off immediately to Tongguan, wash the accounts for Cao Shen and supervise the army, and learn how real veteran generals fight."

"Yes, sir, I'll set off immediately." Although Lan Xun didn't want to be inferior to others, he didn't dare to say another word.

"If I can't defend Tongguan and bring back the prince, if I can't do either of these two things, I won't come back, lest the Queen Mother get into trouble with me."

Lan Xun's face was ashen, he repeatedly said that he had obeyed the order, and hurriedly retreated from the palace.

The emperor was in a daze for a while, then turned his face and said with a smile: "What do you think, Mr. Lou?"

"I don't know why." Lou Chu replied.

"How could such a smart person like Lou Qing not understand the situation? The general was ambushed by rebel troops on the way to Xijing, and the army was defeated. I am sending troops to support him. If Marquis Wu is eager to make atonement, maybe he can do it this time It’s better, even if you are still a straw bag, it doesn’t matter.”

"The general leads an army of 20,000, and his successors should number 80,000. It seems that they do not need support."

"Haha, those 80,000 troops are in Tongguan and have not yet entered Qinzhou, so they still need to be supported. The court cannot just watch the general die in the chaos, right?"


"The news coming back now is quite confusing. I only know that the general is in danger. Lou Qing can have hope, pray to God and Buddha, and beg for the general's safety."

The emperor's tone was brisk, with no hint of urgency. It seemed that the situation in Qinzhou was under the control of the imperial court.

Lu Ji refused to speak.

The emperor stood up, stretched, and walked down the steps of the throne. "It's time to stretch your muscles and bones. Tomorrow I will lead the expedition in person and lead my troops westward along the river to provide support for Tongguan."

Lou Chu couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty wants to ensure that Tongguan will not let anyone in from Qinzhou, right?"

"Haha, don't say it so heartlessly. If the prince wants to enter the customs, how can I refuse? By the way, you just said that the successor is 80,000, which is wrong, it is still 100,000, and this does not include the tens of thousands of forbidden troops."

"Tongguan is strong and there is no need for so many soldiers."

"Tongguan is strong, but winter is about to come and the river freezes. What if the Qinzhou rebels enter the Bingzhou border? I want to take precautions and divide my troops to go north."

This was a plan that the emperor had made long ago. Lou Chu raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty governs his ministers as if he were attacking the enemy. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the world?"

The emperor's face darkened, "My unfaithful ministers are no different from the enemy. When I wipe out Yu Nei, who will dare to laugh?"

"Even now, no one dares to laugh. The ancients had belly slander, but today's people have belly laughter."

The emperor laughed and looked around, but he only saw the eunuch standing there. He felt bored and was about to refute in person. The eunuch outside informed him that the general of the Chinese army insisted on seeing him.

Lou climbed hard and rolled into the palace. He didn't see his younger brother. He knelt down at the emperor's feet and cried: "Your Majesty, help me, Your Majesty, please help me!"

The emperor took two steps back in disgust, "You are the son of a general and you are already dozens of years old. Why are you crying? Get up and talk."

Lou Jian stood up and suddenly saw his younger brother. He was stunned for a moment and continued to cry to the emperor: "The rebellion in Qinzhou suddenly grew stronger. It must be that General Lan had lied about the military situation before. I heard that your Majesty sent him to Tongguan to supervise the army. This, this is not guilt but guilt." Do you want a reward? Your Majesty, please replace me.”

"Replace you?"

Lou Jian was stunned again, "I, I can do it, but I am filled with grief and confusion. I'm afraid..."

"As fat as a pig and as timid as a mouse. I will lead the expedition in person tomorrow. Are you satisfied?"

Lou Jian's face immediately showed joy, and then immediately changed to a sad look, "How can your majesty, with his supreme body, get involved in the military? My father knows what's ahead, and he will never..."

"What do I want to do, let your Lou family decide? Go home and tidy up, and go out with me tomorrow. If there is a gap in the city wall and it needs to be blocked, your fat body is just right."

The more the emperor went too far, the happier Lou Gang became. He shed tears after saying no. He raised his arms high and danced prancingly. "The wall is enough. It's not bad to be a human shield for His Majesty."

"Go away."

Lou bowed hard and backed away.

The emperor added, "Take care of your pig's nest."

Lou Gang smiled and said: "Take care of it, I must take care of it..."

The emperor said to Lou Chu: "The general and Mrs. Lan are both the best among men. How could they give birth to such a son?"

"Seeking benevolence will lead to benevolence. In front of His Majesty, dragons and phoenixes have no place."

"Haha, when a person is about to die, his words are also good. It is only at this time that Mr. Lou is willing to tell the truth. Very good, very good. Follow me out of the palace tonight. The generals and soldiers in the army have to have some fun before going out. Let’s have some fun, our king and ministers, so that you can die without regrets.”

This was what he meant by asking Lou to tidy up the "pig's nest". Lou Chu forced himself not to think about his ankles.

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