Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 58: Fun Together

(Thanks to the reader "Hello Ansheng" for the popular tip. Please collect and recommend)

Putting down the chaos in Qinzhou is the top priority of the Tiancheng Dynasty. The general has gathered many noble disciples under his command. When the news came that he was besieged by the rebels, it immediately caused a sensation in the whole city. Then, new news came to the court every hour. There were even more rumors in the streets, and it came to an end after nightfall.

In Luoyang City, many people stayed awake all night.

The emperor's energy was beyond ordinary people. He dealt with government affairs during the day and did not rest at night. He often refused to sleep for a while until late at night. Tonight he was even more excited. He summoned the generals of the Imperial Army and personally participated in the formation of troops. Every detail was taken care of. Don't let it go.

After the second update, the emperor finally had some free time and decided to leave the palace for fun.

"Tonight, we are all ordinary soldiers, and I am no exception." The emperor was in high spirits, and he was eager to rise. If the boots were not too heavy, he seemed to be able to fly into the sky at any time. "We will go to war tomorrow, and tonight Regardless of the emperor or his ministers, everyone will drink and have fun together, but tomorrow, everyone will fight bravely to kill the enemy. Anyone who takes half a step back will be beheaded. Anyone who shows cowardice and disturbs our army's morale will be whipped. After the battle, everyone will not be stained with blood on their armor and their hands will not kill the enemy. ,derogatory."

Dozens of attendants and almost every family had relatives following the general on his western expedition. At this time, just like the emperor, they were shouting with excitement and making all kinds of weird oaths.

Together with the guards, more than two hundred riders galloped through the streets of Luoyang. This time, there was no Taifu Liang blocking the road and kneeling to admonish them. They could treat the entire city of Luoyang as a racecourse, and the large and small courtyards were just wooden stakes that needed to be avoided. .

The emperor did not go to the general's palace immediately, but rushed to a high hill, pointed to the lights outside the city and said: "That is the army that is about to go out. Everyone, make great achievements at this moment. Except for the years when the late emperor founded the country, Tiancheng Dynasty will never be like this again." There is such an opportunity.”

There are three important ministers around the emperor. Huangfu is in Qinzhou, Lou Gang is at home preparing to welcome the emperor, and Shao Junqian never participates in night riding. No one is present at this moment. Zhang Shiyu, the prince of Jibei, urged him to step forward and said: "In the past three to five years, , Your Majesty will surely be able to re-pacify Yunei and create eternal peace. From now on, there will be fewer and fewer opportunities for your ministers to make contributions. "

After all, Zhang Shiyu was young, and the flattering words he spoke were not satisfactory. The emperor smiled and hummed, not too picky. He looked at the lights outside the city and sighed occasionally, with thousands of hills and valleys in his heart. He turned around and couldn't find anyone to talk to. .

"Building foundation." The emperor named him directly. This was not the person he liked or admired the most, but he was the only one who could speak frankly.

The foundation of the building urged the horse forward.

Zhang Shiyu stepped back and smiled and nodded as he passed by Lou Chu. He didn't know that Lou Chu had become a prisoner.

"Here are Tiancheng's elite troops. Do you think the general still has a chance to make a comeback?"

Before dark, news came that although the general was ambushed, his entire army was not wiped out and his retreat was cut off. He led some of the remaining troops to Xijing to protect themselves and wait for reinforcements from the court.

Lou Chu replied: "Your Majesty raised an army and mobilized a large number of people just to kill the heroes. Even though he won, he was still defeated."

"Well, you're right. I can't let the world say that the emperor is ungrateful, so I must first turn the heroes into traitors. Tomorrow, I will go on a personal expedition to rescue the general. After arriving at Tongguan, there will be 'loyal ministers' who will expose you to me. The true face of the Lou family's conspiracy to separatize Qinzhou will be revealed to the world. When the time comes, I will not kill the hero, but the traitor with ulterior motives. "

The emperor smiled, obviously thinking this idea was very good.

"I can still play some role before I die, so I am satisfied."

"Haha, don't be too sad. Even without you, I will find an assassin from the Lou family, such as a tough fat man."

"Third brother?"

"What, you think it's impossible for him?"

"Not just the humble ministers, but also the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty thought it was impossible."

"Hey, over the years, Hard Fatty has been favored by me and has offended many people. He is one of the so-called three sycophants, isn't he?" The emperor laughed twice, very happy, "I want to do something special tonight If the stubborn fat man tolerates the matter, it will be a sign of betrayal. If he cannot bear it tonight, he will show his betrayal. Everyone likes to kill the sycophant, but who would say that the emperor is ruthless? "

"I'm afraid that Your Majesty will never find a loyal minister like the General of the Chinese Army in the future."

The emperor's face gradually turned grim, "It may be difficult to have a great general in the future, but there will never be a shortage of a fat man."

Lou Chu pretended to be helpless, leaned over and reached out to touch the dagger.

The emperor had already turned his horse around and said, "Before arriving at Tongguan, you can talk and communicate with anyone. I won't stop you. By the way, the descendant of Emperor Liang named Ma Wei is said to have been missing for several days. This is fine, stabbing The conspiracy becomes more and more obvious, but he cannot escape and will eventually be caught. "

Before the dagger could be touched on the foundation of the building, the emperor was already galloping down the mountain.

There are several houses in the back alley of the Chinese Army General's Mansion that are quite mysterious. Cars and horses often come in and out, but few people come out. Occasionally, at night, officers and soldiers will put the house under martial law, and the entire alley is closed to traffic.

This is one of the so-called three small harems. The emperor walked straight into the gate with ease, and the first thing he did after jumping off his horse was to check out tonight's "goods."

Five women in costumes lined up in a row. No lights were lit inside or outside the courtyard. Only Lou Jian held a lantern in his hand and took turns lighting up the women's faces for the emperor to appreciate.

The emperor said nothing, and Lou Ji felt a little guilty. These were the beauties he had carefully selected and bought at a high price. He had coveted them for a long time, but he didn't even dare to touch them. Just for tonight, if he couldn't let the emperor Satisfied, but miserable.

The attendants crowded at the entrance of the courtyard, secretly praising the five girls for their natural beauty.

The emperor waved to Lou Jian and asked, "Have you never seen a woman?"

"Huh? I've seen... I've seen some."

"Just some?"

"There are too, too many women, I, I can't see them..."

"Haha, you have only seen a few women and you can pick out five stunning ones. You have good taste."

Lou Jian was relieved and almost cried, "I have been influenced by His Majesty for a long time, and my vision has improved a little. Your Majesty, please come and sit in the hall, the banquet has been arranged."

The emperor took a step, stopped and turned around: "What should we do with these attendants?"

"Um...Who does Your Majesty want to come in?"

As usual, when the emperor is in a good mood, he will select a few attendants to drink together, but he was in a good mood tonight. "Before leaving the palace, I personally said that tonight, regardless of the emperor or his ministers, we are all ordinary soldiers, drinking together." happy."

"Yes, His Majesty did say that." The attendants noticed that the Emperor was in a very good mood tonight, and more and more people crowded into the courtyard.

Lou Jian was stunned for a moment, then immediately smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, come in, I'll ask someone to set up a few more tables right away, so everyone will have a good time."

"The wine is enough, where are the women?" the emperor asked.

Lou Jian didn't understand what it meant, "Does Your Majesty think five women are not enough?"

"Five women and dozens of attendants, do you think it's enough?"

" they want it too?" Lou Jian followed the usual routine. The emperor had never said before that he wanted to share his beauty with anyone.

"Soldiers have to have some fun before going into battle. These servants have been with me for a long time. They will go on the battle tomorrow. I don't know how many of them will be able to return the favor in the future. Tonight may be their last indulgence."

Lou Gang immediately said: "I'm going to find someone right now. How many attendants are there, how many women I've found..."

The attendants, both old and young, were all a little excited when they heard these words, and no one wanted to stop or give in.

The emperor smiled and said, "Don't bother me. The yard here is too small, so we can't all be together..." The emperor raised his hand and put it on Lou's shoulder, "The princess is still in the palace, right?"

Lou Jian's wife and mother were with the Queen Mother in the palace and never came home. He nodded blankly, "Yes."

"Huangfu Jie and Shao Junqian's homes can be opened to me, can you do it?"

Lou Jian was taken aback and immediately turned pale, "Your Majesty, this...this...I still have a daughter at home..."

"These people are all noble sons of the imperial court. Wouldn't you be happy to have a few more sons-in-law?"

"I, I..." Lou Jian couldn't be happy anymore and was about to cry.

"Okay, except for my daughter, is it okay for everyone else?"

Lou is a good drinker and a womanizer. While looking for beauties for the emperor, he also looks for a large number of beauties for himself. He regards them as treasures and even his own son is not allowed to enter the back house casually.

"Your Majesty... Since... there is no problem, let me go back and make arrangements..." Lou Jian hoped to at least take away some of his favorite concubines.

"You are the best at persuading people to drink. You have to stay." The emperor still pressed Lou Gong's shoulder and loudly shouted to the attendants: "Tonight, the Central Army General's Mansion is yours. You can do whatever you want. Why don't you thank the Central Army General?"

"Thank you so much!" Among the attendants, there were cautious people who only opened their mouths and did not dare to say anything. There were also many young people and children who had always been at odds with the Lou family, who were eager to have such an opportunity.

"Don't touch the daughter of Jian Zhongjun. He doesn't want to accept a son-in-law tonight." The emperor waved his other hand, "Go ahead."

The back door of the Chinese Army General's Mansion was opposite, and the attendants could not open it. When the emperor heard the sound, he said firmly to the dumbfounded Lou: "If we go to Shao's house and Huangfu's house tonight, this kind of thing will not happen."

Lou was as stiff as waking up from a dream. He did not dare to throw away the palm on his shoulder and said to his steward who was standing in the courtyard: "Go and ask the palace to open the door and tell the people in the palace... tell them to entertain His Majesty's attendants."

The emperor smiled and said: "This is the tough fat man I know."

When the steward didn't move immediately, Lou Jiang scolded: "Go quickly, do you have to let me break your legs?"

The steward hurriedly went to ask the mansion to open the back door.

The sounds outside gradually faded away, and there were still four attendants standing at the door.

The emperor asked: "Aren't you willing to share the joys and sorrows with me?"

The two left in a hurry, leaving only Lou Chu and Zhang Shiyu. The latter was young and it depended on what his brother-in-law did, but he felt very uneasy. He quietly pulled Lou Chu's sleeves, thinking it would be good to go out and show off.

Lou Chu didn't move, and the emperor wasn't angry either. He smiled and said, "You two stay and have a drink with me. Lou Chu, what do you have to say?"

Lou Chu shook his head. For him, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He just had to wait for the emperor to get drunk...

The emperor pushed Hard downstairs and said with a smile: "You fat man, don't look like this. Are women so important to you?"

"It's not important, it's not important at all." Lou Jian was cruel and forgot about the beautiful concubine at home, and said with a smile: "Princess has long disliked these bitches, and I feel upset too. Let's have fun tonight. Who wants to If you like it, take it away and treat it as a gift from me."

The emperor laughed, "This is a tough fat man, I'm not in vain..."

A man suddenly jumped out from the shadows and rushed towards the emperor with a short blade in hand.

There is actually an assassin hiding here.

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